This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
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Governor in Council CSAP Act Regulations

made under Section 66 of the

Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act

S.N.S. 2023, c. 10

O.I.C. 2024-321 (effective August 15, 2024), N.S. Reg. 171/2024

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Authorized person

Registration in French-first-language education program

French-first-language classes, facilities and programs

Transportation of students

Payment for student boarding

Remuneration and expenses

Composition and meetings of Conseil audit committee

Terms of reference of audit committee

Information gathering by and procedures of audit committee

Definition of “commercial activity”


Schedule “A” Declaration of an entitled parent or a parent of an authorized person wishing to register a child in a French-first-language education program provided by the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial



1        These regulations may be cited as the Governor in Council CSAP Act Regulations.


2        In these regulations,


“Act” means the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act;


“authorized person” means a person authorized to receive a French-first-language education under Section 3.

Authorized person

3        In addition to a child of an entitled parent, all of the following are authorized to receive a French-first-language education:


                   (a)      a child


                              (i)      whose grandparent speaks French or spoke French during their lifetime,


                              (ii)     who speaks, reads and writes in French at their grade level, and


                              (iii)    who has a parent who is all of the following:


                                        (A)   a Canadian citizen,


                                        (B)   committed to actively promoting the French language in their child throughout their schooling;


                   (b)     a child who


                              (i)      has a parent who is not a Canadian citizen, and


                              (ii)     meets all of the following criteria:


                                        (A)   speaks, reads and writes in French at their grade level,


                                        (B)   lives in a home where French is spoken;


                   (c)      a student who participates in an international exchange program and who speaks, reads and writes in French at their grade level;


                   (d)     a child of a biological parent who is not an entitled person, but who lives with a Canadian citizen who is an entitled person.

Registration in French-first-language education program

4        (1)    An entitled parent or a parent of an authorized person wishing to register a child in a French-first-language education program must file with the Conseil a declaration in the form set out in Schedule “A”.


          (2)    The Conseil may request from a child’s parent further information about any child that a parent wishes to register in a French-first-language education program and the Conseil must, subject to subsection (3), use that information to determine if the child’s parent is an entitled parent or the child is an authorized person.


          (3)    The Minister may review any declaration filed with the Conseil under subsection (1) and any additional information provided by the parent under subsection (2) and make a final determination as to whether the child’s parent is an entitled parent or the child is an authorized person, and the Minister’s determination overrides any determination made by the Conseil under subsection (2).


          (4)    A child may only be registered in a French-first-language education program if a declaration has been filed with the Conseil under subsection (1) and the child’s parent has been found to be an entitled parent or the child has been found to be an authorized person.

French-first-language classes, facilities and programs

5        (1)    If the Conseil is making preliminary plans to start a new class consisting of children of entitled parents who are not registered in a French-first-language education program,


                   (a)      it may conduct a pre-registration of children of entitled parents in order to determine the demand for French-first-language education program instruction; and


                   (b)     it must consider all of the following when developing the French-first-language education program:


                              (i)      the proximity of its existing classes or facilities to the children of entitled parents who would be assembled as a new class,


                              (ii)     the expected number of children of entitled parents who would register in the program,


                              (iii)    any other pertinent factors.


          (2)    Before establishing new French-first-language classes of children of entitled parents who are not registered in a French-first-language education program, the Conseil must do all of the following:


                   (a)      have a discussion with the education entity in the area where the class is proposed to be established about the desire to establish a class in the area;


                   (b)     obtain the Minister’s approval of all of the following:


                              (i)      the projected number of children of entitled parents in the class;


                              (ii)     the assembly of the children described in subclause (i) as a class.


          (3)    For the purpose of determining whether a sufficient number of children of entitled parents can be assembled to make up a class, the Minister may examine whether the children of entitled parents are sufficiently concentrated both geographically and by grade level, taking into account the following factors:


                   (a)      the proximity of existing classes and facilities to the area;


                   (b)     the number of children of entitled parents in the area;


                   (c)      the potential for future admissions;


                   (d)     the distances over which the children of entitled parents must be transported;


                   (e)      the ages of the children of entitled parents.


