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December 22, 2022

Statistics Canada released today monthly job vacancy results for October 2022. The data are not adjusted for seasonal patterns.

Nova Scotia had 22,010 job vacancies in October 2022 with a vacancy rate of 5.0%. 

Canadian employers were actively recruiting for 902,570 positions in October with a vacancy rate of 5.0%. 

The highest vacancy rates were reported in British Columbia and Quebec while the lowest vacancy rate was reported in Newfoundland and Labrador. Compared with October 2021, vacancy rates were up in Nova Scotia and the three prairie provinces. Vacancy rates were down for all other provinces.  

Although there are seasonal variations, Nova Scotia's job vacancy rates have been trending up since the start of 2021. 

The number of job vacancies in Nova Scotia reached 22,010 in October 2022. In October 2021, there were 21,070 vacancies. 

Comparing October 2022 against October 2021, the number of job vacancies in Nova Scotia was up 4.5%. National job vacancies declined 6.4% over the same period with increases in 5 provinces. Saskatchewan and Alberta reported the largest increase in job vacancies while Prince Edward Island reported the greatest decline. 

Nationally, the accommodation and food services sector had the highest job vacancy rate (8.5%) and the second highest number of job vacancies at 123,620. This industry has had the highest vacancy rate among all industries for over a year.

After accommodation and food services, the next highest job vacancy rates in Canada were reported in transportation, personal repair services and health care and social assistance. The lowest vacancy rates were in education, utilities, and public administration.

Health care and social assistance had the highest number of vacancies at 148,430 in October. Both the number of vacancies and the job vacancy rate (6.2%) decreased compared to previous month.

Notes: The job vacancy rate is the percentage of job positions (both filled and vacant) that are vacant. A higher job vacancy rate indicates a tighter labour market where it is more difficult for employers to find suitable candidates for the positions offered. A lower job vacancy rate signals labour market slack and potentially more job seekers competing for each vacant position.

Information on monthly job vacancies will continue in future Statistics Canada releases, and a more detailed analysis will be released with quarterly estimates from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Table 14-10-0371-01  Job vacancies, payroll employees, and job vacancy rate by provinces and territories, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality; Table 14-10-0372-01  Job vacancies, payroll employees, and job vacancy rate by industry sector, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality