Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 29


according to law, can be as yet held here for said Province but by his Majes:ty Governor and Council and the dayly Cry here is for Justice by many of the Inhabitants and residents of this Province, by Memorialls, Petition and Complaints to his Excellency the Governor; who at this time being loaded with more than common weight of Goverment, has not time and leisure to oonsider fully of the same without the assistance of Council, and being directed by his Instructions to make the lawes of Virginia the rule and pattern for this Goverment (where they are applicable to the present circumstances. untill such time as the Goverment shall be settled upon a sure foundation according to the Lawes of Great Brittain; &c: — Which — [44]

minutes relating to a Court of Judicature

     Which matters haueing been fully advised debated and considered on. Agreed and Order'd. That for the reasons afores.d His Excellency the Governors and Members of his Majestys Council for this Province hold and keep a Court of Judicature for said Province annully at the respective times and place here mentioned viz:t at Annapolis royal upon the first Tuesday in May August, November and Febuary yearly and in every yeare from time to time. Which Court to haue the same Style and Cognizance of all matters and . pleas brought before them and power to giue Judgment and award — Execution thereupon, by the same manner of proceedings as the General Court so called of Governor and Council has in Virginia, and practices at this time.

Voted that his Excellency be desired to put out a procla mation relateing to the time, and place where the afores.d Court be held and the manner of the Court, and that as soon as may be.


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