Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  68  Nova Scotia Archives.

Brusar gave for his Disobedience, and why they did not bring him allong with them & being Accordingly Called they were Ask'd

     Wha.t the Inhabitants could Expect if they Should thus Insolently Dare with So much Contempt & Disrepect Disobey the Governors Orders


     To which the Deputees made Answer (Lewis Tibeau's Affidavit being read to them) That they were Extreemly Sorry for Such Misdemeanours of Some amongst them But were apt to beleive all Tibeaus affidavit was not true; And said his not Appearing here to Day proceeded not from fear .of any thing that might happen him on Account of Tibeau's Allega.tions; but Chiefly from his being one of those who Were at Mines allong with father Charlemagne: And Acknowledged that for his Contumacy he Deserved to be Severely punished; But that as they themselves were Lovers of Peace, they would allways to the Utmost of their Power, Strive to Mentain and Establish it Amongst the Inhabitans; and Therefore [93] Therefore beg'd the Governor to pass it by if possible, and pardon the Offenders, for this time; It being the first of this Nature ever happen'd in this River, and the first Request they had ever Desired of the Government for pardoning any Amongst them, Since they have had the Honour of being their Deputees; And therefore hop'd the Governour & Council would Accept of their most humble Submission and Dutifull Obedience in all Respects to the Government for the future as an Attonement for this their Insolent Offence

     To which the Governour made Answer That his being with the Priest & Concealing that Affair of the Indians, was Such an Aggravation of his Crime, that for the Good of his Majestys Service and his own Honour he Could not but Insist upon having Said Brusar and those other persons who were at Mines, and that for their absconding, their Audacious Impudence in Disobeying his Orders, and Other Rebellious practices against this His Majestys Government;


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