News Release Archive

  Fisheries Minister Jim Barkhouse today cautioned fixed gear
  fishers in the Scotia Fundy Region not to move too quickly
  towards individual transferable quotas.
  Mr. Barkhouse said he has grave concerns that the present
  state of groundfish stocks and current management practices
  are bringing  pressure upon longliners and gillnetters to
  adopt ITQs.
  Mr. Barkhouse said that some fixed gear fishers and a number
  of processors are advocating a division of current quotas
  based solely on historical catches over a selected number of
  "I have been watching the process unfold and now believe it
  is necessary to speak out before it is too late. We need to
  discuss the consequences of ITQs before decisions are made
  which may be impossible to reverse. Small handliners and
  many others with limited catch histories could be completely
  lost in the process,"  Mr. Barkhouse said.
  "We have a unique multi-species fishery in Nova Scotia which
  has allowed many to survive through some hard times.
  Socio-economic factors such as the role of independent
  fishers, community sustainability, concentration of resource
  ownership, and the incremental costs of enforcement need to
  be considered," he said.
  The minister compared the move toward ITQs in Canada and
  elsewhere as "a freight train which is picking up speed and
  must at least be slowed down as it passes through this
  province. It is not my intention to stand on the tracks, but
  I do appeal to all fixed gear sectors to apply the brakes
  until we know where we want to go."
  Mr. Barkhouse called for a meeting of all interests in the
  form of a workshop similar to one that was held last year
  when there was even less cod and haddock to divide. He said
  the fisheries department is prepared to provide a mediator
  in similar fashion to the request last year from the fixed
  gear committee regarding sharing arrangements.
  Contact: Diane Kenny  902-424-0308
  trp                        Jan. 19, 1996 - 3:50 p.m.