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September 06, 2024LABOUR FORCE SURVEY, AUGUST 2024 ![](
MONTH OVER MONTH (August 2024 vs July 2024, seasonally adjusted)
In Nova Scotia,
- Labour force increased 3,900 (+0.7%) to 550,000
- Employment increased 5,000 (+1.0%) to 513,100
- Unemployment decreased 1,100 (-2.9%) to 36,900
- Unemployment Rate decreased 0.3 percentage points to 6.7%
In Canada,
- Labour force increased 82,500 (+0.4%) to 21,994,600
- Employment increased 22,100 (+0.1%) to 20,535,700
- Unemployment increased 60,400 (+4.3%) to 1,458,900
- Unemployment Rate increased 0.2 percentage points to 6.6%
In Halifax, (3-month moving average)
- Labour force decreased 600 (-0.2%) to 295,200
- Employment decreased 400 (-0.1%) to 278,300
- Unemployment decreased 300 (-1.8%) to 16,800
- Unemployment Rate decreased 0.1 percentage points to 5.7%
YEAR OVER YEAR (August 2024 vs August 2023)
In Nova Scotia,
- Labour force increased 20,300 (+3.8%)
- Employment increased 20,500 (+4.2%)
- Unemployment decreased 200 (-0.5%)
- Unemployment Rate decreased 0.3 percentage points
In Canada,
- Labour force increased 535,200 (+2.6%) to an annual average of 21,325,800
- Employment increased 477,900 (+2.4%) to an annual average of 20,170,900
- Unemployment increased 57,100 (+5.2%) to an annual average of 1,154,800
- Unemployment Rate increased 0.1 percentage points to an annual average of 5.4%
In Halifax, (3-month moving average)
- Labour force increased 15,500 (+5.5%)
- Employment increased 17,900 (+6.9%)
- Unemployment decreased 2,400 (-12.5%)
- Unemployment Rate decreased 1.2 percentage points
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0287-01 Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months; Table 14-10-0380-01 Labour force characteristics, three-month moving average, seasonally adjusted
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