This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with the Registry that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © 2011, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Disclosure Statements Regulations

made under Section 35 of the

Conflict of Interest Act

S.N.S. 2010, c. 35

O.I.C. 2011-114 (March 29, 2011), N.S. Reg. 154/2011


1     These regulations may be cited as the Disclosure Statements Regulations.


2     In these regulations, “Act” means the Conflict of Interest Act.

Disclosure statement forms

3     (1)    A disclosure statement filed on behalf of a member under clause 8(1)(a) of the Act must be in Form A.


       (2)    A disclosure statement filed on behalf of a member’s spouse and dependent children under clause 8(1)(b) of the Act must be in Form B.

Form A: Disclosure Statement on Behalf of Member

Province of Nova Scotia

Conflict of Interest Act


1)   Statement information

This disclosure statement is filed on behalf of: _______________________________ (type or print name of member in full), a member of the House of Assembly/Executive Council.


This statement is an (check one):

[ ]

initial statement

(to be filed within 30 days of becoming a member)

[ ]

annual statement

(to be filed on or before June 30 each year)

[ ]

amended statement

(to be filed within 90 days of acquisition or disposition of asset or liability)


2)   Information about member

       a.   Electoral district you represent: ______________________________________

       b.   List of any appointments held by you under [the] Executive Council Act:




c.Your office address:






(postal code)


d.Your permanent residence civic address:






(postal code)


       e.   Your telephone numbers

           constituency office: _____ - ______ - __________

           caucus office: _____ - ______ - __________

           ministerial office: _____ - ______ - __________

           permanent residence: _____ - ______ - __________


       f.   Name of your spouse:                                                                                                 

Note: “spouse” is defined in the Act as “a person who is married to, the domestic partner of or living in a conjugal relationship with a member and includes a person of the same sex as a member, but does not include a person who is separated and living apart from a member”.


       g.   Names of your dependent children:




Note: “dependent child” is defined in the Act as “a child who is under the age of majority or, although over the age of majority, unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from the charge of the person’s parents or provide himself or herself with reasonable needs”.


3)   Exclusions

You are not required to disclose any of the following in this disclosure statement (subsection 11(3) of the Conflict of Interest Act):


           assets and financial interests having a value of less than $10,000

           a debt you owe to your spouse, a dependent child or a member of your immediate family

           a debt owed to you by your spouse, a dependent child or a member of your immediate family


4)   Disclosures

For an amended statement, list only changes since last disclosure statement and indicate whether they are acquisitions or disposals.

Attach a schedule if there is not enough space on [the] form.


You must disclose all of the following information (subsection 11(2) of the Conflict of Interest Act):


       a.   the name of every individual or organization that in any manner whatsoever remunerates or contributes to you, including any reimbursement for expenses made to you:

Instructions: Indicate capacity in which remuneration is received and include address of each individual or organization named. Do not indicate amount of remuneration or contributions. Do not list payments included in item j.)


Individual or organization

Civic address

Capacity in which received














       b.  the issuer or name of any bonds, debentures, holdings in investment funds, mutual funds, investment trusts or similar securities you have:

Instructions: Do not include:

           Canada Savings Bonds or other investments or securities of fixed value issued or guaranteed by any level of government in Canada or an agency of a government in Canada,

           registered retirement savings plans that are not self-directed,

           open-ended mutual funds,

           guaranteed investment certificates or any similar financial instruments,

           annuities and life insurance policies

           pension rights

Do not indicate the amount or value.

Name/issuer of bond, debenture etc.





       c.   the nature and location of any interest you have in or with respect to real property, whether situate within or outside the Province:

Instructions: Do not include any interest of yours in or with respect to real property that is used by you, your spouse or your dependent children for residential or recreational purposes. Do not list an interest in real property of a corporation of which you are a shareholder.

Location of property

Nature of interest








       d.  unless excluded in item b., the name of every corporation, or subsidiary of a corporation, in which you hold a beneficial interest, a share warrant or purchase option:

Instructions: Do not indicate the amount or value.

