This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
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Gasfitter Trade Regulations

made under Section 17A of the

Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act

S.N.S. 2003, c. 1

N.S. Reg. 143/2017 (effective September 27, 2017)

amended to N.S. Reg. 152/2022 (effective July 6, 2022)

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.





Classes of certification in gasfitter trade

Term and levels of apprenticeship for Gasfitter B

Educational prerequisite for Gasfitter A

Term of apprenticeship for Gasfitter A

Wages for apprentices in gasfitter trade

Gasfitter B certificate through trade qualification

Gasfitter A certificate through trade qualification

Permitted activities—Gasfitter B

Permitted activities—Gasfitter A

Compliance with identity card requirements of General Regulations




1        These trade regulations may be cited as the Gasfitter Trade Regulations.


2        (1)    In these regulations,


“2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations” means the Gas Fitter Trade Regulations, N.S. Reg. 210/2016;


“Act” means the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act;


“approved appliance” means any equipment or appliance that bears a nameplate or label indicating that it has been approved or certified by a certification agency accredited by the Standards Council of Canada;


“Btu/h” means British Thermal Units per hour;


“gas appliance” means an appliance that utilizes natural gas, propane, digester gas or bio-gas;


“gasfitter” means a Gasfitter A and a Gasfitter B and includes a gas technician as defined in the Fuel Safety Regulations made under the Technical Safety Act;


“Gasfitter A” means the Gasfitter A class of certification in the gasfitter trade, consisting of installing, servicing and maintaining any size of gas-utilizing appliances, piping and equipment;


“Gasfitter B” means the Gasfitter B class of certification in the gasfitter trade, consisting of installing, servicing and maintaining gas-utilizing appliances and equipment with an input rate of 400 000 Btu/h or less;


“gasfitter trade” means the occupation of a gasfitter, consisting of the work performed by a Gasfitter A or Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice;


“General Regulations” means the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act General Regulations made under the Act.


          (2)    A term defined in the General Regulations has the same meaning when used in these regulations.

Classes of certification in gasfitter trade

3        The following are the classes of certification in the gasfitter trade:


                   (a)      Gasfitter A;


                   (b)     Gasfitter B.

Term and levels of apprenticeship for Gasfitter B

4        The term of apprenticeship for Gasfitter B consists of all of the following:


                   (a)      3600 documented hours of the combination of practical experience and the portion of technical training spent learning the skills of the designated trade as described in clause 26(1A)(a) of the General Regulations and as approved by the Director;


                   (b)     related technical training as described in clause 26(1A)(b) of the General Regulations and as approved by the Director;


                   (c)      a certification examination.

Educational prerequisite for Gasfitter A

5        The educational prerequisite for Gasfitter A, prescribed for the purposes of clause 7(b) of the General Regulations, is that a person hold a certificate of qualification in one of the following before entering into an apprenticeship agreement for Gasfitter A:


                   (a)      Gasfitter B;


                   (b)     the Gas Fitter B trade, issued under the Gas Fitter Trade Regulations, N.S. Reg. 3/1999;


                   (c)      the Gas Fitter B trade, issued under the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations;


                   (d)     a certificate of qualification bearing a red seal issued in another province of Canada in respect of a trade that is the equivalent of Gasfitter B in the Province.

Term of apprenticeship for Gasfitter A

6        (1)    The term of apprenticeship for Gasfitter A consists of all of the following:


                   (a)      a single level consisting of 1800 documented hours of the combination of practical experience and the portion of technical training spent learning the skills of the designated trade as described in clause 26(1A)(a) of the General Regulations and as approved by the Director, in accordance with the following requirements:


                              (i)      the 1800 documented hours must be obtained after acquiring a Gasfitter B certificate of qualification or as set out in clause 5(b), (c) or (d), and


                              (ii)     at least 450 hours of supervised practical experience of the 1800 documented hours must be obtained on systems with an input rate greater than 400 000 Btu/h;


                   (b)     related technical training as described in clause 26(1A)(b) of the General Regulations and as approved by the Director;


                   (c)      a certification examination.


