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Bingo Regulations

made under Section 127 of the

Gaming Control Act

S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 4

O.I.C. 95-256 (April 4, 1995, effective July 1, 1995), N.S. Reg. 37/95

as amended to O.I.C. 2018-17 (January 23, 2018), N.S. Reg. 12/2018

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Receipts and expenses


Fees and charges


Amendment, suspension, cancellation

[Term of licence]

[Hours and days of operation]

Prize values

Rules of play


Inspectors or auditors

Conduct and management





Exemption for low-revenue bingo operators



1     These regulations may be cited as the Bingo Regulations.


2     In these regulations


“accountant” means


                         (i)     a public accountant within the meaning of the Public Accountants Act, or


                         (ii)    a person who provides services in the nature of the investigation or audit of accounting records, the preparation of balance sheets, profit and loss statements and financial statements, bookkeeping, cost accounting, budget preparation, payroll preparation, preparation of tax returns and account reconciliation,


but does not include the services of any such public accountant or other such person acting as a liquidator, receiver, receiver-manager, trustee in bankruptcy or other like person;


“Act” means the Gaming Control Act;


“advertising” means any form of notice, the apparent purpose of which is to convey information to the public in and by newspaper or other printed publication, poster, circular notice, radio, television or any other form or medium of public communication;


“bingo” means a licensed lottery scheme that is operated by a charitable or religious organization in accordance with the following procedure, and includes media bingo:


                         (i)     a prize is awarded to a person who holds a bingo card or paper issued by the licensee for a particular game and who successfully completes a predetermined pattern on the card or paper from numbers generated at random at that game, and


                         (ii)    before the prize is awarded, the numbers that the person used to complete the pattern are verified and the person is declared as a winner of the game;


“bingo caller” means an individual who, on behalf of a licensee, operates the equipment used for the random selection of numbers, calls the numbers and verifies wins at a bingo event;


“bingo card or paper” means a card or a sheet or booklet of sheets consisting of various rows and columns of numbers imprinted with serial and card numbers on each card or sheet;


“bingo operating equipment” means any equipment used to conduct the game of bingo including random number selection equipment, bingo balls, number display boards and bingo cards, paper, verification books and electronic verifier, approved by the Executive Director;


“card number” means a number, usually printed in the centre space of a bingo card or paper, that identifies the unique pattern of numbers printed on that bingo card or paper;


“cash” means legal tender in paper currency or coin;


“cash expenses” means all expenses paid by cash from gross receipts;


“charitable, religious or community objects or purposes” means objects or purposes for


                         (i)     the alleviation of poverty or the consequences of poverty,


                         (ii)    education including the advancement of literacy,


                         (iii)   the furthering of religious or societal values, or


                         (iv)   any other purpose beneficial to the community;


“charitable or religious organization” means an organization that performs acts in furtherance of charitable, religious or community objects or purposes without profit or personal financial gain to its members;


“checker” means a person authorized by a licensee to verify winning bingo numbers on a declared card;


“commercial premises” means premises, the owner or lessor of which, is other than a charitable or religious organization;


“declared card” means a card or paper claimed by a player to be the winning card or paper for a bingo game;


“electronic verifier” means a computer program that is part of the bingo operating equipment approved by the Executive Director that lists and illustrates the unique pattern of numbers and card numbers of each bingo card or paper and is used to verify the authenticity of every winning bingo card or paper;


“fair value” means the actual value or such sum as a willing buyer would pay and a willing seller would accept at arm's length;


“gross receipts” means the total revenue derived from all sources in the conduct and management of a bingo event;


“house rules” means written rules made by a licensee in addition to these regulations, for the purpose of the conduct and management of bingo by the licensee;


“inspectors or auditors” means inspectors or auditors appointed pursuant to the Act or these regulations, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or members of a municipal police force within the meaning of the regulations made pursuant to the Police Act;


“licence” means a valid licence issued by the Executive Director under the Act and these regulations to conduct and manage bingo;


“licensee” means an organization named in a licence as being authorized to conduct and manage bingo;


