Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 229


     And being Come, and the Same Read, The Major Represented the Many hardships, that he and his partners lay under, having Been put to Such Insupportable Expences in Carrying on that Coalliary, in order to Settle that part of the province, and to show the Sincerity of his and their Designs in prosecuting and Effecting the Same [279] Same Proposed

     That if His Honour would Commence their paying the 18d which he and his partners had offer'd to pay for the Coall, and Continue it in the Same Manner as His Majesty Requires the payment of the Quitt Rents, he would adventure to accept of it upon those terms; and Desiring that his Said proposall might be taken into Consideration His Honour Refer'd the Same to the opinion of the Board

     Agreed that the Same be Considerd upon to-Morrow Morning at 10 of the Clock A. M. & then adjourned

     Teusday the 20 th June 1732, Being mett According to Yesterdays Adjournment, and the Same Members all present

     His Honour (Major Cope Being Ordered to withdraw) Reassum'd the affair of the Coalliary and Recommending the Majors last proposition to the Consideration of the Board, he Desir'd they might duely consider upon it, and Give him their advice, Whether it would be for his Majestys Interest to accept thereof, and to Give the Company a Patent for the Same


     The Board having Consider'd, that none of his Majestys protestant Subjects had as yet offer'd to Settle themselves in this part of his Province, nor to undertake the Carrying on of Said Coalliary, Except the Major and his Copartners; And that therefore, as it is Agreeable to his Majestys pleasure that this province Should be Settled, Unanimously Agreed, that as the Rejecting of the Majors proposalls might prove prejudicial, and Retard that Design, So the acceptation thereof might promote and forward it, and Render it more Beneficial to his Majesty by Encouraging of other British [280]


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