News Release Archive

A majority of fishers in two regions favoured the concept of
organizational representation, but not enough voted to implement
mandatory dues, Jim Barkhouse, fisheries and aquaculture
minister, said today in announcing the vote results.

Under the Fisheries Organizational Support Act, 60 per cent of
eligible core fishers were required to cast ballots in voting
that took place over the past few weeks.

In Region 1, which covers the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence from
the New Brunswick border to the Inverness-Victoria county line,
47 per cent of full-time/bona fide fishers took part in the vote.
The result was 186 in favour, 114 against and one spoiled ballot.

In Region 2, Atlantic Cape Breton, from the Inverness-Victoria
county line to the Canso Causeway, the participation rate was 50
per cent. The result was 216 in favour, 115 against and four
spoiled ballots.

The ballots were counted July 7 under the auspices of the
provincial Ombudsman's Office.

"Through the Organizational Support Act, the province provided a
fair, democratic process for core fishers to decide for or
against representation and the payment of mandatory dues," said
Mr. Barkhouse.

Voting in the other four regions will be completed by the end of
the year. Under the act, regions must wait for at least two years
before conducting another vote on the question of representation.


Contact: Diane Kenny
         Fisheries and Aquaculture

mxm                       July 9, 1997       10:30 a.m.