Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 151

     At a Council held at the Livt Govtys Fort of Annapolis Royal on Fryday the 28th of July 1727 A. M.

The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor
John Adams Esq
Wm Skene Esq
Chris Aldridge Esq
Joseph Bennitt Esq
John Blower Esq

     His Honour Represented to the Board that Mr Shirreff absolutely Refused to Act any longer as Secretary & therefore desired their advice & opinion to Nominate a proper Person to Execute that Office. Advised on & agreed nemine Contradicente that LivtHamilton Should be desired & appointed to Act in his Stead & that His Honour will be pleased to Impower & authorise him for that purpose as he Shall Think Meet Whereupon the Said LivtHamilton was Sent for & having accepted of the Same, His Honour administerd to him the usual Oaths
Upon Mr
Refusall to act
as Secretary
Mr Hamilton
Accepts of
that office & t
akes the oath


     William Shirreff Esq. being afterwards called in the aforesd Vote was read to him which he approvd of but at the Same time demanded his place at the Board pursuant to a protest he formerly Entred, or leave to Withdraw till His Majestys pleasure therein Should be known to wch last Request rather than His Majtys Service Should be Obstructed His Honour the LivtGovernor consented by & with the advice of the Board [204]

mr Shiffeff
approves of
Mr Hamiltons
being admit-
ted secretary

     A Memorial of Mr Winniets to the Honb1e LivtGovernor desiring his leave to go up the Bay Read and advised on
Mr Winets
memorial for
going up the

     Orderd that the Secretary Shall deliver to Mr Winniet a Copy of the Resolutions of the board in Relation to the Trade with the Inhabitants of Mines the places adjacent & Checanectou &

     That His Honour will be pleasd to cause an order on that Subject to be prepared to be posted upon the Fort Gate and a translation thereof into French upon the door of the French Church forbidding all persons to Trade or traffick with the Inhabitants of the places aforesd pursuant to a Reolution of the Board on Tuesday last


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