2 reels of microfilm: 12283, 15034.
Births: 1725-1873
Marriages: 1725-1873
Deaths: 1725-1873
Minutes of Meetings: 1799-1820 Church Records: No Animal Marks: Yes
Reference: MG 4 vol. 25, RG 34 Series ''P'' Vols 1-5
Index Available: Hector McLean, Records of the Township of Douglas in the County of Hants and Province of Nova Scotia. (F5249 D733 M163) and Douglas E. Eagles, Records of the Township of Douglas, County of Hants and Province of Nova Scotia, Founded in the year 1783, 1968 (CS 88 D73)
Additional Notes: MG 4 vol. 25 is a typed copy of the Douglas Township Book. Births, marriages and deaths are mostly complete. This volume includes an index of family records, town officers and meetings, and ear marks. A number of the births listed took place in New England. The compiler's annotations are included in brackets.
RG 34 Series "P" vols. 1-5 contain the County and Town Officers of Douglas Township; lists of names, with occupation, which appear in Court of General Sessions Records for Hants County, 1787-1879; overseers of the poor, fence viewers, and thistle inspectors.
Microfilm 12283 is the original, handwritten, Douglas Township Book.
Microfilm 15034 contains MG 4 vol. 25, the typed copy of the Douglas Township Book which includes minutes of meetings, 1784-1818; livestock ear marks of cattle, sheep, and swine, 1805-1880, and township officers, 1815, 1825, 1826, followed by remaining ear marks.
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/townships/archives/?ID=7
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.