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Assessment Appeal Regions Regulations

made under Section 58 of the
Assessment Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 23
N.S. Reg. 49/98 (June 3, 1998)

1 There shall be an assessment region, to be known as the Eastern Assessment Region, which region shall comprise:

(a) the County of Antigonish;

(b) the County of Cape Breton;

(c) the County of Guysborough;

(d) the County of Inverness;

(e) the County of Richmond;

(f) the County of Victoria;

and the region shall include,

(g) the Municipality of Antigonish;

(h) the Cape Breton Regional Municipality;

(i) the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s;

(j) the Municipality of the District of Guysborough;

(k) the Municipality of the County of Inverness;

(l) the Municipality of the County of Richmond;

(m) the Municipality of the County of Victoria;

(n) the Town of Antigonish;

(o) the Town of Canso;

(p) the Town of Mulgrave;

(q) the Town of Port Hawkesbury.

2 There shall be an assessment region, to be known as the Central Assessment Region, which region shall comprise,

(a) the County of Halifax;

and the region shall include,

(b) Halifax Regional Municipality.

3 There shall be an assessment region, to be known as the Northern Assessment Region, which region shall comprise,

(a) the County of Colchester;

(b) the County of Cumberland;

(c) that portion of the County of Hants included within the boundaries of the Municipality of the District of East Hants;

(d) the County of Pictou;

and the region shall include,

(e) the Municipality of the County of Colchester;

(f) the Municipality of the County of Cumberland;

(g) the Municipality of the County of East Hants;

(h) the Municipality of the County of Pictou;

(i) the Town of Amherst;

(j) the Town of New Glasgow;

(k) the Town of Oxford;

(l) the Town of Parrsboro;

(m) the Town of Pictou;

(n) the Town of Springhill;

(o) the Town of Stellarton;

(p) the Town of Stewiacke;

(q) the Town of Trenton;

(r) the Town of Truro; and

(s) the Town of Westville.

4 There shall be an assessment region, to be known as the Southern Assessment Region, which region shall comprise,

(a) that portion of the County of Digby included within the boundaries of the Municipality of the District of Clare;

(b) the County of Lunenburg;

(c) the County of Queens;

(d) the County of Shelburne;

(e) the County of Yarmouth;

and the region shall include,

(f) the Municipality of the District of Argyle;

(g) the Municipality of the District of Barrington;

(h) the Municipality of the District of Chester;

(i) the Municipality of the District of Clare;

(j) the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg;

(k) the Queens Regional Municipality;

(l) the Municipality of the District of Shelburne;

(m) the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth;

(n) the Town of Bridgewater;

(o) the Town of Lunenburg;

(p) the Town of Mahone Bay;

(q) the Town of Lockeport;

(r) the Town of Shelburne; and

(s) the Town of Yarmouth.

5 There shall be an assessment region, to be known as the Western Assessment Region, which region shall comprise,

(a) the County of Annapolis;

(b) the County of Digby excluding that portion of the County of Digby included within the boundaries of the Municipality of the District of Clare;

(c) the County of Hants excluding that portion of the County of Hants included within the boundaries of the Municipality of East Hants;

(d) the County of Kings;

and the region shall include,

(e) the Municipality of the County of Annapolis;

(f) the Municipality of the District of Digby;

(g) the Municipality of the District of Kings;

(h) the Municipality of the County of West Hants;

(i) the Town of Annapolis Royal;

(j) the Town of Berwick;

(k) the Town of Bridgetown;

(l) the Town of Clark’s Harbour;

(m) the Town of Digby;

(n) the Town of Hantsport;

(o) the Town of Kentville;

(p) the Town of Middleton;

(q) the Town of Windsor; and

(r) the Town of Wolfville.

Last updated: 10-12-2017