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December 01, 2022

Month over month (October 2022 vs September 2022, seasonally adjusted annual rate)

US construction spending decreased 0.3% to $1,794.9 billion. This follows a revised increased 0.1% reported in September 2022, when construction spending totaled $1,800.1 billion. Total residential construction decreased 0.3% to $896.5 billion. Total non-residential construction spending decreased 0.3% to $898.4 billion.


Private sector construction decreased 0.50% to $1,420.4 billion. Private residential construction decreased 0.3% to $887.2 billion, while private non-residential construction spending decreased 0.8% to $533.2 billion.

Public sector construction increased 0.6% to $374.6 billion. Public residential construction decreased 0.9% to $9.3 billion, while public non-residential construction spending increased 0.6% to $365.3 billion.

Year-to-date (Jan-Oct 2022 vs Jan-Oct 2021)

US construction spending was up 10.3%

  • Total residential construction was up 16.1%
  • Total non-residential construction was up 4.7%
  • Private sector construction was up 12.6%
  • Public sector construction was up 2.2%

Source: US Census Bureau, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis