This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with the Registry that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2009, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Nova Scotia Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations made under Section 166 of the
Agriculture and Marketing Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 6
O.I.C. 79-663, N.S. Reg. 84/79
as amended up to and including O.I.C. 92-1256 (Dec 22, 1992), N.S. Reg. 282/92Short title
1 These regulations may be cited as the Nova Scotia Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations.Interpretation
2 (a) "Act" means the Agriculture and Marketing Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989 and amendments thereto;(b) "condition defects" means any defect that may develop in produce during storage, transit, or while on display for sale;
(c) "Department" means the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing;
(d) "firm ripe" means, in reference to apples, that stage of the ripening process of apples when the flesh is crisp and does not yield to slight pressure;
(e) "grade name" means, a grade name established by these regulations and includes any mark, description or designation of a grade;
(f) "inspection certificate" means a certificate in such form as the Minister prescribes;
(g) "inspection point" means any point normally serviced by an inspector or where, in the opinion of the Minister, an inspection can conveniently be provided;
(h) "inspector" means a person appointed or designated as an inspector under the Act;
(i) "lot" means that quantity of produce that for any reason is considered separately from other produce as the subject of an inspection;
(j) "Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing for the Province of Nova Scotia;
(k) "package" means an inner or outer receptacle or covering used for containing, packing, wrapping or covering an agricultural product;
(l) "produce" means any fruit or vegetable for which grades are established by these regulations; and
(m) "rutabaga" means that vegetable commonly known as the "Swede Turnip" but does not include the usually smaller species known as "Summer Turnip".
Part I
Grades and standards
3 (1) The grades for fresh fruit and vegetables are as set out in Schedule "A".(2) The Minister may authorize grades not specified in Schedule "A" for experimental use only.
(3) The standards for grades containing the word "Canada" are, subject to subsection (5), as set out in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations made under the Canadian Agricultural Products Act and amendments thereto.
Subsection 3(3) amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.
(4) The standards for grade names containing the words "Nova Scotia" shall, unless otherwise prescribed by the Minister or these regulations, be the same as their like number or term in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations under the Canadian Agricultural Products Act and amendments thereto.
Subsection 3(4)amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.(5) A tolerance of five per cent in addition to that provided in the grade standards will be allowed for condition defects but, in the case of potatoes, not more than an additional one percent may be decay and in the case of other commodities mentioned herein not more than an additional two percent may be decay except at the time of shipment or at the time of repacking of any lot of fresh fruit or vegetables set out in Schedule "A" hereto.
(6) The "Nova Scotia Select" grade provided for in Section 1 of Table 1 in Schedule "A" applies only to the varieties Cox orange and Russet. The standards for this grade shall be the same as the "Canada Fancy" standards except the minimum diameter shall be 2 1/4".
Subsection 3(6) added: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.Part II
Packages and packaging
4 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and Sections 5 and 6, a grade name shall not be used in connection with produce unless it is packed(a) in a package of a size and type specified in Schedule "B";
(b) if the produce is visible and identifiable in such a manner as to truly indicate the nature and quality of the contents; and
(c) in a sanitary manner.
(2) A grade name may be applied to produce other than
(a) apples, crabapples, cranberries, beets, brussel sprouts, carrots, onions, parsnips, potatoes, and rutabagas packed in bags, and
(b) tomatoes packed in tubes
if the products are packed in a transparent package of not more than 3 pounds net weight.
5 The Minister may authorize, for experimental use only, size and types of packages not specified in Schedule "B".
Paragraph[Clause] 1(a) of Section 4 does not apply to produce that is displayed in bulk in a retail store.7 Strawberries, whether or not a grade is declared, shall be packed in quart or pint containers as specified in Schedule "B".
8 Blueberries, whether or not a grade name is declared, shall be packed in any suitable package in Table 1 of Schedule "B".
9 Packages containing fruits and vegetables, shall not be so stained, soiled, warped, broken or otherwise damaged as to affect the shipping quality or saleability of the fruits and vegetables packed therein.
10 Packages of produce, in connection with which a grade name is used shall if
(a) the package is of one-half bushel or more capacity and contains fruit, be securely closed in a manner commonly recognized in respect of the type of package except when displayed for retail sale;
(b) the package is a bag, be tightly and securely closed; or
(c) the package contains potatoes or onions, be clean and free from stains.
Part III
11 This part does not apply to a prepackaged product that is packaged in a wrapper or confining band of less than one-half inch in width.Marking
12 (1) Subject to subsection (4), a grade name shall not be used in connection with produce unless the produce, the package in which it is packed, or a tag attached thereto, is marked with(a) the name and business address of the person by whom or for whom the produce was packaged for resale;
(b) the grade of the produce;
(c) the common name of the produce if the package is not sufficiently transparent to readily identify the produce;
(d) the net quantity by numerical count if the package is not transparent and contains
(i) heads of lettuce or cauliflower,
(ii) ears of corn,
(iii) stalks of celery, or
(iv) greenhouse cucumbers;
(e) the number of specimens if the package contains tiered apples, pears or peaches;
(f) subject to
subsection[clause] 12(1)(d), the net quantity by weight where produce is packed in a bag;(g) the name of the variety if the package contains apples or pears;
(h) one of the size ranges specified for use with Canada apple grades when the package contains untiered apples unless the packages are of transparent material or an open basket of not more than eleven quarts capacity or contains apples of Canada Commercial Cooker grade;
(i) the net weight if the package contains beets, carrots, cabbage, onions, parsnips, potatoes, rhubarb, or rutabagas.
(2) In the case of produce to which the Canada Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations apply, all information required by these regulations to be shown on a label shall be shown in the manner that would be required if the information were information required under those regulations.
(2A) Where metric quantity markings are required in these regulations, the regulations respecting the use of metric markings as stated in the Canadian Agricultural Products Act and amendments thereto and regulations made pursuant thereto known as the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable regulations, shall apply.
Subsection 12(2A) replaced: O.I.C. 83-420, N.S. Reg. 59/83; amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.(3) When packages of produce bearing a grade name are packed in another container, the outer container or a tag attached thereto, shall be marked with
(a) the name and business address of the person by whom or for whom the produce was packaged for resale;
(b) the grade of the produce;
(c) the common name of the produce unless the produce is readily discernible without opening the outer container.
(4) The provisions of subsection (1) do not apply to produce in a bulk display in a retail store, except for apples, in which case the variety and grade of the apples must be indicated.
13 All marks required by this Part shall be
(a) readily discernible, of a permanent nature and of a size reasonable in proportion to the package, label or tag but shall not be less in height than
(i) one-eighth of an inch on tags or tomato tubes,
(ii) three-sixteenths of an inch on bags containing less than 10 pounds, and
(iii) one-quarter of an inch in all other cases;
(b) placed on one end of boxes, cartons, crates or lugs;
(c) stencilled, printed or interwoven on bags or placed on a suitable tag attached to the bag; or
(d) placed on the lid, handle, or one end of packages not referred to in paragraphs (b) or (c).
14 When a grade name is marked on a package, no other words or markings shall be placed on the package in such a manner as to appear to be part of the grade name or as to be mistaken for part of the grade name.
15 A package on which a grade name has been marked shall not have marked thereon
(a) any legible marks that do not relate to the present contents of the package; or
(b) any words or numbers that are false or misleading as to the contents of the package.
16 When the marking on a package is changed, the change shall be made in such a manner that the old marking cannot be confused with the new marking.
Part IV
Intraprovincial trade
17 These regulations shall apply to apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, blueberries, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupes, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, sweet corn, crabapples, cranberries, field cucumbers, greenhouse cucumbers, grapes, head lettuce, onions, parsnips, peaches, pears, plums, potatoes, field rhubarb, rutabagas, strawberries, field tomatoes, and greenhouse tomatoes.18 (1) No person shall sell, ship, transport, pack, advertise, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale any produce
(a) that is below the minimum grade established for the product in these regulations;
(b) that is in a package unless the package or a tag attached thereto bears the name of one of the grades established for the products in these regulations and meets the requirements prescribed for the grade and is packaged and marked in the prescribed manner.
Subsection 18(1) replaced: O.I.C. 82-1518, N.S. Reg. 254/82.(2) Produce which has been transported into Nova Scotia shall not be repacked for sale in Nova Scotia unless it is graded and packaged in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
19 Section 18 of the regulations does not apply to
(a) potatoes that have been certified in accordance with the Seeds Regulations, Part II, made pursuant to the Seeds Act, Chapter S-8 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, and amendments thereto, as seed potatoes;
Clause 19(a) amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.(b) carrots, beets, or onions, the tops of which have not been removed;
(c) blueberries or strawberries;
(d) gift shipments of five packages or less;
(e) produce which is below minimum grade when shipped to a manufacturing or processing plant;
(f) produce sold by a producer to a consumer where that consumer becomes directly involved in the harvesting of the product; and
(g) such other shipments as may be authorized by the Department under such conditions as it may prescribe.
