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Lamb and Mutton Carcass Grading Regulations

made under Section 166 of the
Agriculture and Marketing Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 6
O.I.C. 74-1011 (September 17, 1974), N.S. Reg. 86/74

1 These regulations may be cited as the Lamb and Mutton Carcass Grading Regulations.

2 In these regulations

(a) "Act" means Part XVII of the Agriculture and Marketing Act; and amendments thereto;

(b) "brand" means an imprint described in Schedule III;

(c) "carcass" means the entire carcass of an animal of the ovine species except

(i) the pelt, that part of the head forward of the first cervical joint, that part of the hind shank below the ankle joint, that part of the foreshank below the break joint, in the case of lamb, and on the ankle joint, in the case of mutton, the alimentary canal, liver, spleen, genital tract and genitalia, heart, lungs, membranous portion of the diaphragm, heart fat, external cod or udder fat and the tail at the point between the third and fourth coccygeal vertebrae; and

(ii) any portion of the carcass the removal of which is required under the Meat Inspection Act (Canada) or any regulation made thereunder;

(d) "consignor" means any person who, on his own account, or as an agent for another person, ships or transports sheep or lamb by any means of transportation to an establishment or stock yard for slaughter;

(e) "establishment" means any registered establishment under the Meat Inspection Act (Canada) or any premises approved by the Minister for the purposes of these regulations;

(f) "grader" means a grader appointed pursuant to the Act for the purpose of grading lamb and mutton carcasses;

(g) "inspector" means a person appointed or designated as an inspector under the Act or the Meat Inspection Act (Canada);

(h) "lamb carcass" means the carcass of an animal of the sheep species of either sex up to approximately 12 months of age having four well defined, relatively soft ridges at the break joint of the forelegs;

(i) "Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing for the Province of Nova Scotia;

(j) "mutton carcass" means the carcass from an animal of the sheep species of either sex being approximately 12 months of age, or more, having two smooth, hard white ridges where the feet are severed at the ankle (spool) joint, and bones somewhat whiter and harder than those in a lamb carcass;

(k) "operator" means a person operating an establishment.

Grades of lamb carcasses
3 (1) There shall be seven grades for lamb carcasses with the grade names

(a) Canada A1;
(b) Canada A2;
(c) Canada A3;
(d) Canada A4;
(e) Canada B;
(f) Canada C1; and
(g) Canada C2.

(2) The standards for each grade referred to in subsection (1) are set out in Part I of Schedule I.

Grades of mutton carcasses
4 (1) There shall be five grades for mutton carcasses with the grade names

(a) Canada D1;
(b) Canada D2;
(c) Canada D3;
(d) Canada D4; and
(e) Canada E.

(2) The standards for each grade referred to in subsection (1) are set out in Part II of Schedule I.

5 (1) The Minister may assign graders to establishments and designate the times at which carcasses may be graded.

(2) No carcass shall be graded

(a) by a person other than a grader;

(b) at a place other than an establishment;

(c) unless the grader has a sufficient number of helpers to assist him in his duties;

(d) if the grader is of the opinion that he does not have freedom from interference in carrying out his duties; and

(e) unless the carcass is from an animal slaughtered in the establishment where it is to be graded except in the case of a carcass imported into Canada and presented for grading in an establishment.

(3) A grader is not required to grade a carcass unless it is presented to him for grading during working hours agreed upon between the operator and the Minister.

Grade stamps
6 (1) No carcass shall be considered to be graded unless it bears a grade stamp in the shape and size set out in Schedule II that has been applied by a grader indicating the applicable grade name for that carcass.

(2) No grade stamp shall be applied to a carcass unless the carcass bears the inspection legend required by the Meat Inspection Regulations made under the Meat Inspection Act (Canada) or such other legend as the Minister may prescribe.

(3) Every grade stamp shall be applied in brown ink.

7 (1) A brand in a continuous strip in the form set out in Schedule III bearing the grade name indicated on the grade stamp applied pursuant to these regulations, shall be applied in accordance with the instructions of the grade in the establishment where the animal was slaughtered on each side of the carcass, from the hock over the leg, the saddle and shoulder at the distance of approximately 2" from the vertebrae.

(2) Brands shall be applied in ink that has been approved by the Minister.

(3) Brands bearing the grade name set out in Column I of an item of the following table shall be applied in ink of the colour set out in Column II of that item.

