Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  222  Nova Scotia Archives.

Should Send an order to the Deputys to be published, that None of the Inhabitants May Disturb the Said Gautrau in the Queit possession of that which Really Appear to be his; And also his Complaint Against Andrew and John Le Blancs; The Sentence pass'd thereon the 7 th february last was Read, and as it was found agreeable to the Said Gautraus Demand, who pleaded the Contract pass'd Between the Le Blancs, the Gautraus & the Depuis, it was order'd to be Read and Explain'd Unto him for his further Satisfaction


     Then the Board adjourn'd till 11 o Clock the Next Day [270]
Rene Le Blancs Case again laid before Board

     The Same Members Mett according to adjournment The Secretary laid before the Board a Petition of Rene Le Blancs, with the Account of his Damages &c. praying that his Honour and the Board would Examine the Same, And as the Deputys of Menis had Refused to Comply with his Orders to adjust the Same, that his adverse partys Should be obliged to make him Satsifaction before their Departure from hence
Beaujaud orderd to be Examined

     Then His Honour order'd Amand Beaujaud one of the Prisoners to be Examin'd upon his Rescuing Turnoe out of the hands of Capt Cate, and his inciting the Indians who took him by fforce, as appears by the Affidavit of Said Cate, Before his Excellency Gov.r Philipps, which was Interpreted and Read to the Prisoner, and he order'd to make his answer thereto in writing
Rene Le Blancs accompt of Damages orderd to be answerd by Melanson &c.

     Then the aforesaid Petition and accompt of Rene Le Blancs was taken into Consideration, and the partys being present, the Same was Read, and Philip Melanson and Beaujaud order'd to make their objections, if they had any, Melanson objected only Against the first Article, alledging it was too high

     Order'd that Said Accompt Shouuld be Given to Said Melanson and Beaujaud to answer, and to adjust the Difference, and to appear Before the Board to Morrow at 10 o Clock, in order to finish the Same


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