Employment and retraining support for forestry workers
Government offers programs and services to support unemployed Nova Scotians. You can access services like career coaching, job search assistance, and training. You may also be eligible for funding to help you get another job or get more training.
Apprenticeship Retraining for Workers Across Forestry Sector
Workers from across the forestry sector can more easily connect to opportunities in the skilled trades through a new Forestry Sector Apprenticeship Initiative. This program will provide free one-on-one career counselling and a skills training plan customized to their individual needs. Those who are ready to be certified in a skilled trade can have the fees waived.
Workers who are interested can contact the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency by calling 1-800-494-5651 or visiting the website at https://nsapprenticeship.ca/.
Nova Scotia Works employment services
Nova Scotia Works Employment Services Centres can help you find another job or get retrained for another career. Services include:
- career coaching, information, workshops and counselling
- job search assistance
- access to short-term training (certifications)
- access to financial support for training, if you're eligible
There are Nova Scotia Works centres across the province, including in New Glasgow, Antigonish and Truro. View the list of Nova Scotia Works locations.
Funding for work or education
Government offers funding to help unemployed Nova Scotians find jobs or get retrained. These programs include:
- Skills Development Program – helps you take occupational training and adult learning programs to develop marketable skills
- Fast Forward Program – you can receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits until your claim ends while you’re enrolled in a training program
- Job Creation Partnership Program – a work experience program that hires unemployed people to work on community-based projects with local organizations
- START Program – a hiring incentive you can use to promote yourself to prospective employers
- Self-Employment Benefit Program – offers financial support and business counselling to develop and implement your business idea
- Apprenticeship Program – registered apprentices can receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and allowances while they’re training
- SkillsonlineNS – offers thousands of free online training courses to all Nova Scotians
- Adult learning programs – offer free programs for adults who want to improve essential skills and/or work towards a high school equivalency or diploma
Employment Insurance
Employment Insurance (EI) is administered by the federal government. Visit Service Canada’s website for information on how to apply.
Questions about your layoff
If you have questions or concerns about being laid off, including outstanding wages, vacation pay or your notice of termination, contact 1-888-315-0110 (toll free).