Certificate Requests

Please refer to this page to request a Congratulatory Certificate or Military/DND Civilian Certificate.

Request a Congratulatory Certificate

The Executive Council Office coordinates and administers the Premier’s Congratulatory Message Service. Official greetings from the Premier are sent to Nova Scotians across the province each year to commemorate significant birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

In addition, notification is sent to the following upon request and if the eligibility criteria is met:


  • Prime Minister of Canada

  • Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly for the recipient's constituency
  • Member of Parliament for the recipient’s constituency

Please note: *NEW
Greetings from the Governor General and The King are now issued directly by the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General and requests must be submitted online: https://www.gg.ca/en/contact-us/birthday-anniversary-greetings

The table below indicates the birthdays and anniversaries which qualify for congratulatory messages, as well as the official documents that may be required for verification. Congratulatory messages are only available upon request and not processed automatically folowing the initial request:

Birthday Anniversary
His Majesty King Charles III
King of Canada
100th(Available annually after 100) 60+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Governor General of Canada 90+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
50+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Prime Minister of Canada 65+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
25+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia 80+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
50+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Premier of Nova Scotia 65+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
25+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Member of the Legislative
Assembly of Nova Scotia
65+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
25+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)
Member of Parliament 65+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 100)
25+ at five year intervals
(Available annually after 70)

Request a Greeting
To receive a congratulatory message, please complete the online form available through Request a Congratulatory Message.

Six weeks notice is required. Requests submitted with less than the six weeks notice may not be processed by the celebration date.

Premier's Congratulatory Message Service
Executive Council Office
Barrington Level, One Government Place
1700 Granville Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1X5
Telephone: (902) 424-3692
Fax:          (902) 424-4309

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 1617
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2Y3

Request a Military or DND Civilian Certificate

Looking for request a Military or DND Civilian Certificate?