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Election Tariff of Fees and Expenses

made under subsection 355(1) of the

Elections Act

S.N.S. 2011, c. 5

O.I.C. 2021-120 (effective May 6, 2021), N.S. Reg. 73/2021

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Processing claims

Hourly Fee

Returning office core staff

Returning office casual staff

Returning office field staff

Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers

Number of hours

Schedule of hourly fees

Authorized Expenses

Employment-related travel by election workers

Use of a building as a voting location

Headquarters for returning office

Miscellaneous expenditures for training, conducting an election or other purposes

Audit reimbursement fee

Bookkeeping services for electoral district association

Candidate software reimbursement

Products and services provided by Elections Nova Scotia

Increases in Consumer Price Index

Appendix A: Election Worker Hourly Fee Increments



1        These regulations may be cited as the Election Tariff of Fees and Expenses.


2        In this tariff,


“Act” means the Elections Act;


“CEO” means the Chief Electoral Officer;


“Elections Nova Scotia casual support worker” means an election worker who assists Elections Nova Scotia’s head office as required, whose employment is directly related to preparing for or conducting an election and whose position is listed under the heading “Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers” in Appendix A;


“minimum wage” means the fixed hourly wage rate for employees set out in the Minimum Wage Order (General) made under the Labour Standards Code;


“returning office casual staff” means an election worker whose position is listed under the heading “Returning office casual staff” in Appendix A;


“returning office core staff” means an election worker whose position is listed under the heading “Returning office core staff” in Appendix A;


“returning office field staff” means an election worker whose position is listed under the heading “Returning office field staff” in Appendix A.

Processing claims

3        (1)    A claim made under this tariff for payment of an expense or for services must be submitted to Elections Nova Scotia after the expense is incurred or the services are rendered.


          (2)    Except as provided in subsection (3), Elections Nova Scotia must not process a claim that is received more than 6 months after the date that the expense was incurred or the services were rendered.


          (3)    In extraordinary circumstances, the CEO may approve payment of a claim that is received after the date specified in subsection (2).

Hourly Fee

Returning office core staff

4        The hourly fee to be paid to returning office core staff to attend training and meetings, receive and respond to communications and provide services before, during and after an election is the minimum wage plus the hourly fee increment for the election worker’s position as set out under the heading “Returning office core staff” in Appendix A.

Returning office casual staff

5        The hourly fee to be paid for all training and services provided by returning office casual staff during an election is the minimum wage plus the hourly fee increment for the election worker’s position as set out under the heading “Returning office casual staff” in Appendix A.

Returning office field staff

6        The hourly fee to be paid for all training and services provided by returning office field staff during an election is the minimum wage plus the hourly fee increment for the election worker’s position as set out under the heading “Returning office field staff” in Appendix A.

Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers

7        The hourly fee to be paid for all training and services provided by Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers is the minimum wage plus the hourly fee increment for the election worker’s position as set out under the heading “Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers” in Appendix A.

Number of hours

8        An election worker is entitled to payment of an hourly fee for services performed under Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 for the number of hours approved by the CEO.

Schedule of hourly fees

9        (1)    Under subsection 355(2) of the Act, the CEO may review the hourly fee increment amounts as set out in Appendix A for sufficiency of remuneration for the services required to be performed by an election worker in a particular position.


          (2)    After completing a review under subsection (1), the CEO may do any of the following:


                   (a)      increase or decrease the hourly fee increment amount for an election worker position as set out in Appendix A to an amount the CEO determines is sufficient remuneration for the services required to be performed by the election worker;


                   (b)     if an additional election officer position is designated under clause 81(12)(a) of the Act, add the election officer position to Appendix A;


                   (c)      delete an election worker position from Appendix A if the election worker position or category is no longer required.


          (3)    Any change made to Appendix A by the CEO under subsection (2) must be set down in writing in a schedule of revised hourly fee increments and the CEO must post that schedule as soon as practicable on the Elections Nova Scotia website with a link to these regulations.

Authorized Expenses

Employment-related travel by election workers

10      (1)    The CEO must establish a travel policy for election workers which


                   (a)      outlines the requirements for employment-related travel;


                   (b)     outlines the requirements for reimbursement of employment-related travel expenses; and


                   (c)      establishes that the reimbursement rates for employment-related travel expenses are the same as those in place for public servants of the Province.


          (2)    A returning officer will be reimbursed for employment-related travel expenses only if the returning officer has been authorized by the CEO to travel for the purposes of the returning officer’s employment and the expenses claimed comply with the travel policy established under subsection (1).


          (3)    An election worker other than a returning officer will be reimbursed for employment-related travel expenses only if the election worker has been authorized by a returning officer to travel for the purposes of the election worker’s employment and the expenses claimed comply with the travel policy established under subsection (1).


          (4)    During an election, the CEO may authorize the payment of an election worker’s employment-related travel expenses that fall outside of the travel policy established under subsection (1) in extenuating circumstances.


          (5)    A returning officer must receive written approval from the CEO before incurring personal travel expenses or approving an election worker’s employment-related travel expenses that fall outside of the travel policy established under subsection (1).