“low-revenue bingo operator” means the operator for charitable, religious or community objects or purposes of a bingo that awards bingo prizes valued at not more than


                         (i)     $30 000 over a 52 week period, and


                         (ii)    $2500 for any single bingo event;


“media bingo” means bingo that is conducted using any of the following media, or any similar form of communication:


                         (I)     notice, newspaper, poster, circular or other printed publication,


                         (ii)    radio or television;


“net operating receipts” means gross receipts less cash prizes, cash payments made pursuant to subsection 6(6), all other expenses approved by the Executive Director in the licensee’s application which are incurred in the operation of a bingo event and all other expenses which, in the opinion of the Executive Director, are attributable to the conduct and management of a bingo event, including, but not limited to rent, bingo paper, promotion, administration and building maintenance expenses;


“net receipts” means gross receipts less cash prizes and any cash payments made pursuant to subsection 6(6), but such cash payments shall not include expenditures for bingo operating equipment;


“rate of return to the licensee”, in relation to a licensee, means the ratio of the licensee’s net operating receipts to the licensee’s gross receipts;


“serial number” means a unique number printed in the same manner on every bingo card or paper by the manufacturer or printer;


“special bingo” means an optional lottery scheme that is played as part of a bingo event and offers a fluctuating prize, and in which only those players who have paid an additional fee are eligible to participate;


“verification book” means a book compiled by the manufacturer or printer of bingo cards or papers, approved by the Executive Director, that lists and illustrates the unique pattern of numbers and card numbers on each bingo card or paper and is used to verify the authenticity of every winning bingo card or paper.


3     (1)    The Executive Director may, upon application by a religious or charitable organization, issue a licence to conduct and manage bingo.


       (2)    The Executive Director may prescribe such terms and conditions in a licence as it deems necessary for the proper administration of these regulations and may refuse to issue, amend or renew a licence where any requirement in these regulations concerning an application is incomplete, inaccurate or not fulfilled or where the Executive Director determines that to issue or renew such licence would not be in the public interest.


       (3)    [repealed]


       (4)    [repealed]


       (5)    [repealed]


       (6)    No person or organization shall conduct, manage or advertise a bingo unless the bingo is authorized under a licence.


       (7)    No person shall conduct, manage or advertise a bingo in Nova Scotia after July 1, 1995, unless the bingo operating equipment used or to be used in such bingo has been provided or supplied by or through a licensee under the Bingo Suppliers Regulations and no such person shall transfer title or possession of such equipment to another licensee under these regulations.


       (8)    An applicant for a bingo licence shall provide to the Executive Director evidence of valid current registration under the Societies Act to carry out charitable, religious or community objects or purposes or other documentation satisfactory to the Executive Director as to the charitable, religious or community objects or purposes of the applicant.


       (9)    Every applicant for a bingo licence or a renewal of such licence shall forward to the Executive Director an application showing


                (a)    the name of the applicant;


                (b)    the address of the applicant;


                (c)    the premises in which the bingo is to be held;


                (d)    the civic address of the premises;


                (e)    the owner of the premises;


                (f)    a description of the charitable or religious objects or purposes of the applicant and the manner in which the applicant intends to fulfil those objects and purposes;


                (g)    the purposes for which the funds raised by the bingo will be used;


                (h)    the date and time of the bingo;


                (ha)  the total value of all prizes to be offered at the bingo;


                (i)     the selling price of bingo cards or papers for each bingo game;


                (j)     the names and addresses of suppliers of bingo operating equipment;


                (k)    [repealed]


                (i)     the wages, salaries and other monetary considerations to be paid;


                (m)   the amount of payment to be made pursuant to subsection 8(1) and any leases or rental agreements described in subsection 23(5);


                (n)    the names, addresses, signatures and telephone numbers of not fewer than two authorized representatives of the applicant;


                (o)    in the case of an application for the renewal of a licence, evidence satisfactory to the Executive Director that the applicant has fulfilled all requirements of the previous licence;


                (oa)  a copy of the house rules intended to be used by the applicant;


                (ob)  a description of any promotional activities intended to be carried out in connection with the bingo,


together with the appropriate licence fees required pursuant to Section 8.


