Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Invoice of supplies sent to Antigonish for relief of the Mi'kmaq
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Invoice of sundry supplys shipped by order of the Committee of His Majesty's Council, and House of Assembly to Antigonish, for the relief of such Indian Familys as may be in distress for want of the necessaries of life during the ensuing winter and spring, to be distributed by Edward Irish and T.W. Hurlihy Esquires, to whom they are consigned - by Grahams Shallop:

No. 1 10 Barrels of Indian Meal ...w 20/6 .............13.5
3 3 Bags Containing 3ch Ship Bread ...w 35/.. 5 5
Bags ............... - 9 -
4 2 kegs Containing - 50 [D?] Gunpowder w 3/....... 7 10 -
5 8 Bags Containing. 2 ch No.1 Shott w 40/.......4 - -
No. 2 3 Bundle Containing - 9 Bushel salt w 4/ 1 16 -
Barrels 3/6 each ..... - 10 6
5 A Bale Containing
10 pair 2 1/2 point Blankets ....@ 14/7 1/2 .... 7. 6. 3
1 [ss?] - 15 striped single Blankets @ 7/ 5. 5. -
No. 1 A Bale Containing
40 Single Blankets .......@ 7/.................14 - -
wrapper for ditto.................... -. 3. 9
3 Bundl. Containing
30 half wore Blankets received by order of Sir John Wentworth .................
paid Truckage to Shallop ................................... - 6 -
[No.6?] Freight to Antigonish ............................ 3. 3. 0
L. 62. 19. 6
Halifax 10th December 1800
Mich Wallace

Date: 1800

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 44

Nova Scotia Archives —

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