20 A person who advertises the price of produce by means of mass media shall specify in the advertisement the grade, the weight or measure of the produce, and in the case of apples, the size range or content.
21 No person shall
(a) misrepresent the variety, weight, measure, mark or markings, ownership, origin or storage requirements of fruits or vegetables;
(b) use any registered number or mark assigned to any other person, or use any brand, stencil or label designating any other owner, packer or shipper; or
(c) alter or efface any marks on any package of fruits or vegetables so as to misrepresent the contents.
22 No person shall sell, offer for sale, ship, transport, advertise or have in his possession for sale, any fruit or vegetables which would be injurious to public health.
Part V
23 A person who wishes to have produce inspected shall(a) give at least twenty-four hours notice to an inspector, or if there is no inspector in the area, give at least forty-eight hours notice to the nearest inspector;
(b) place the produce in such a manner that it is accessible and its quality and condition is fully disclosed; and
(c) render the inspector such assistance as he may require.
24 An inspector may take or cut samples from produce he is inspecting.
25 After inspecting produce, an inspector may
(a) issue an inspection certificate in respect of the produce;
(b) issue a card signed by an inspector indicating that the produce has been inspected; or
(c) withhold the inspection certificate and with other evidence or information pertaining to the inspection
(i) if he has reason to believe that because of latent defects due to climatic or other conditions, he is unable to determine the true quality or condition of the produce;
(ii) to facilitate the enforcement of the Act or any regulation thereunder; or
(iii) to give effect to instructions issued by the Department for control of intraprovincial shipment of produce.
26 (1) The Department may, upon the application of a person financially interested in a lot of produce, grant an appeal inspection with respect to an inspection certificate issued for the lot of produce.
(2) The application shall state the reasons for the applicant's dissatisfaction with the original inspection certificate.
(3) The Department shall refuse to grant an appeal inspection if
(a) the produce cannot be made accessible for inspection;
(b) the lot has lost its identity; or
(c) less than seventy-five percent of the original lot is available for inspection.
(4) If the Department grants an appeal inspection, the inspector making the appeal inspection shall confirm the original inspection certificate unless the findings of the original inspection do not substantiate the original certificate with respect to any factor that could not have changed subsequent to the original inspection, in which case he shall issue an appeal inspection certificate rendering the original inspection certificate null and void.
Part VI
27 Fruits and vegetables detained pursuant to Section 169 of the Act may be detained by an inspector at any place at the risk and expense of the owner thereof by attaching a detention tag, in Form I of Schedule C of these regulations, to a prominent place on the lot of fruits or vegetables.28 Within twenty-four hours of attaching the detention tag referred to in Section 27, the inspector shall deliver or mail to the person in possession of the produce and to the owner of the produce, if known to the inspector, a duly completed Notice of Detention in Form II of Schedule C of these regulations.
29 No person shall alter, deface or remove the detention tag referred to in Section 27 and no person shall move, sell or otherwise dispose of any produce so detained until authorized by an inspector.
30 (1) When an inspector is satisfied that the produce held in detention complies with these regulations, he shall complete a Notice of Release in such Form III of Schedule C of these regulations.
(2) The inspector shall deliver or mail one copy of the Notice of Release to each of the persons to whom he sent a copy of the Notice of Detention referred to in Section 28.
31 Any produce forfeited under Part XVII of the Act shall be disposed of in such manner as the Minister may direct.
Part VII
32 Subject to this Part, the fees payable for the inspection of produce shall be as set in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations made under the Canadian Agricultural Products Act and amendments thereto.
Section 32 replaced: O.I.C. 88-773, N.S. Reg. 171/88; amended O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.33 The fee for an appeal inspection referred to in Section 26 shall be the fee payable under Section 32, except that no fee shall be assessed if the original inspection is not confirmed.
Section 33 replaced: O.I.C. 88-773, N.S. Reg. 171/88.34 No fee shall be assessed for a release permit and no fee shall be assessed for gift shipments of fifteen packages or 250 kilograms or less, or such other shipments as may be authorized by the Minister.
