Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Account by Oliver Flemming of supplies given to the Mi'kmaq in Antigonish County in 1800, 1801.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Oliver Flemmings acct of Supplies to the Indians at Torbay _ during the last winter, they being in a starving condition & driven by the small pox to Torbay from Manchester [viz?]
Dec'r 1800
& Jany 1801
One Barrell Hallibut 1.5.0
One do. pickled Codfish 1.5.0
2 quintals Codfish @ 20/. 2.0.0
5 Bushells potatoes @ 4/. 1.0.0
1/2 [illegible] Flour .15.0

Halifax 2nd Jun 1801
Personally appeared Oliver Flemming & made both that the above is a just & true acct [illegible] that the several articles above mentioned were actually furnished & supplied by him, being compelled there to by threats, which if put in Execution he had it not in his power to oppose without danger to his Life, & that of his family
Before me
J.W. Schwartz J.P.

Heads of Indian Families (viz?)
Francis Paul
Jean Baptiste Bouta
Paul Bouta
Louis Parpish
making together with their Wives & Children 23 persons

Witness to attestation & verify of the fact
Richd Cunningham } Oliver Fleming

Mentions heads of Mi'kmaq families and total population including wives and children.

Date: 1800

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 87

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