Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 129

plenty and Good Estates Should be Once Engaged, The Others would be Either the More Easily wrought upon or forced to be gone

     Then the Honourable L.t Governor of the Province Asked the Board whether the fflagg Bastion woud not be the properest place to Meet them, which being Agreed to the Board Adjourned till ye Said Inhabitants with the Deputees Came
By his Honour's Command
by & with the Advice of ye


     Sunday the of September 1726. P: M:

     His Honour the Lieu.t Governor of the Province with the Honourable L.t Governor of his Majestys Town & Garrison of Annapolis Royall with the Other Members of the Council Mett at the ffiagg Bastion According to Adjournment where the Deputees with a Number of the Inhabitants being also present

     The Honourable L.t Governor of the Province told them that he was Glade to See them & that he hoped they had so farr Considered their own & Childrens future Advantages, that they were Come with a full Resolution to take the oath of fidelity like Good Subjects Endued with Sincere honest principals of Submission & Loyalty to so Good & Gracious a King, who upon their so Doing and Due and faithfull Observation of their Sacred Oaths, had promissed them not only the free Exercise of their Religion, but even ye Enjoyment of their Estates & the Rights & Other Immunitys of his own free born Subjects of Great Britain & that for his part, while he had the Honour to Command his Endeavour Should Allways be to Mentain unto them what His Majesty had so Graciously Vouchsafed to Grant
the Speech to the Deputys.

     Whereupon at the Request of Some of the Inhabitants a french Translation of the Oath Requir'd to be taken was Read unto them


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