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Assessment Act Forms Regulations

made under subsection 179(1) of the

Assessment Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 23

O.I.C. 2012-395 (December 21, 2012, effective January 1, 2013), N.S. Reg. 227/2012


1     The regulations may be cited as the Assessment Act Forms Regulations.

Prescribed forms

2     The forms set out in the Schedule to these regulations are prescribed to be used for the purposes stated in the Act.

Electronic forms

3     Electronic forms corresponding to the forms prescribed in these regulations are prescribed for the same purposes and in substantially the same form.

Schedule: Forms

Form A: Certificate of Assessment Roll

(Section 52 of the Assessment Act)

I certify that


      the assessment roll attached to this certificate has been prepared and compiled after diligent inquiry for and examination into the names and property of all persons liable to be rated in (municipality);

      to the best of my knowledge and belief, the roll is correct and according to law; and

      nothing has been unduly or fraudulently omitted from it or added to it.

Dated at (place) , on (month and day) , 20___.



Director of Assessment

Form B: Notice of Assessment

(Section 53 of the Assessment Act)

To: (name of person assessed)

Your real property (and any business occupancy assessment that applies to the property) within (municipality) for the taxation year 20 has been assessed under the provisions of the Assessment Act as set out below:

Real Property

(classification) (address) (assessed value) (taxable assessed value, if applicable) (exempt assessment)

        (classification) at (civic address)

$ (assessed value) , $ (taxable assessed value, if applicable) or acres (as appropriate) __________.

$ (exempt assessment) .

Business Occupancy Assessment

        (classification) at (address)

$ (assessed value) .

Take notice that appeals from this assessment must be filed with the recorder of the Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal for the municipality in which the property is located on or before (insert date that is 31 days after the notice is served or the words “31 days after service of this notice”). Notice of the date that the Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal will meet will be given to everyone who has filed an appeal. You may appear in support of your appeal at the time and place indicated in that notice.

Dated at (place) ,on (month and day) , 20__.



Director of Assessment

Form C: Notice of Appeal

(Section 63 of the Assessment Act)

To: The recorder of the Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal for (municipality)

Take notice that I appeal from the assessment of $ (insert value from notice of assessment) upon real property at (civic address) assessed to (insert name of person from notice of assessment) in (municipality) and that the grounds of my appeal are as follows:



My address for service is:


Dated: (month and day) , 20___.



       (print name)            



Form D: Subpoena

(Section 67 of the Assessment Act)

             (name of municipality)

To: (insert names of persons)

The Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal requires your attendance

The persons named above are hereby required to appear before the Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal to give evidence on the part of (name of appellant) on an appeal now pending before the Tribunal regarding

[ ] the assessment of (name of person assessed)

[ ] the insertion/omission of the name of (name of person) from the assessment.

Time, date and place

You must appear at (address) at (time) a.m./p.m. on (month and day) , 20___.

Penalties for failing to appear

If you do not appear as required, you may [be] subject to penalties under the law.

Dated: (month and day) , 20 .



Member of the Tribunal


Form E: Notice of Dissatisfaction

(Section 68 of the Assessment Act)

To: The recorder of the Nova Scotia Assessment Appeal Tribunal for (municipality)

Take notice that I am not satisfied with the amendment made by the assessor under Section 68 of the Assessment Act with respect to the appeal from the assessment of property at                            (civic address) assessed to (insert name of person from notice of assessment) .

Dated: (month and day) , 20 .



       (print name)            




Last updated: 10-12-2017