Section 34 replaced: O.I.C. 88-773, N.S. Reg. 171/88.
Section 35 repealed: O.I.C. 88-773, N.S. Reg. 171/88.36 Where travelling, telegram, telephone or other expenses are incurred in connection with the inspection of produce, the fees set out in this Part may be increased by the amount of such expenses.
37 The fees prescribed in this Part shall be payable by the applicant for inspection
(a) upon delivery of the inspection certificate;
(b) in the case of applicants holding authorized charge accounts, upon receipt of an invoice; or
(c) in advance of inspection if so requested by the inspector.
38 (1) The applicant for an inspection shall normally be supplied with only two copies of the inspection certificate but upon request to the inspector prior to issuance of the certificate, this may be increased to four copies at no additional charge.
(2) Upon request to the Department, any person financially interested in produce covered by an inspection certificate may be supplied with not more than four copies of the certificate.
Section 38(2) replaced: O.I.C. 88-773, N.S. Reg. 171/88.
Schedule "A"
Table 1 - Grades for Fresh Fruit
- 1. Apples
- Canada Extra Fancy
- Canada Fancy
- Canada Commercial
- Canada Commercial Cookers
- Canada Hailed
- Canada No. 1 (Peelers)
- Canada No. 2 (Peelers)
- Nova Scotia Select
- Schedule "A", Table 1, Section 1 amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.
- 2. Apricots
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 3. Blueberries
- Canada No. 1
- 4. Cantaloupes
- Canada No. 1
- 5. Cherries
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- Canada Orchard Run
- 6. Crabapples
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 7. Cranberries
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 8. Grapes
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 9. Peaches
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 10. Pears
- Canada Extra Fancy
- Canada Fancy
- Canada Commercial
- 11. Plums
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 12. Field Rhubarb
- Canada No. 1
- Canada Domestic
- 13. Strawberries
- Canada No. 1
Table 2 - Grades for Fresh Vegetables
- 1. Asparagus
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 2. Beets
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 3. Brussels Sprouts
- Canada No. 1*
- Canada No. 2
- 4. Cabbage
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 5. Carrots
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 1 - Cut Crowns
- Canada No. 2
- 6. Cauliflower
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 7. Celery
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 1 Heart
- Canada No. 2
- 8. Sweet Corn
- Canada No. 1
- 9. Field Cucumbers
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 10. Greenhouse Cucumbers
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 11. Head Lettuce
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 12. Onions
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 1 Pickling
- Canada No. 2
- 13. Parsnips
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 1 - Cut Crowns
- Canada No. 2
- 14. Potatoes
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 1 Large
- Canada No. 2 Grade
- 15. Rutabagas
- Canada No. 1
- 16. Field Tomatoes
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
- 17. Greenhouse Tomatoes
- Canada No. 1
- Canada No. 2
Schedule "B" - Standard Packages 1. All produce may be packed in the packages described in Table 1 of this schedule.
2. Fruit of a kind referred to in Column 1 of Table 2 of this schedule may be packed in the packages described in Columns 2 and 3 of Table 2 of this schedule.
3. The individual cells referred to in Table 2 of this schedule shall, when used for packing elongated applies or varieties such as Delicious, be of the dimensions specified in Table 3 of this schedule.
4. The individual cells referred to in Table 2 of this schedule shall, when used for packing round type apples of varieties such as MacIntosh, Spartan, Newtons or Romes, be of the dimensions specified in Table 4 of this schedule.
5. The individual cells referred to in Table 2 of this schedule shall, when used for packing peaches, be of the dimensions specified in Table 5 of this schedule.
6. Vegetables of a kind referred to in Column 1 of Table 6 of this schedule may be packed in the packages described in Columns 2 and 3 of Table 6 of this schedule.
7. Packages containing produce shall, in addition to meeting the requirements prescribed by items 1 to 6, be suitable for the produce.
8. Produce for which packages are not specified in this schedule may be packed in any package set out in Table 1 of this schedule or in any other suitable package.
9. Packages set out in Tables 2 and 6 of this schedule shall, unless their dimensions are prescribed in those tables, have marked thereon the volume, weight or count of the produce packed therein.
10. On packages listed in this regulations or authorized by the Minister but not listed in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations made under the Canadian Agricultural Products Act and amendments thereto, the grade shall be prefaced by "Nova Scotia".
