News Release Archive


Provincial food inspection services will be consolidated into one
service delivery unit within the Nova Scotia Department of
Agriculture and Marketing, Minister Guy Brown announced today.

About 30 professional staff dedicated to the safety, protection
and quality of the food supply will be brought together.

"The consumer, industry and government will benefit by providing
for a more comprehensive and co-ordinated food inspection service
and a reduced regulatory burden to industry," said Mr. Brown.

There will be a reduction in the number of permits required to
operate, he said. The agrifood industry and the retail sector
will have to deal with one provincial inspector instead of two or
three from different departments.

Bringing the services together is similar to the recently
announced Canadian Food Inspection initiative at the federal

The Department of Agriculture and Marketing will be responsible
for inspecting all facilities where food is produced, prepared or
sold --about 6,300 in Nova Scotia. These types of facilities
include meat processors, dairies, bakeries, grocery stores and

In addition to the inspection responsibilities, administration of
food-handler education and investigation of food-related consumer
complaints will be part of the department's mandate. 

All current inspection agreements concerning primary and
processed fish will remain in effect, said Fisheries Minister Jim
Barkhouse. However, at the retail level, the inspection process
will be significantly improved.

All future provincial food inspection will be conducted on a
risk-based analysis of inspection requirements. This allows for
redirection of inspection resources to the facilities with the
greatest need for the service.

The Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing welcomes
the opportunity to provide leadership in the area of food
protection. The consolidation of provincial food inspection
services, to be completed by July 1, is consistent with the
principles of Government by Design.

-30 -
     Contact:  Mike Horwich
          Agriculture and Marketing

jlw                      June 5, 1997 - 2:30 p.m.