       (10)  Every application, report or licence required under these regulations shall be in such form as the Executive Director may approve or prescribe.


       (11)  [repealed]


       (12)  For the purposes of the Act, bingo operating equipment is designated goods and services when supplied for a bingo event.


4     A bingo licence is not transferable or assignable.


5     A licensee shall immediately notify the Executive Director of any changes in its suppliers of bingo operating equipment.

Receipts and expenses

6     (1)    All net operating receipts from the conduct and management of a bingo shall be utilized within a reasonable time of their receipt for charitable, religious or community purposes as set out by the licensee in the application for a licence.


       (2)    The net operating receipts from the conduct and management of a bingo must constitute a minimum of 15% of gross receipts.


       (3)    The Executive Director may suspend or cancel a licence when, in the opinion of the Executive Director, the licensee’s gross receipts are likely to exceed $150 000 per annum and the rate of return to the licensee is less than 15%.


       (4)    Notwithstanding subsection 6(2), the Executive Director may vary the requirement of a 15% rate of return to the licensee when, in the opinion of the Executive Director, the licensee’s gross receipts per annum will likely be equal to or less than $150 000, and the Executive Director is satisfied that the licensee’s bingo operation is otherwise a benefit to the community.


       (5)    [repealed]


       (6)    Wages, salaries and other monetary considerations may be paid, either directly or indirectly, for supplying bingo cards or papers or for conducting, managing or assisting in the conduct or management of bingo, provided that such wages, salaries or other monetary considerations do not exceed the amounts set out in the application of the licensee.


7     (1)    A licensee shall forward to the Executive Director a financial report and required fees payable to the Department


                (a)    respecting a licence issued for a period not greater than 1 day, within 30 calendar days after the date on which the licence expires;


                (b)    respecting a licence issued for a period greater than 1 day, within 30 calendar days after the last working day of each calendar month during such period, commencing with the month in which the licence is issued; and


                (c)    the financial reports required under clauses (a) and (b) shall contain all of the following:


                         (i)     the date of the bingo,


                         (ii)    except for media bingo, the attendance at each bingo,


                         (iii)   the total gross receipts of each bingo,


                         (iv)   the cash expenses of the bingo,


                         (v)    the total value of all prizes awarded, including special bingo prizes,


                         (vi)   the total number of cards and papers sold and the selling price of each card or paper, including the total number and value of any bingo cards or paper provided free of charge or sold at a reduced price in accordance with subsection 8(6A),


                         (vii)  the amount of fees calculated as prescribed in Section 8, together with payment to the Executive Director of any outstanding fees,


                         (viii) the total amount deposited to the account of the licensee.


                         (ix)   [repealed]


       (2)    All licensees shall keep for 3 years, bingo reports which are to be completed immediately following each bingo and retained to assist in compiling financial reports referred to in subsection (1).

Fees and charges

8     (1)    Fees for a licence on original issue and renewal are payable to the Department as follows:


                (a)    $30.15 for a 1-day to 12-month licence term; or


                (b)    $90.45 for a 3-year licence term;


       (2)    Licence prize fees are payable to the Department as follows:


                (a)    a licensee shall pay 2.13% of the fair value of all prizes awarded, including special bingo prizes; and


                (b)    [repealed]


       (3)    The Executive Director may determine the fair value of any prizes awarded by a licensee for purposes of these regulations.


       (4)    Fees payable pursuant to these regulations are not refundable.


       (5)    No person shall be charged an admission fee for entrance to a licensed bingo.


       (6)    No bingo card or paper shall be provided free of charge or sold at a reduced price.


       (6A) Despite subsection (6) and subject to the approval of the Executive Director, a licensee may, in any year, provide bingo cards or paper free of charge or sell bingo cards or paper at a reduced price in connection with a promotional activity, but the total value of the items provided free of charge or sold at a reduced price must not exceed 5% of the rate of return to the licensee for the previous year.


       (6B) Despite subsection (6A), the Executive Director may, in the Executive Director's sole discretion, allow the total value of items provided free of charge or sold at a reduced price by a licensee to exceed 5% of the rate of return of the licensee for the previous year.


       (7)    A licensee who conducts or manages a bingo shall not make any advance or loan of cash or credit to enable a player to play bingo.


       (8)    Bingo cards may not be reserved by the licensee for any player, except braille cards intended for use by visually impaired players.


       (9)    Visually impaired players may bring and use their own cards if the licensee does not make them available.


9     (1)    A licensee shall maintain, at a deposit-taking financial institution within the Province, a separate account for all net receipts from the operation of a bingo and shall deposit the net receipts in such account immediately following each bingo event.


       (2)    The licensee shall obtain legible receipts, showing the name and residential address of the payee, for all cash expenses from gross receipts, and shall keep all receipts for a period of not less than 3 years and in the event of legal proceedings, the receipts shall be kept pending the outcome of the proceedings.


       (3)    Subject to subsection (2), all expenses in relation to a bingo shall be paid by cheque from the account described in subsection (1).

Amendment, suspension, cancellation

10   The Executive Director may amend, suspend or cancel a licence where


                (a)    a licensee provides any incorrect information on its application;


                (b)    the licensee does not provide the Executive Director with changes to information contained in the application within 15 days of the change;


                (c)    a licensee breaches any term or condition of the licence or any provision of the Act or these regulations;


                (d)    the Executive Director determines it is in the public interest to amend, suspend or cancel the licence; or


                (e)    financial reports indicate the licensee is not in compliance with the provisions of subsection 6(1).

[Term of licence]

11   A licence to operate a bingo may be issued for a portion of a day or for a period not to exceed 3 years.

[Hours and days of operation]

11A(1)    Except as otherwise approved by the Executive Director, no bingo shall operate on any day


                (a)    between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.; and


                (b)    between the hours of 12 midnight and 1 p.m.


       (2)    No bingo shall operate on Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

Prize values

12   (1)    Not including special bingo prizes, the total value of all bingo prizes awarded by a single licensee shall not exceed $20 000 for any day.


       (2)    Not including special bingo prizes, the total value of all prizes awarded at a single premises shall not exceed $20 000 for any day.


       (3)    The total value of all prizes awarded for all special bingo games operated by a single licensee shall not exceed $20 000 for any day.


       (4)    A special bingo prize that is not awarded by a licensee at a particular bingo event may be carried over to the licensee’s next bingo event and increased in value, subject to the prohibition in subsection (3) against exceeding the $20 000 maximum prize value.


       (5)    When a special bingo prize that is carried over to subsequent bingo events reaches the maximum of $20 000, the licensee shall notify the Executive Director and advise how the licensee intends to award the prize.


       (6)    A special bingo prize that reaches the maximum of $20 000 must be awarded within 12 weeks of the date it reaches the maximum.


       (7)    Only money shall be awarded as a prize for a media bingo game.

Rules of play

12A (1)    Before the start of a bingo, the operator shall set up the number display board and shall ensure all bingo balls are present and in good condition.


       (2)    The bingo caller shall display each ball to the players as it is generated at random by the bingo operating equipment.


       (3)    Only numbers generated at random by bingo operating equipment shall determine which and how many players may be awarded a prize for a particular bingo game and no numbers, once called during a bingo game, shall be returned to the bingo operating equipment until the game is completed.


       (4)    All prizes being offered in a bingo game, including a special bingo game, shall be announced to the players before the start of each game.


       (5)    A licensee shall establish and implement house rules and shall make them available to players on request.


       (6)    A licensee’s house rules shall not be inconsistent with or in contravention of these regulations or the terms and conditions of the licence, and shall specify all of the following:


                (a)    the manner in which all bingo and special bingo games are to be played;


                (b)    the manner in which all prizes, including special bingo prizes, are to be awarded;


                (c)    subject to the prohibition in Section 13 respecting a caller or checker, whether persons involved in the conduct and management of a bingo event are permitted to play at that bingo event;


                (d)    the procedure to be followed in the event a bingo is cancelled or delayed for any reason, including a requirement that the licensee notify the Executive Director in the event of a cancellation or delay.


13   No person, while acting as a bingo caller or while employed as a checker in a bingo game shall play in that bingo game.


14   No house rule may specify that a valid bingo must include the last number called.


15   Any licensee who conducts and manages a bingo shall include a verification book or electronic verifier approved by the Executive Director in the bingo operating equipment for every bingo and shall verify, by reference to the verification book or electronic verifier, card number, colour of the card or paper and the pattern of numbers claimed to have been won by any declared card.


16   (1)    Except as provided in subsection (1A) for media bingo, when there is a declared card, the following shall take place in sequence:


                (a)    no further numbers shall be called pending confirmation of the bingo win;


                (b)    the bingo machine shall remain operational until the bingo winner has been verified, unless the ball funnel on the bingo machine has a mechanism that allows the next bingo ball to be held by the machine;


                (c)    a checker shall take the declared card and place it in front of a neutral player who does not hold a declared card or under a video monitor so that it is visible to the other players and the checker shall then call back the serial number, card number, colour of the card or paper and the pattern of numbers claimed to have won and the bingo caller shall verify them by reference to the bingo operating equipment;


                (d)    upon verification of the bingo winner, the bingo caller shall ask clearly for any other bingo winners for the game to identify themselves and shall indicate that it is the last call;


                (e)    upon any subsequent bingo winners being identified and clauses (a) through (d) being complied with in relation to such subsequent winners, a money prize shall be divided equally among the winners and in the case of a merchandise prize, random numbers shall continue to be called until one declared card holder obtains the first winning number; and


                (f)    if no further bingo winners are declared or determined, the bingo caller shall return all the bingo balls to the bingo machine and state clearly that the game is closed.


       (1A) When there is a declared card during a media bingo game, the following shall take place in sequence:


                (a)    no further numbers shall be called pending verification of the declared card;


                (b)    the bingo machine shall remain operational until the declared card has been verified, unless the ball funnel on the bingo machine has a mechanism that allows the next bingo ball to be held by the machine;


                (c)    if the declared card is not verified as having the predetermined pattern, the caller shall call numbers until another card is declared;


                (d)    if the declared card is verified as having the predetermined pattern, no further balls shall be called and the caller shall begin the next game;


                (e)    the licensee must ensure that all telephone lines, or other means of communication, as the case may be, remain accessible for at least 30 minutes following the end of a bingo game to allow additional cards to be declared;


                (f)    a declared card verified as having the predetermined pattern completed in the fewest numbers called shall be declared a winning card;


                (g)    if there are multiple winning cards, the prize money shall be divided equally among the winners.


       (2)    At any time during a bingo game, players shall have the right to verify the numbers called during the bingo game.


17   No person who participates in any way in any bingo game shall engage or attempt to engage in any practice or activity that changes or is intended to change the random outcome of the game.


18   (1)    A licensee shall not advertise bingo prizes, including special bingo prizes, in excess of the amounts prescribed in Section 12 for any day.


       (2)    All bingo advertisements shall clearly state, in size and form approved by the Executive Director,


                (a)    the name of the licensee;


                (b)    the date, time and place of the bingo;


                (c)    the current lottery licence number and the year issued by the Executive Director; and


                (d)    the total cash value of prizes, including any special bingo prizes, to be awarded at the bingo.

Inspectors or auditors

19   (1)    The Minister may appoint inspectors or auditors for the administration of the Act and the regulations.


       (2)    Inspectors or auditors shall have power to inquire into the conduct and management of every bingo and shall advise the Executive Director of the results of their inquiries.


       (3)    All records relating to the conduct and management of a bingo shall be retained by the licensee for at least 3 years after the expiration of the term of the licence and the licensee or former licensee shall make all such records available at the request of the Executive Director.