Name of corporation





       e.   the nature of any interest of yours in property of a kind required to be disclosed in item b., c. or d., and over which you, your spouse or your dependent children have a general power of appointment or an expectancy under a trust:

Nature of interest in disclosed property





       f.   any trust established for you, and the names of the trustees and the contributors to the trust:

Name of trust

Contributors to trust


Address for trustees














       g.   the name of every individual or organization to which you are financially indebted,

Instructions: Do not include a debt that

           is a current and ordinary household and personal living expense of yours or your spouse or your dependent children

           is in respect of an automobile, a boat used for recreational purposes, or recreational vehicles of yours or your spouse or your dependent children

           is money or other property entrusted to or received by you in trust for a person other than you or your spouse or your dependent children

           is in respect of an interest of yours that is not required to be disclosed in item b. or c.

           is less than $10,000

Do not indicate the amount or other details about the debt.

Individual or organization









       h.  the name of every individual or organization that is financially indebted to you in an amount greater than $10,000:

Instructions: Do not indicate amount or other details respecting debt.

Individual or organization









       i.   the name of every individual or organization to which you transferred a disclosed asset or with whom you settled a disclosed liability:

Instructions: List only transfers or settlements since you became a member or since your last disclosure statement was filed.

Note: A disclosed asset or liability is an asset or liability required to be disclosed whether or not previously included in a disclosure statement.

Individual or organization


Asset or liability











       j.   all payments received by you from a recognized party or an electoral district association:

Instructions: List only payments received since becoming a member or since last disclosure statement filed.

Payment source

(recognized party or electoral district assn.)













       k.  any gifts with a value greater than $250.00 received by you

Instructions: Do not include gifts from your spouse, dependent children or members of your immediate family or your spouse’s immediate family. List only gifts received since becoming a member or since last disclosure statement filed.


Received from












5)   Oath or affirmation

I swear that information contained in this statement is, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, a full and true disclosure of my interest as of _________________, 20___, as required by the Conflict of Interest Act.

Sworn to at _______________________
in the County of ____________ this ___
day of _________________ 20___, before me






(Commissioner, judge, barrister,

commissioner of oaths, notary public –

other than a member of the House of

Assembly or the Executive Council)


(signature of member)

For Use of Commissioner Only

Filed on ____________________, 20___



(signature of Commissioner)



Form B: Disclosure Statement on Behalf of Member’s Spouse and Dependent Children

Province of Nova Scotia

Conflict of Interest Act


1)   Statement information

This disclosure statement is filed on behalf of the spouse and dependent children of: _______________________________ (type or print name of member in full), a member of the House of Assembly/Executive Council.


This statement is an (check one):

[ ]

initial statement

(to be filed within 30 days of becoming a member or within 90 days of acquiring a spouse)

[ ]

annual statement

(to be filed on or before June 30 each year)

[ ]

amended statement

(to be filed within 90 days of acquisition or disposition of asset or liability)


2)   Information about member

       a.   Electoral district you represent: ______________________________________

       b.   List of any appointments held by you under Executive Council Act:




c.Your office address:






(postal code)


d.Your permanent residence civic address:






(postal code)


e.Your telephone numbers

           constituency office: _____ - ______ - __________

           caucus office: _____ - ______ - __________

           ministerial office: _____ - ______ - __________

           permanent residence: _____ - ______ - __________


f.Name of your spouse:

Note: “spouse” is defined in the Act as “a person who is married to, a domestic partner of or living in a conjugal relationship with a member and includes a person of the same sex as a member, but does not include a person who is separated and living apart from a member”.


       g.   Names of your dependent children:




Note: “dependent child” is defined in the Act as “a child who is under the age of majority or, although over the age of majority, unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from the charge of the person’s parents or provide himself or herself with reasonable needs”.


3)   Exclusions

You are not required to disclose any of the following in this disclosure statement (subsection 11(3) of the Conflict of Interest Act):


           assets and financial interests having a value of less than $10,000

           a debt you owe to your spouse, a dependent child or a member of your immediate family

           a debt owed to you by your spouse, a dependent child or a member of your immediate family


4)   Disclosures

For each item, indicate the person to whom the listed item relates (name of spouse or dependent child). For an amended statement, list only changes since last disclosure statement and indicate whether they are acquisitions or disposals.

Attach a schedule if there is not enough space on [the] form.


