Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 157

     Mett according to Adjournmtt on Fryday the 8th of Sept.r 1727

     Present the Same Members as yesterday


     His Honr presented the Proclamation to the Board [212] Which was Read Unanimously approved of & Sign'd by himself & them & then the Officers of the Troops were called in Who after the Governor's & Councils Example very cheerfully & Readily Subscribed the Same & then the Council was Adjourn'd till next day in Order to proceed to the Proclaiming of his Most Sacred Majesty King GEORGE the 2.d

His Majesty proclaimed

     At a Council held at the Liv.t Governor's house in his Majestys Fort of Annapolis Royal on Saturday ye of Sept.r 1727


     His Honr and Same Members as yesterday


     The LivtGovernor Represented to the Board that as His Most Sacred Majesty King George the 2d was proclaim'd the day before he he Thought in the next place it was their duty to take and administer the Oaths as by Law appointed which being Readily agreed to, His Honr first took the Oaths him self & Made the Declaration, then administerd them to all the Members [213] of the Board present & having likewise Made the declaration He, & they Subscribed the Same

the officers & members of the Council take the oath

     Then the of the Honble Col.o Philipps's Regiment as also the Other Officers of the Garrrison were admitted Who having taken all the Abovesd Oaths & made the Declaration Subscribed the Same

     Af'terwards the Commissary of the Musters was Commanded by the Livt Governor to administer the Oaths to all The Troops Which was accordingly Execuuted


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