Use of a building as a voting location

11      The fees to be paid for the use of a building or part of a building as a voting location, which include the cost of heat, electricity, cleaning services and furniture, are as set out in the following table:

Type of Voting Location

Fee for Building Use

Excluding mobile polling station


     Base fee for 1 polling station

$193.25 per day

     Fee for each additional polling station

$55.21 per day

     Fee for setup, as directed by the CEO


With mobile polling station

$93.87 per day

Headquarters for returning office

12      During an election, the fee to be paid for the rental of a premises as a returning office headquarters, which includes the fee for the operation of early voting polling stations at the returning office headquarters, is the amount actually and reasonably spent in accordance with the policies of the CEO and supported by a signed lease in the prescribed form.

Miscellaneous expenditures for training, conducting an election or other purposes

13      The fee to be paid for office supplies or equipment, printing, the rental of premises for training or any other ancillary purpose or other items necessary for conducting an election is the amount actually and reasonably spent and supported by an itemized invoice.

Audit reimbursement fee

14      The reimbursement fee an official agent may receive for the cost of an audit required by the Act is as follows:

Audit of

Reimbursement Fee


Amount of the auditor’s invoice for the audit up to a maximum of $846.44

Registered party

Amount of the auditor’s invoice for the audit up to a maximum of $1500.00

Bookkeeping services for electoral district association

15      (1)    The CEO may reimburse an electoral district association for the actual costs incurred by the electoral district association in a calendar year for the services of an independent bookkeeper, including costs associated with accounting software approved in advance by the CEO, to a maximum annual reimbursement of $395.02.


          (2)    An electoral district association is not eligible for reimbursement of expenses incurred for bookkeeping services if those services were provided to the electoral district association by an individual who is not independent of the electoral district association, including any of the following:


                   (a)      a member of the electoral district association;


                   (b)     a director or officer of the electoral district association;


                   (c)      an official agent for any of the following:


                              (i)      a candidate,


                              (ii)     an electoral district association,


                              (iii)    a registered party;


                   (d)     any individual


                              (i)      involved in raising, spending or having custody of money of a candidate, electoral district association or registered party, or


                              (ii)     having custody of property of a candidate, electoral district association or registered party.


          (3)    To be eligible for reimbursement under this Section, an electoral district association


                   (a)      must have filed all reports, documents and information required by law, in a form acceptable to the CEO; and


                   (b)     must not have been suspended under the Act.


          (4)    An electoral district association must include the bookkeeper’s invoice and the receipt for purchase of any accounting software with its request for reimbursement under this Section.


          (5)    Reimbursement under this Section is paid by the CEO in June and December of a calendar year.

Candidate software reimbursement

16      (1)    The CEO may reimburse a candidate for the actual cost of software purchased for the candidate’s campaign, to a maximum of $100.00, if that software is worksheet software approved by the CEO that is compatible with Elections Nova Scotia.


          (2)    In order to be eligible for reimbursement under subsection (1), the candidate must have completed all of the following tasks with respect to their campaign:


                   (a)      filed all reports, documents and information required by the Act;


                   (b)     filed an itemized receipt with the candidate’s financial report;


                   (c)      provided an electronic worksheet of the candidate report to the CEO.

Products and services provided by Elections Nova Scotia

17      The fees for services provided and products created and supplied by Elections Nova Scotia, other than products supplied during an election at no charge under subsection 10(5) of the Act, are as set out in the following table:

Product or Service


Provincial map of all electoral districts


HRM inset map


CBRM inset map


Electoral district map


Provincial general election results map


List of electors


Ballot box


All other products and services

supplied on a cost- recovery basis

Increases in Consumer Price Index

18      (1)    If there is an increase in the annual Consumer Price Index for the Province in any calendar year after this tariff comes into force, the fees paid under Sections 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 must be increased on January 1 of the next calendar year and that increase must take effect on April 1 of that same calendar year to reflect the increase in the Consumer Price Index in the previous year.


          (2)    On or before April 1 of any year in which there is a fee increase in accordance with subsection (1), the CEO must post the revised fees to be paid for that year on the Elections Nova Scotia website with a link to these regulations.


Appendix A: Election Worker Hourly Fee Increments


Hourly Fee Increment

Returning office core staff

Returning officer


Assistant returning officer


Revision assistant


Presiding officer at the returning office


Deputy presiding officer at the returning office for the purpose of counting write-in ballots


Returning office casual staff

Write-in ballot coordinator


Assistant write-in ballot coordinator




Clerical office support


Technical support


Returning office field staff

Presiding officer for early voting location outside the returning office


Poll supervisor


Deputy returning officer


Poll clerk


Information officer




Ballot box courier


Ballot counter




Elections Nova Scotia casual support workers

Election officer liaison


Returning office support centre supervisor


Returning office support centre agent




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Election Tariff of Fees and Expenses

N.S. Reg. 73/2021

Elections Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Election Tariff of Fees and Expenses made under the Elections Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


May 6, 2021

date specified (date that S.N.S. 2020, c. 8 comes into force on proclamation)

May 21, 2021

















The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected











Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:













Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Election Tariff of Fees and Expenses

Oct 9, 2012

May 6, 2021

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.




Webpage last updated: 21-05-2021