- Nova Scotia Canada - Government of Nova Scotia

Guaranteed Income Suppliment

If you are getting the Old Age Security pension, you might be eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Your spouse or common-law partner might be eligible for the Allowance or, should you die, the Allowance for the Survivor. You must pass an income test to be eligible for these programs and meet certain residence requirements.

The Guaranteed Income Supplement is payable to Old Age Security recipients who have little or no other income beyond their Old Age Security pension. Factors that affect the amount of Guaranteed Income Supplement you might receive are pension income (excluding Old Age Security), marital status, whether or not your spouse or common-law partner is receiving Old Age Security, and, for non-sponsored immigrants, how long you have lived in Canada.

If you are between the ages of 60 and 64 and your spouse is receiving Old Age Security, and Guaranteed Income Supplement, you might be eligible for the Allowance. If you are 60 to 64 and your spouse or common-law partner has died, and if you have not remarried or entered into another common-law relationship since the date of death, you may be eligible for the Allowance for the Survivor. The amount of Allowance / Allowance for the Survivor you will receive is reduced by a formula involving the amount of monthly income you already receive.

The Allowance will end when any of the following events occur:

  •  you turn 65 and begin to receive Old Age Security
  •  your spouse no longer qualifies for Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • you separate from or divorce your spouse or common-law partner

The Allowance for the Survivor will end when:

  • you turn 65 and begin to receive Old Age Security
  • you remarry or commence a common-law partnership that lasts for at least a year
  • your income is too high

You must complete an application to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Allowance, and the Allowance for the Survivor. Once you have begun to receive these benefits, you must complete your income tax return each year in order to continue receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Allowance, or the Allowance for the Survivor.

All benefits are indexed to the Consumer Price Index.

For more information, please call Service Canada at:

  •  Canada and the United States Toll-free: 1-800-277-9914

Information is also available on their website at:

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Mailing Address:
Finance and Treasury Board
Pension Regulation Division
PO Box 2531
Halifax, NS  B3J 3N5

Phone: 902-424-8915
Fax: 902-424-5327

Finance and Treasury Board
Pension Regulation Division
1723 Hollis St, 4th Floor
Halifax, NS  B3J 1V9

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