Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  74  Nova Scotia Archives.

his Utmost Peril Entring this Province without the Consent and Approbation of the Government as was Agreed upon (as per Minute) the 5th of ffebruary 1723/4

     Ordered that Major Paul Mascarene Draw up and prepare Said Order

     And the Board being Satisfied with Pere Isidore's Conduct, for his farther Encouragem.t Agreed that he Should take the Cure of Mines into his possession till farther Orders, And that the Governour give him an Order for his so Doing
Lewis Allans petition.

     Then the Governour laid Before the Board a Petition from Lewis Allan begging Leave to Returne to his family which being Read

     Agreed that his Request be granted upon M.r Gotie his Son in Law's Security
Then [100]


     Then Pere Isidore being again Called & acquainted that the Governor with the Advice of the Council, had given him for his further Encouragement, the Cure of Mines till further Orders, he Returned thanks, & then the Council Adjourned

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governour John Doucett's house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Saturday the 5th of September 1724

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
Major Paul Mascarene
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Mr. Robert Cuthberts Complaint advised

     The Honourable L.t .Governor Acquainted the Board That the Reverend M.r Rob.t Cuthbert had given him a Complaint against one William Napps Marriner Upon a Deposition mooe by Alexander Doug1ass the 23.d of June Last (as upon file) And M.r Cuthbert (the said Will.m Napps being now here) Insisting upon, his being Examined before the Board, he was Accordingly Sent for, and being asked as to the particulars of Said Deposition, he gave to the Board his Answer in Writting (as upon file) and brought One Robert Cochron


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