You must disclose all of the following information (subsection 11(2) of the Conflict of Interest Act):


       a.   the name of every individual or organization that in any manner whatsoever remunerates or contributes to your spouse or dependent children, including any reimbursement for expenses made to your spouse or dependent children:

Instructions: Indicate capacity in which remuneration is received and include address of each individual or organization named. Do not indicate amount of remuneration or contributions. Do not list payments included in item j.)


Individual or organization

Civic address

Capacity in which received

Member of family


















       b.  the issuer or name of any bonds, debentures, holdings in investment funds, mutual funds, investment trusts or similar securities your spouse or your dependent children have:

Instructions: Do not include:

           Canada Savings Bonds or other investments or securities of fixed value issued or guaranteed by any level of government in Canada or an agency of a government in Canada,

           registered retirement savings plans that are not self-directed,

           open-ended mutual funds,

           guaranteed investment certificates or any similar financial instruments,

           annuities and life insurance policies

           pension rights

Do not indicate the amount or value.

Name/issuer of bond, debenture etc.

Member of family








       c.   the nature and location of any interest your spouse or dependent children have in or with respect to real property, whether situate within or outside the Province:

Instructions: Do not include any interest in or with respect to real property that is used by you, your spouse or your dependent children for residential or recreational purposes. Do not list an interest in real property of a corporation of which you are a shareholder.

Location of property

Nature of interest

Member of family











       d.  unless excluded in b., the name of every corporation, or subsidiary of a corporation, in which your spouse or dependent children hold a beneficial interest, a share warrant or purchase option:

Instructions: Do not indicate the amount or value.

Name of corporation

Member of family








       e.   the nature of any interest of your spouse or dependent children in property of a kind required to be disclosed in b., c. or d., and over which you, your spouse or your dependent children have a general power of appointment or an expectancy under a trust:

Nature of interest in disclosed property

Member of family








       f.   any trust established for your spouse or dependent children, and the names of the trustees and the contributors to the trust:

Instructions: Do not include a trust established by you or your spouse for your dependent children.

Name of trust

Contributors to trust


Address for trustees

Member of family

















       g.   the name of every individual or organization to which your spouse or dependent children are financially indebted,

Instructions: Do not include a debt that

           is a current and ordinary household and personal living expense of yours or your spouse or your dependent children

           is in respect of an automobile, a boat used for recreational purposes, or recreational vehicles of yours or your spouse or your dependent children

           is money or other property entrusted to or received by you in trust for a person other than you or your spouse or your dependent children

           is in respect of an interest of yours that is not required to be disclosed in b. or c.

           is less than $10,000

Do not indicate the amount or other details about the debt.

Individual or organization


Member of family











       h.  the name of every individual or organization that is financially indebted to your spouse or dependent children in an amount greater than $10,000:

Instructions: Do not indicate amount or other details respecting debt.

Individual or organization


Member of family











       i.   the name of every individual or organization to which your spouse or dependent children transferred a disclosed asset or with whom they settled a disclosed liability:

Instructions: List only transfers or settlements since you became a member or since your last disclosure statement was filed.

Note: A disclosed asset or liability is an asset or liability required to be disclosed whether or not previously included in a disclosure statement.

Individual or organization


Asset or liability

Member of family














       j.   all payments received by you from a recognized party or an electoral district association:

Instructions: List only payments received since becoming a member or since last disclosure statement filed.

Payment source

(recognized party or electoral district assn.)



Member of family














       k.  any gifts with a value greater than $250.00 received by your spouse or dependent children

Instructions: Do not include gifts from your spouse, dependent children or members of your immediate family or your spouse’s immediate family. List only gifts received since becoming a member or since last disclosure statement filed.


Received from


Member of family














5)   Oath or affirmation

I swear that information contained in this statement is, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, a full and true disclosure of the interests of my spouse and dependent children as of _________________, 20___, as required by the Conflict of Interest Act.

Sworn to at _______________________
in the County of ____________ this ___
day of _________________ 20___, before me






(Commissioner, judge, barrister,

commissioner of oaths, notary public –

other than a member of the House of

Assembly or the Executive Council)


(signature of member)

For Use of Commissioner Only

Filed on ____________________, 20___



(signature of Commissioner)


Last updated: 10-12-2017