          (2)    Any probationary period included in a term of apprenticeship for the gasfitter trade as permitted by subsection 12(2) of the General Regulations must be no longer than 3 months.


7        [repealed]

Wages for apprentices in gasfitter trade

8        An employer must not employ a gasfitter apprentice at a wage for actual hours worked that is lower than the wage that would be paid at the minimum wage rate prescribed in the Minimum Wage Order (General) made under the Labour Standards Code.

Gasfitter B certificate through trade qualification

9        The period of employment in the designated trade that is required by paragraph 30(1)(a)(ii)(B) of the General Regulations for a person who does not hold a certificate of apprenticeship and is applying for a Gasfitter B certificate of qualification is at least 5400 hours.

Gasfitter A certificate through trade qualification

10      (1)    It is a requirement for the purposes of clause 30(1)(e) of the General Regulations that a person who does not hold a certificate of apprenticeship must hold a Gasfitter B certificate of qualification before they can apply for a Gasfitter A certificate of qualification.


          (2)    The period of employment in the designated trade that is required by paragraph 30(1)(a)(ii)(B) of the General Regulations for a person who does not hold a certificate of apprenticeship and is applying for a Gasfitter A certificate of qualification is at least 2700 hours.

Permitted activities—Gasfitter B

11      (1)    A Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice may install, purge, activate, repair, service or remove a gas appliance with an input rate of 400 000 Btu/h or less and equipment and accessories essential to the operation of the appliance.


          (2)    A Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice may perform all of the following activities on a gas appliance with an input rate of 400 000 Btu/h or less and equipment essential to the operation of the appliance:


                   (a)      install to an appliance downstream of a natural gas meter, any piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system with a nominal pipe size of no larger than 2 in., and inspect, test, activate, purge, service, repair, maintain or remove such piping or tubing or component in a piping of tubing system;


                   (b)     install to an appliance of a propane vapour system, any piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system with a nominal pipe size of no larger than 2 in., and inspect, test, activate, purge, service, repair, maintain or remove such piping or tubing or component in a piping of [or] tubing system, and install or remove the propane supply container;


                   (c)      install, inspect, service, remove, repair or replace any vent, vent connector, draft control device or other component in a gas-fired appliance venting system;


                   (d)     disconnect and reconnect water piping as necessary to exchange, service or install an approved appliance and carry out the replacement necessary to complete the reconnection of controls and components forming part of the appliance, but may not alter, remove, repair or replace any cross-connection control devices or perform any additional plumbing work unless the Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the plumber trade;


                   (e)      perform maintenance on, service or replace a mechanical or electrical component or accessory;


                   (f)      perform the tasks that are necessary to replace controls and components forming part of an appliance other than replacing a low water cut-off on a boiler with an operating pressure above 15 psi, but may not perform any additional steamfitting/pipefitting work unless the Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the steamfitter/pipefitter trade;


                   (g)     install, service, remove or replace components and accessories forming part of the gas-side of a refrigerating or air conditioning unit, but may not perform any additional work beyond the gas-side of the appliance unless the Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic trade;


                   (h)     disconnect and reconnect electrical supply wiring in order to exchange, service or repair an approved appliance and carry out the replacement necessary to complete the reconnection of controls and components forming part of the appliance, but may not run wiring back to the panel or perform any additional electrical work related to the wiring of the appliance unless the Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the construction electrician trade;


                   (i)      install, repair, service, remove or replace the plenum connection or components forming part of the plenum connection in order to complete the installation of a gas appliance, but may not perform any additional sheet metal work beyond the plenum connection unless the Gasfitter B journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the sheet metal worker trade.

