Nova Scotia Archives

Isaac Deschamps

Proclamation issued by Montagu Wilmot permitting the Acadians to remain in Nova Scotia if they swear an oath of allegiance and fidelity to His Majesty’s Government

7 November 1764. — 2 pages : 30 x 27 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

By His Excellency
Captain General Governor in Chief, and Vice Admiral in and over His Ma-
jesty's Province of Nova-Scotia, and its Dependencies, Colonel of the
Eightieth Regiment of Foot, &c. &c. &c. and Commanding
His Majesty's Troops in said Province,
WHEREAS the King has been pleased to signify to me by His Royal In-
sructions, that he is graciously pleased to permit the French Acadians to re-
main and become Settlers in this Province, provided they do take an Oath of Al-
legiance and fidelity to His Majesty's Government; It is therefore hereby required of all
such French Acadians as shall choose to accept the Benefits and Advantages graciously
offered to them, to take the following Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to His Majesty's
Person and Government, viz.
I Do Swear, that I will bear faithfull and true Allegiance to His most
Sacred Brittannick Majesty King GEORGE the Third, and him will defend to the ut-
most of my Power against all traiterous Conspiraces, and all Attempts whatsoever, a-
gainst his Person, Crown and Dignity. And I will do my utmost Endeavours to dis-
close or make known to his Majesty, and his Successors, all Treasons and traiterous Con-
spiraces, or any attempts whatever, which I shall know to be against him, or any of
And these Things I do plainly and sincerely promise and swear, according to the ex-
press Words by me spoken, and according to the plain and Common sense and Under-
standing of the same Words, without any Equivocation, mental Evasion, or Secret Re-
servation whatsoever : And I do make this Acknowledgement and promise heartily, will-
ingly, and truely, upon the true Faith of a Christian.
So Help me GOD.
I have thought fit to publish this Proclamation the more effectually to make
the French Acadians, the Conditions on which they may remain, and
become Settlers in this Province.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Halifax, this Seventh Day of November, 1764,
and in the Fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command M. WILMOT.
Richd. Bulkeley, Sec.
GOD save the King.

De par son Excellence
Capitaine Gerneral Gouverneur en Chef, et Vice Admiral de la Province
de la Nouvelle Ecosse, et de ses Dependances, Colonel du 80me. Re-
giment, &c. &c. &c. Commandant les troupes de sa Majesté dans la
dite Province.
DAUTANT qu'il a plû au Roi de me signisier que de sa bonne Grace et de son
bon plaisir, il veut bien permettre au François Acadiens de rester dans cette
Province, et de a'y etablir pourvu qu'ils pretent un serment de Fidelité et Do-
béssance a son Gouvernement;
Il est donc requis par ces presentes de tous les François Acadiens qui voudront accen
terdes benefices et advantages qui leur sont si gracieusement offerts, qu'ils pretent un fer-
ment de Fidelité tant a las personne de sa Majesté qu'a son Gouvernement dans les ter-
mes suivans:
Je fait serment et promet Solemnellement et fincerement devant Dieu, que je ferois
Fidelle a sa Majesté Brittanique sacrée Le Roi GEORGE troisieume, et que de tout mon
pouvoir je le defendrai contre tour ses Ennemis es contre toutes Conspirations et trabisons,
et contre toute attente qui pourrois se faire contre sa Personne, sa Couronne et sa Dignité,
et que je serai tour mes Efforts pour decouvir et informer sa Majesté et ses successeurs,
de toutes trabisons, Consparations ou attente quelconque, contre lui ou contre eux.
Et toutes ces choses je promet de tenir, sincerement et de bonne soi suivant et dans le
sens des Paroles par moi Prononceés, sans Equivoque, Restriction mentale ou reserve se-
crete quelconque. Et Je sais cette Reconnoissance et promesse de tout mon coeur sans
contrainte et en toute Verité, sur la foi d'un Christien.
Ainss Dieu me soit en aide et la sainte Evangile
François Acadiens plus Essicacement les Conditions sur les quelles ils peuvent reiter dans
cette Province et s'y Etablir.
Donné a Halifax, sous mon seing et le Cachet de mes Armes le Septieme jour de No-
vembre 1764, et dans la Cinquiéme anné du Regne de sa Majesté.
Par Commandement de
son Excellence M. WILMOT.
Richd. Bulkeley Sec.
Vive le ROI.

Reference: Isaac Deschamps Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 258 item 32 – pages 157-158

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