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August 22, 2023

Month over month (June 2023 vs May 2023, seasonally adjusted)

The European Central Bank reported today that the Euro Area (EA20)

  • Net current account surplus widened by €28.0 billion to €35.8 billion.
  • Net goods trade surplus widened by €17.4 billion to €39.3 billion.
  • Net services trade surplus widened by €2.1 billion to €7.7 billion.
  • Net primary income balance turned from a deficit of €7.7 billion to a surplus of €3.6 billion.
  • Net secondary income deficit widened by €2.8 billion to €14.8 billion.

Exports of goods increased by 2.5% to €256.0 billion and imports of goods declined by 4.9% to €216.7 billion in June 2023 compared with the previous month. With exports increasing and imports declining, the goods trade surplus widened to €39.3 billion.

Exports of services declined 1.0% to €108.6 billion and imports of services decreased 3.1% to €100.9 billion in June 2023 compared to the previous month. The services trade balance widened to €7.7 billion.

Primary income receipts increased by 3.4% to €89.3 billion and payments declined by 8.9% to €85.7 billion from May to June 2023. The primary income balance turned from a deficit of €7.7 billion in May to a surplus of €3.6 billion in June.  

Since May 2023, secondary income receipts declined by 0.6% to €14.7 billion and secondary income payments increased by 10.1% to €29.5 billion in June. The secondary income deficit widened to €14.8 billion in June 2023.




European Central Bank.  Press Releases Selected Current Account Data