Item Column I - Grades Column II - Colour
1 Canada A1 Red
2 Canada A2 Red
3 Canada A3 Red
4 Canada A4 Red
5 Canada B Blue
6 Canada C1 Brown
7 Canada C2 Brown
8 Canada D1 Black
9 Canada D2 Black
10 Canada D3 Black
11 Canada D4 Black
12 Canada E Black

8 No person other than an operator should apply a brand to a graded carcass.

Proprietary stamps
9 A stamp bearing the name or logo of a producer, retailer or wholesaler and a date may be applied on a carcass if the stamp

(a) is applied in brown ink or in ink of a colour corresponding to the colour of the brand that has been applied to the carcass;

(b) does not exceed three inches in height or width;

(c) is not applied in more than one place on the carcass; and

(d) is not in contact with the grader's stamp.

Registration of establishments
10 (1) A person may apply to the Minister for the registration of an establishment under these regulations.

(2) An applicant for the registration of an establishment shall, if so required by the Minister, submit drawings of the establishment drawn to scale, the specifications of the facilities contained in the establishment, and such further details as the Minister may require.

(3) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister may issue a certificate of registration in respect of an establishment where he is satisfied that the applicant will comply with these regulations.

(4) The Minister may cancel a certificate of registration in respect of an establishment where

(a) the operator thereof has violated or failed to comply with the Act or these regulations; or

(b) in his opinion, the establishment no longer meets the requirements set out in subsection (5).

(5) An establishment may be registered where, in the opinion of the Minister,

(a) proper facilities and conditions are provided therein for the efficient grading and branding of carcasses;

(b) suitable office accommodation is provided for the proper conduct of business of the Department of Agriculture [and Marketing] and the work of the graders assigned to the establishment;

(c) suitable washroom facilities are provided;

(d) adequate coolers are provided and the lighting of the coolers is of sufficient intensity to permit the grader to make quality assessments and accurate fat measurements; and

(e) the number of carcasses required to be graded therein is sufficient to require the presence of a grader.

11 Carcasses to be exported to another province do not have to be graded or marked in accordance with these regulations.

Grade certificates
12 A grader may, at the request of any consignor or his agent, issue a grade certificate for any carcass graded by him if the consignor or agent

(a) has placed on each of the animals to be graded distinct and specific identification approved by the Minister and the identification has been transferred to or appears on the carcass of such animal; and

(b) has completed and filed with the grader at the time of the delivery of the animal or lot of animals to the operator of the establishment, a manifest in a form prescribed by the Minister.

Seizure and detention
13 (1) When an inspector seizes a carcass pursuant to Section 169 of the Act, he shall place thereon a tag indicating that the carcass is under detention and shall at the same time issue to the person from whom the carcass was seized a notice of detention signed by the inspector in the form set out in Schedule IV.

(2) Except as authorized by an inspector, no person shall remove from a carcass a tag placed thereon by an inspector pursuant to this Section.

(3) Except with the written permission of an inspector, no person shall

(a) remove a carcass from the place where it has been seized; or

(b) sell or otherwise dispose of any carcass on which a tag has been placed by an inspector pursuant to this Section.

(4) An inspector may make such order or give such direction as to him appears necessary for the proper preservation and safeguarding of any carcass on which a tag has been placed pursuant to this section and every person with respect to whom such an order is made or to whom such a direction is given shall comply therewith according to its terms.

(5) Any carcass forfeited under Section 169 of the Act shall be disposed of in such manner as the Minister directs.

Division of carcasses into lamb and mutton
14 Carcasses shall be divided into lamb carcasses and mutton carcasses in accordance with the characteristics set out in

(a) the definitions of lamb carcass and mutton carcass in Section 2; and

(b) Schedule I.

[Note: Effective February 24, 2006, references to the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing and Department of Agriculture and Marketing throughout these regulations should be read as references to the Minister of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture in accordance with Order in Council 2006-121 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.]

Schedule I

Part I - Standards for Lamb Carcasses

1 Lamb carcasses have the following characteristics:

(a) the front shanks have a break joint showing well defined ridges;

(b) the hind shanks are streaked with blood deposits;

(c) the ribs are narrow and slightly rounded; and

(d) the flesh is fine textured and pink to light red in colour but may be moderately darker red in colour as age approaches the maximum established in Section 2 of these regulations.

2 Carcasses classified as Canada A1, Canada A2, Canada A3 and Canada A4 have the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is excellent as indicated by width and thickness in proportion to length, plump full legs, wide thick backs and thick full shoulders;

(b) the quality is excellent as indicated by fine textured flesh that is pink to light red in colour; and

(c) the external and internal fat is firm and white in colour.

