Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 71

     That he was affraid the Priest father Charlemagne would Discover him to the Indians and that his Mother and family would be thereby Destroyed; And he made Oath to everything Mentioned in their Petition, Except these words (car il nous dit de prendre Garde a nous &.ca )

     And the Said Joseph Brusar being further Examined upon his Abusing Lewis 'l'ibeau & Contempt of Orders, was put Prisoner upon Guard

     Then the Deputees Acquainting the Governour That Alexander Girouar was Such a poor Ignorant fellow, that his Indirect Answers proceeded Certainly from thence, not knowing through his fear & apprehension of Punishment, what he Said and Not from any Designe of Concealling the Truth; Otherways he Never would with the Rest, have presumed to Signe and present Such a Petition for Pardon, or ever Expect the Least favour from the Government: And therefore they beged he might be again admitted to a farther Examination

     Whereupon being Called. & Reprimanded for his former prevarications, Said he Did not Understand what was Said to him & that he would not Denie the Truth And being asked whether everything in the Petition was Truth and Mater of ffact; he Declared that it was & thereupon took his Oath

     Then the Deputees as on Munday Last Interceding for their Pardon, and the Governour telling them how Little they Deserved it, They were Ordred to withdraw and he thereupon Desired the Oppinion of the Board


     Then Considering the present Unsettled State of [97] Of Affairs and that+ by pursuing Matters to Y.e Extremity might Occasion the Inhabitants to Rebell and Joyn perhaps with the Indians as formerly, And as we have not force enough to keep them under Due Subjection and as we had punished them in Some Measure by having Banished the Priest; It was Judged proper to Answer the Deputees, That the Governor and Council, purely in Consideration to them


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