Permitted activities—Gasfitter A

12      A Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice may perform all of the following activities on any gas appliance:


                   (a)      install, inspect, test, activate, purge, service, repair or remove a gas appliance or any equipment or accessories essential to the operation of the appliance;


                   (b)     install to an appliance downstream of a natural gas meter, any piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system, and inspect, test, activate, purge, service, repair, maintain or remove such piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system;


                   (c)      install to an appliance or a propane system, any piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system, and inspect, test, activate, purge, service, repair, maintain or remove such piping or tubing or component in a piping or tubing system and install or remove the propane supply container;


                   (d)     install, inspect, service, remove, repair or replace any vent, vent connector, draft control device or other component in a gas-fired appliance venting system;


                   (e)      disconnect and reconnect water piping as necessary to exchange, service or install an approved appliance and carry out the replacement necessary to complete the reconnection of controls and components forming part of the appliance, but may not alter, remove, repair or replace any cross-connection control devices or perform any additional plumbing work unless the Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the plumber trade;


                   (f)      perform maintenance on, service or replace a mechanical or electrical component or accessory that is either part of an appliance or is essential to the operation of the appliance;


                   (g)     perform the tasks that are necessary to replace controls and components forming part of an appliance other than replacing a low water cut-off on a boiler with an operating pressure above 15 psi, but may not perform any additional steam or pipefitting work unless the Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the steamfitter/pipefitter trade;


                   (h)     install, service, remove or replace components and accessories forming part of the gas-side of a refrigerating or air conditioning unit, but may not perform any additional work beyond the gas-side of the appliance unless the Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic trade;


                   (i)      disconnect and reconnect electrical supply wiring in order to exchange, service or repair an approved appliance and carry out the replacement necessary to complete the reconnection of controls and components forming part of the appliance, but may not run wiring back to the panel or perform any additional electrical work related to the wiring of the appliance unless the Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the construction electrician trade;


                   (j)      install, repair, service, remove or replace the plenum connection or components forming part of the plenum connection in order to complete the installation of a gas appliance, but may not perform any additional sheet metal work beyond the plenum connection unless the Gasfitter A journeyperson or apprentice holds a valid certificate of qualification in the sheet metal worker trade;


                   (k)     perform any functions that may be performed by the holder of a Gasfitter B certificate of qualification.

Compliance with identity card requirements of General Regulations

13      For the purposes of Section 34 of the General Regulations, which requires an apprentice or journeyperson to keep their identity card in their possession when practising the designated trade and produce it on request, a person is practising the gasfitter trade while the person is doing any of the following:


                   (a)      for an apprentice,


                              (i)      acquiring practical experience in the trade, or


                              (ii)     learning the skills of the trade during the technical training portion of apprenticeship training;


                   (b)     for a journeyperson, performing the duties of the trade as defined in these regulations or their duties as set out in the General Regulations.


14      (1)    A person who, immediately before the coming into force of these regulations, was an apprentice in an apprenticeship program for the Gas Fitter B trade under the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations, may do either of the following:


                   (a)      continue as an apprentice in that apprenticeship program under the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations;


                   (b)     become an apprentice in the apprenticeship program for Gasfitter B under these regulations, with full credit being granted for any of the following that, in the opinion of the Director, has been completed by the person:


                              (i)      the documented hours of the combination of practical experience and the portion of technical training spent learning the skills of the designated trade as required by clause 3(1)(a) of the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations,


                              (ii)     the related technical training as required by clause 3(1)(b) of the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations.


          (2)    A person who, immediately before the coming into force of these regulations, was an apprentice in an apprenticeship program for the Gas Fitter A trade under the 2016 Gas Fitter Trade Regulations continues as an apprentice in that apprenticeship program under these regulations.




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Gasfitter Trade Regulations

N.S. Reg. 143/2017

Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Gasfitter Trade Regulations made under the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Sep 27, 2017

date specified

Oct 13, 2017


Jul 6, 2022

date filed

Jul 15, 2022













The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


rep. 152/2022









Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:













Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Gas Fitter Trade Regulations

Apr 1, 2017

Sep 27, 2017


Gas Fitter Trade Regulations

Feb 3, 1999

Apr 1, 2017

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 26-07-2022