Canada A1
3 Canada A1 carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) there may be a light covering of fat over most of the exterior surface;

(b) the legs and shoulders may be slightly bare;

(c) the muscles on the back may be no more than barely visible through the fat; and

(d) the kidney and pelvic fat ranges from a small to a moderate amount.

Canada A2
4 Canada A2 carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) they are well covered with fat over the exterior surface;

(b) the shoulders may be slightly bare of fat; and

(c) the kidney and pelvic fat exceeds by a small amount the maximum fat range permitted by Canada A1 carcasses.

Canada A3
5 Canada A3 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) they are completely covered with fat over the exterior surface; and

(b) the kidney and pelvic fat ranges from a moderate to a large amount.

Canada A4
6 Canada A4 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) they are excessively covered with fat over the exterior surface; and

(b) the kidney and pelvic fat ranges from a large to an excessive amount.

Canada B
7 Canada B carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is good as indicated by moderate thickness in proportion to length with slight narrowness evident in the legs, backs and shoulders;

(b) the flesh may be fine grained to moderately coarse in texture and pink to moderately dark in colour;

(c) the external and internal fat may range from firm to moderately soft and white to reddish or amber colour; and

(d) the fat covering may range from a very light covering to a moderate amount and the kidney and pelvic fat may range from a small to moderate amount but there is no excess proportion of fat overall.

Canada C1
8 Canada C1 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is fair as indicated by narrowness through the legs, backs and shoulders, slightly thin tapering legs and angularity in the shoulders;

(b) the flesh may be coarse in texture and dark red in colour;

(c) the fat may be firm to soft and range from white to yellow in colour; and

(d) the external fat may range from slight to a heavy covering and internal fat may range from deficient to an excessive amount.

Canada C2
9 Canada C2 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is poor indicated by extremely thick fleshing throughout and extreme angularity in the hips and shoulder points;

(b) the flesh is extremely soft, watery and coarse and may be very dark red in colour; and

(c) there may be no external fat.

Part II - Standards for Mutton Carcasses

10 Mutton carcasses have the following characteristics:

(a) the front shanks have a spool joint;

(b) the hind shanks are bleached and show no blood deposits;

(c) the ribs are wide and flat; and

(d) the flesh is somewhat coarse in texture and ranges from medium to dark red in colour.

Canada D1
11 Canada D1 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is excellent as indicated by width, thickness and carcass length, plump full legs, wide thick backs and thick full shoulders;

(b) the flesh is firm and moderately dark red in colour;

(c) the fat is firm, brittle and ranges from white to cream coloured; and

(d) there is at least a thin fat covering over the exterior surface and a moderate amount of kidney and pelvic fat but no excess proportion of fat.

Canada D2
12 Canada D2 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is good as indicated by moderate thickness in proportion to length with slight thinness and narrowness evident in legs, backs, and shoulders;

(b) the flesh may range from soft to firm and from medium to dark red in colour; and

(c) the fat covering may be slightly less or greater than Canada D1 but there is no excess proportion of fat.

Canada D3
13 Canada D3 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is fair as indicated by thin concave legs, narrow sunken backs, and angular narrow shoulders;

(b) the flesh may be soft, watery and dark red in colour and fat may range from a slight to an excessive amount.

Canada D4
14 Canada D4 carcasses are carcasses of any weight having the following characteristics:

(a) the muscling is poor, as indicated by extreme narrowness and general angularity, very thinly fleshed;

(b) the flesh is soft, coarse and watery; and

(c) there may be no external or internal fat.

Canada E
15 Canada E carcasses are carcasses of any weight from mature male sheep having flesh of a very coarse texture which may be very dark red in colour.

Schedule II - Grade Stamps


Schedule III - Lamb and Mutton Brands

1 Lamb and mutton brands are in the form of a continuous strip required to show grade names on carcasses.






2 (1) The width of the brand shall be one and three-eighths of an inch and no word shall exceed that width.

(2) All letters in the grade name shall be block capitals (Gothic) and at least five-sixteenths of an inch in height.

Schedule IV
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing

Notice of Detention
under Part XVII of the Agriculture and Marketing Act of Nova Scotia

To ______________________________
Address __________________________

You are hereby notified that the following agricultural products or articles described as _______________________ marked _______________ said to have originated at _______________________ and now situated at _____________________ are seized and detained under "detention" tags Nos. ______________.
This action has been taken because _____________________________________
________________________________________________________________ It is a violation of the Lamb and Mutton Carcass Grading Regulations to remove, sell or otherwise dispose of the material so detained without written permission from an inspector as defined in these regulations.
Receipt acknowledged by
Signature of Recipient

Last updated: 10-12-2017