          (4)    Course and program implementation plans adopted by the Conseil must first be approved by the Minister.

Transportation of students

6        (1)    Under clause 12(n) of the Act, the Conseil must provide for the transportation of students within its jurisdiction by either providing the service itself or arranging for a person to provide the service if 1 of the following applies and the Conseil determines that transportation of the students is necessary:


                   (a)      1 or more students reside more than 3.6 km from the school to which they are to be transported;


                   (b)     1 or more students require transportation because of special needs regardless of where they reside in relation to the school.


          (2)    The Conseil must, on or before April 15 of the year it first provides a French-first-language education program, prepare a written plan for approval by the Minister describing the means by which it proposes to meet its obligations under the Act for the transportation of students.

Payment for student boarding

7        Under clause 12(o) of the Act, the Conseil must pay for the boarding of a student attending a school providing a French-first-language education program if all of the following criteria are met:


                   (a)      the school is a public school;


                   (b)     the Conseil has approved the student’s enrollment at the school;


                   (c)      the Conseil considers it impracticable to convey the student to the school that the student would normally attend or in which the student is enrolled;


                   (d)     the Conseil considers the boarding costs to be reasonable.

Remuneration and expenses

8        (1)    The Conseil may pay an annual stipend to a member of the Conseil for occupying 1 of the following roles that is no greater than the corresponding rate set out in the following table:


Maximum Annual Stipend


$14 400


$16 400


$22 000


          (2)    On or before July 31 in the year of the election of members mandated under Section 26 of the Act, the Minister must engage a person to complete an independent review of the maximum annual stipend set out in subsection (1).


          (3)    Following the independent review described in subsection (2), the person who completed the independent review must make a recommendation to the Minister about the amount of the maximum annual stipend that takes into account all of the following:


                   (a)      similar remuneration rates for similar types of board members across the Province or country;


                   (b)     the workload of the members;


                   (c)      member accountability;


                   (d)     attraction and retention of members.


          (4)    After the completion of the independent review described in subsection (2) and receiving the recommendation described in subsection (3), the Minister may accept, reject or modify the maximum annual stipend set out in subsection (1) in accordance with the recommendation made to the Minister under subsection (3).


          (5)    If the Minister modifies the maximum annual stipend by increasing it, the new maximum annual stipend replaces the amounts set out in subsection (1) as of the effective date determined by the Minister and the Conseil may adjust the annual stipend paid on or after the effective date to an amount that is no more than the amount of the new maximum annual stipend.


          (6)    The Conseil may reimburse members for expenses incurred while performing the required duties of a member at the maximum rates set out in policy for provincial employees.

Composition and meetings of Conseil audit committee

9        (1)    In this Section and Sections 10 and 11, “audit committee” means an audit committee established under Section 60 of the Act by the Conseil.


          (2)    An audit committee must be composed of at least 3 members and those members must meet all of the following criteria:


                   (a)      they must not be employed by the Conseil or have been employed by the Conseil within 1 year of their appointment to the audit committee;


                   (b)     they must be members of the Conseil.


          (3)    Despite subsection (2), an audit committee may include 1 member who is not a member of the Conseil if the Conseil determines that it is desirable to supplement the financial expertise of the other audit committee members with the financial expertise of the non-member.


          (4)    An audit committee must meet as often as required to carry out its duties and at least 2 times in each fiscal year of the Conseil.

Terms of reference of audit committee

10      An audit committee must assist the Conseil in monitoring and maintaining the internal controls of the Conseil’s operations by doing all of the following:


                   (a)      reviewing the annual report and any other report, findings or recommendations of the auditor or any other person conducting a review of the financial management and internal controls of the Conseil;


                   (b)     reviewing the management response to the annual report and any other report, findings or recommendations described in clause (a);


                   (c)      monitoring corrective and other actions taken by the Conseil in response to the annual report and any other report, findings or recommendations described in clause (a);


                   (d)     reviewing any other matters as directed by the Conseil or that the audit committee believes require review;


                   (e)      making a report to the Conseil when the audit committee considers appropriate and at least once each fiscal year that includes the findings and recommendations of the audit committee.