Schedule "B", Section 10 amended: O.I.C. 92-1200, N.S. Reg. 264/92.
Table 1
Column 1 - Type Column 2 - Size or Volume Pint 33.6 in3 (550.6 cm3) 551 ml Quart 67.2 in3 (1101 cm3) 1.1 L Baskets 2 quarts (2.27 L) 4 quarts (4.55 L) 6 quarts (6.82 L) 11 quarts (12.5 L) 2 litre (2.00 L) 4 litre (4.00 L) Bushel Hamper 32 quarts (36.4 L) Half Bushel Hamper 16 quarts (18.2 L) Bushel Box, Carton or Crate 2,220 in3 (36.5 dm3) 36.4 L Half Bushel Box, Carton or Crate 1,110 in3 (18.2 dm3) 18.2 L 4-Basket Crate 15 3/4" (40.0 cm) x 15 3/4" (40.0 cm) x 5 1/8" (13.0 cm) to carry baskets of 4 1/4" (10.8 cm) depth, measuring 7 1/2" (19.0 cm) x 7 1/2" (19.0 cm) at the top and 6 1/2" (16.5 cm) x 6 1/2" (16.5 cm) at the bottom. or, any packages of a capacity less than 3 lbs., except in the case of tomatoes, beets, carrots, onions and parsnips as set forth in Table 6 and cranberries as set forth in Table 2 of this Schedule.
Schedule "B", Table 1 amended: O.I.C. 88-6, N.S. Reg. 6/88.
Table 2
Column 1 - Kind Column 2 - Type Column 3 - Size or Volume Apples Crate 17" (43.2 cm) x 13" (33.0 cm) x 11" (27.9 cm) Apples, Crabapples Bag 3 lb (1.36 kg), 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 10 lb. (4.54 kg.) and, if packed at point of retail sale, 20 lb. (9.07 kg) and 40 lb. (18.1 kg) Apples, Peaches Cell Pack Fruit to be packed by count in individual cells of a size set out in Tables 3, 4 and 5 Apples, Crabapples, Pears Half Box 16 1/8" (41.0 cm) x 8 5/8" (21.9 cm) x 7 5/8" (19.4 cm) Apples, Crabapples, Peaches, Pears Carton or Crate 16 1/8" (41.0 cm) x 11 1/2" (29.2 cm) with a 5 3/4" (14.6 cm) end piece and a 4 3/4" (12.1 cm) side piece. Apples Tray 19 3/4" (50.2 cm) x 12" (30.5 cm) x Carton 11 3/4" (29.8 cm) Apricots,Peaches, Plums, Prunes Box, Carton or Crate 16 1/2" (41.0 cm) x 11 1/2" (29.2 cm) with a 4 3/4" (12.1 cm) end piece and a 3 3/4" (9.5 cm) side piece Cherries 16 1/4" (41.3 cm) x 12" (30.5 cm) x 5 1/4" (13.3 cm) Cranberries Bag or Carton 12 oz. (340 g), 1 lb. (454 g) Crabapples, Pears Box 17" (43.2 cm) x 10 3/4" (27.3 cm) x 5" (12.7 cm) Pears Carton 17 1/4" (43.8 cm) x 11" (27.9 cm) x 8 3/4" (22.2 cm) Rhubarb Carton or Crate 10 lb. (4.5 kg), 15 lb. (6.8 kg), 20 lb (9.07 kg), 40 lb. (18.1 kg) and 50 lb. (22.7 kg).
Schedule "B" Table 2 amended: O.I.C. 83-420, N.S. Reg. 59/83 and O.I.C. 86-1163, N.S. Reg. 258/86.
