Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 337

     And Bernard Goddet Affirming with such Evidence that the Damage happened through the Default of John Prince, Peter Depuis and Baptist Richard who had not performed their part of the said ffence in Common As Bastarach and the Rest of the Coheirs had done According to agreemt And that it was purely through their Omission that Bastarach's Cattle Committed Said Trespass, And in this his Affirmation being Supported by the Declaration of the aforesaid Bretron before the Commity


     The Board After having Seriously Considered the Same And the Aforesaid Examination and the Whole being [431] Being fully Debated, Resolved and Agreed in Opinion That John Prince, Peter Depuis & Baptist Richard, Who by their Own Confession had not performed their part of the Agreement, Should therefore pay to James Gouzile One hogshead of wheat as formerly Awarded by the Said Bernard Goddet (it being affirmed by both the Deputys that it was as much as the Cattle had Destroyed, The Rest of the Damage being owing to the Overflowing of the Tyds) As also Ten Shillings to the Said Bernard Goddet According to his aforesaid Sentence; And moreover y.t They the Said John Prince, Peter Depuis & Baptist Richard Should also pay their proportion, with the Other Heirs and Owners of said Lands and ffences, of all Cost of Suit

     Then Was Read the aforesaid Order in Relation to the Dykes &ca of which the Board Approved
L : Armstrong


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