Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

"Copies of Mr. Anthony Costaign's letters to us"

Four-page document containing synopsis of business dealings with Anthony Castaing in Louisbourg. Louisbourg, 19 May 1754: a schooner had been sold by the Indians, so he [Castaing] had no vessel to send wine, rum, and molasses [prohibited trade] but he requested that horses, boards, moose skins, hand barrows and shovels be sent to him. 14 August 1754: difficulties regarding disposition of the vessel and its cargo. 7 September 1754: Castaing has been unable to sell the vessel, which has gone on to Boston, loaded with additional goods; nor has he been able to sell the horses and building material, since work on the fortifications has not yet begun. 7 September 1754: unable to sell the sloop at the price asked and it goes to Boston; number of vessels come from New England to be sold, only one horse sold. Invoice enclosed for goods loaded on the sloop and consigned to Mr. Ben Hallowell, Boston. King's work not yet begun is reason for no sales. (two small pieces missing.)  7 September 1754.  4 pages : 30 x 51 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/34

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

I send you the Letters which I did myself the honor
to write you by Mr. De Loutre who thought proper to
send them back to me with  pretext that he could not
find an opportunity to forward them to you. I’ll serve him the
like when I have it in my power which I beg of you to do
also when you have an opportunity
Apples will always sell here & the small black
Wheat for fowls, sheep sells for 12 livres at present
Your horses are small & very lean
I beg you’ll be persuaded that I will always act
for the best & conform to your orders. I have the honor
to be
Your most Obed[ient] humble Servant
A Castaing

Septr 7th, 1754
I have the honor to write you by the Sloop which
goes for Boston as I was not able to sell her at the price
you fixed me to & your Master, I could not get above 3500
livres, 2000 on the nail in articles which you mentioned in your
memorandum at the price of money & 1500 next spring, but
your Captn would not accept of these Conditions & passed your
orders, the number of Vessells which comes from New England
to be sold which has obliged me to send her away, I have
sold as yet but one of your horses, I am afraid I won’t be
able to get a good price for them as I have observed to
You in my Letter dated the 1st Augt to which I referr you
You will find enclosed Invoice & Bill Lading
of what I have Loaded on board your sloop on your
Acct. Consigned to Mr. Benj. Hollowell Merchant in Boston
I could not send you what you demanded, by reason of
Your Cargos resting in my hands to a triffle which I
have disposed of, the Kings works are not yet begun
Sweet meats are at 60 livres, Brandy 75 to 80 sugar to
27 to 28 thus I have chose rather to wait & send you
the things you wrote for when our vessells arrive from

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