Table 3
Count in Cell Pack Length Width Depth 60 3 5/8" 3 3/8" 3 5/8" 72 3 7/16" 3 3/16" 3 7/16" 80 3 5/16" 3 1/16" 3 5/16" 96 3 1/16" 2 7/8" 3 1/8" 120 2 7/8" 2 11/16" 2 15/16" 140 2 11/16" 2 9/16" 2 3/4" 160 2 9/16" 2 7/16" 2 5/8" 175 2 15/32" 2 11/32" 2 1/2" 200 2 11/32" 2 9/32" 2 7/16" 216 2 7/32" 2 7/32" 2 3/8"
Table 4
Count in Cell Pack Length Width Depth 60 3 9/16" 3" 3" 72 3 7/16" 3 1/16" 3 9/16" 84 3 1/4" 2 3/4" 3 5/16" 96 3 3/16" 2 11/16" 3 1/4" 120 2 15/16" 2 1/2" 3" 140 2 3/4" 2 5/16" 2 13/16" 160 2 9/16" 2 1/4" 2 11/16" 180 2 1/2" 2 3/16" 2 5/8" 200 2 3/8" 2 1/16" 2 1/2" 216 2 5/16" 2" 2 7/16"
Table 5
Count in Cell Pack Length Width Depth 30 3 1/16" 3" 3 1/4" 36 3" 2 15/16" 3 5/32" 40 2 27/32" 2 13/16" 3 1/16" 48 2 41/64" 2 37/64" 2 53/64" 56 2 56/64" 2 31/64" 2 45/64" 60 2 31/64" 2 34/64" 2 39/64" 70 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 5/8"
Table 6
Column 1 - Kind Column 2 - Type Column 3 - size or Volume Beets Bag 2 lb. (907 g), 5 lb. (2.27 kg) & 50 lb. (22.7 kg) Cabbage Bag, Carton, Box or Crate 40 lb. (18.1 kg) and 50 lb. (22.7 kg) Carrots Bag 2 lb. (907 g), 3 lb. (1.36 kg), 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 25 lb. (11.3 kg), 50 lb. (22.7 kg) and 75 lb. (34 kg) Corn Open-Mesh Bag, Box or Crate 1/2 dozen, 1 dozen and 1 dozen plus multiples of 1/2 dozen Onions Bag 2 lb. (907 g), 3 lb. (1.36 kg), 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 10 lb. (4.54 kg), 25 lb. (11.3 kg) and 50 lb. (22.7 kg) Parsnips Bag 1 lb. (454 g), 2 lb. (907 g), 25 lb. (11.3 kg) and 50 lb. (22.7 kg) Potatoes Bag or Carton 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 10 lb. (4.54 kg), 20 lb. (9.07 kg), 50 lb. (22.7 kg), 75 lb. (34 kg), 100 lb. (45.4 kg) and 110 lb. (50 kg) Rutabagas Bag or Carton 2 lb. (907 g), 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 10 lb.(4.54 kg), 25 lb. (11.3 kg) and 50 lb. (22.7 kg) Tomatoes Tube 12 oz. (340 g), 14 oz. (397 g) Tomatoes Carton, Box or Crate 5 lb. (2.27 kg), 8 lb. (3.63 kg), 10 lb. (4.54 kg) and 10 lb. (4.54 kg) plus multiples of 5 lb. (2.27 kg)
Schedule "B", Table 6 amended: O.I.C. 83-420, N.S. Reg. 59/83.
Schedule "C" Form I - Under Detention
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and MarketingHeld under authority of Section 169, Agriculture and Marketing Act, and regulations thereunder.
Quantity Detained ___________________________________________
Description _________________________________________________
Violation ___________________________________________________
Date _______________________________________
Form II - Notice of Detention Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing Place of Detention _____________________ Date _________________
To ___________________ Address _______________________________
You are hereby notified that _____ (quantity) of _________________ (description)
marked _____________ and located in ______________________ is hereby placed under detention and identified by Detention Tag No. _______Reason for Detention _______________________________________________
________________________________________________________________Violation of Section __________________________ (Section/Regulations)
under Part XVII of the Nova Scotia Agriculture and Marketing Act.No person shall move, sell or otherwise dispose of this product until authorized by an inspector.
Permission is granted to move the detained Item No. _______ to _____________
How notice was served: _____________________________________________
Copies to:
_________________ ________________ Acknowledged by Inspector
Schedule "B", Form II replaced: O.I.C. 92-1256, N.S. Reg. 282/92.
Form III - Notice of Release Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing Place _____________________________ Date _________________
To ______________________ Address _______________________________
With reference to the which were placed under detention by __________ (inspector) on __________ (date) and identified by Detention Tag No.(s) _______
Reason for release _______________________________________________
Part XVII Nova Scotia Agriculture and Marketing Act
Copies to:_________________
Inspector[Note: Effective February 24, 2006, references to the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing or Department of Agriculture and Marketing throughout these regulations should be read as references to the Minister of Agriculture or Department of Agriculture in accordance with Order in Council 2006-121 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.]
Last updated: 10-12-2017