Information gathering by and procedures of audit committee

11      (1)    An audit committee must have free access at all times to the reports, records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers of the Conseil and is entitled to receive from officers and employees of the Conseil any information and explanations that the audit committee considers necessary for the performance of the audit committee’s duties, and the officials and employees of the Conseil must promptly provide the required access, information or explanations.


          (2)    For the purpose of subsection (1), the Chief Financial Officer of the Conseil must coordinate the provision of reports, records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers to an audit committee.


          (3)    An audit committee may, if the audit committee considers appropriate, meet with the auditor conducting the annual audit or any other person conducting a review of the financial management and internal controls of the Conseil without staff of the Conseil being present.


          (4)    An audit committee must, if the auditor conducting the annual audit or any other person conducting a review of the financial management and internal controls of the Conseil requests, meet with the auditor or other person without staff of the Conseil being present.

Definition of “commercial activity”

12      For the purpose of Section 45 of the Act, “commercial activity” of the Conseil includes entering into an agreement with a person to permit the person, for a fee, to place advertising posters in a school administered by the Conseil.

Schedule “A”
Declaration of an entitled parent or a parent of an authorized person wishing to register a child in a French-first-language education program provided by the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial


Name:                                                Date of Birth:

Present School:                                 Present Grade:


Requested School:                            Requested Grade:




Telephone:            Work




Telephone:            Work


Please provide the following information. This information will be used to determine whether you are an entitled parent under the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act.



I am a citizen of Canada                                                                 YES / NO



(a)   my first language learned and still understood is French       YES / NO


(b)   I received my primary school instruction in Canada in a

       French-first-language education program                              YES / NO


(c)   one of my children has received or is receiving primary or

secondary school instruction in Canada in a French-first-

       language education program                                                  YES / NO


Note:       You only qualify as an entitled parent if you are a Canadian citizen and you answer “yes” to at least one of a, b or c.


Name of school attended:


Date of attendance:


Please provide the following information. This information will be used to determine whether the child is an authorized person under the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act.



I am a citizen of Canada                                                                 YES / NO

and, if yes,


(a)   my child has a grandparent who speaks French or spoke

       French during their lifetime and                                            YES / NO


(b)   my child speaks, reads and writes in French at their grade

       level and                                                                                 YES / NO


(c)   I am committed to actively promoting the French language

       in my child throughout their schooling                                  YES / NO

and, if no,


(a)   my child speaks, reads and writes in French at their grade

       level and                                                                                 YES / NO


(b)   my child lives in a home where French is spoken                  YES / NO


I am a student who participates in an international exchange

program and I speak, read and write in French at my grade level YES / NO


My child is a student who participates in an international

exchange program and my child speaks, reads and writes in

French at their grade level                                                              YES / NO



The child lives with me and I am a Canadian citizen                     YES / NO



(a)   my first language learned and still understood is French       YES / NO


(b)   I received my primary school instruction in Canada in a

       French-first-language education program                              YES / NO


Note:       You only qualify as an entitled person if you are a Canadian citizen and you answer “yes” to at least one of a or b.


Name of school attended:


Date of attendance:


I request that the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial provide the above-named child with instruction in a French-first-language education program. I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and exact and I am prepared to provide any information the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial requests to establish that my child is entitled to attend a French-first-language education program provided by the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial.


Name (in printed letters):


(This form is available in French and English)




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Governor in Council CSAP Act Regulations

N.S. Reg. 171/2024

Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Governor in Council CSAP Act Regulations made under the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Aug 15, 2024

date specified

Aug 23, 2024

















The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected











Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections













Repealed and Superseded



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 06-09-2024