       (4)    Inspectors or auditors may enter at any reasonable time, on or about the premises occupied by any licensee or the premises where the records of the licensee are kept or believed to be kept, to determine whether the Act and these regulations are being and have been complied with or to inspect, audit and examine books of account, records, documents, receipts and bingo operating equipment.


       (5)    The person occupying the premises referred to in subsection (4) shall answer all questions posed by the inspectors or auditors and shall produce such books of account, records, documents, receipts and bingo operating equipment as may be required.


20   (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), bingo shall be operated in premises owned by a charitable or religious organization and not in commercial premises.


       (2)    Where a licensee operated a bingo in rented commercial premises prior to January 1, 1982 and has continuously done so since the licence was first issued, it may continue to do so.


21   (1)    A licensee shall award all prizes at the time and place and as described in any bingo advertising made by the licensee.


       (2)    In the case of a licence forfeited to the Executive Director by the licensee or suspended or cancelled by the Executive Director, any prizes for which a winner has not been declared during a bingo game shall accumulate and shall be awarded during a final bingo.


22   (1)    Except for media bingo, and except as provided in subsection (2), a licensee shall seat bingo players in the area where the bingo equipment and caller are physically situated.


       (2)    Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of licences issued prior to October 1, 1989 and renewed annually since that date.

Conduct and management

23   (1)    Only personnel under the direct supervision of the licensee shall conduct, manage or assist in the conduct or management of the bingo.


       (2)    Only the licensee shall conduct and manage the bingo and handle cash transactions.


       (3)    A licensee that operates bingo in leased commercial premises shall not involve the landlord or an agent or employee of the landlord in any aspect of the conduct or management of the bingo.


       (4)    Rent paid by the licensee for the rental of commercial premises shall be a fixed amount and shall not relate to the bingo.


       (5)    Leases or rental agreements that the licensee may have with the landlord of leased premises where bingo is operated shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Executive Director upon application for a licence or renewal of a licence.


24   A licensee that holds a licence for a period of 90 days or more shall submit a financial statement to the Executive Director with each application for subsequent renewal of the licence and the Executive Director may require the applicant, at the expense of the applicant, to submit such statement of the financial affairs of the applicant in the form of an independent audit conducted by an accountant.


25   A licensee shall conduct a bingo in the geographical location set out in the application and authorized in the licence.


26   A licensee shall use only bingo operating equipment approved by the Executive Director in accordance with the Bingo Suppliers Regulations and the licensee shall, at all times, keep and maintain the bingo operating equipment in good working order.


27   Any amounts that are due and payable to the Department pursuant to the Act or these regulations may be recovered by action in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Department, and the court may make an Order as to the costs of such action in favour of or against the Department.


28   Every person who contravenes any provision of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $3000 and, in default of payment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

Exemption for low-revenue bingo operators

29   (1)    A low-revenue bingo operator may apply to the Executive Director for an exemption in such form as the Executive Director may prescribe.


       (2)    The Executive Director may grant the exemption referred to in subsection (1), which shall


                (a)    exempt the low-revenue bingo operator from the requirements of subsections 3(6) and 3(9), Section 6, Section 7, clauses 8(1)(a) and 8(2)(a), and Section 24; and


                (b)    satisfy the requirement of subsection 3(2) of the Bingo Suppliers Regulations for the purpose of purchasing bingo operating equipment from a registered bingo supplier.


       (3)    If at any time the holder of an exemption referred to in subsection (1) offers prize values that exceed those described in the definition of “low-revenue bingo operator”, the exemption holder shall


                (a)    cease to be a low-revenue bingo operator for the purposes of these regulations; and


                (b)    if the exemption holder wishes to continue to operate a bingo, obtain a bingo licence pursuant to subsection 3(9).


30   (1)    Low-revenue bingo operators shall maintain records respecting the following for a period of 3 years:


                (a)    revenue;


                (b)    expenses; and


                (c)    prizes awarded.


       (2)    Low-revenue bingo operators shall make the records maintained pursuant to subsection (1) available to the Executive Director upon request.



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Bingo Regulations

N.S. Reg. 37/1995

Gaming Control Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Bingo Regulations made under the Gaming Control Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Jul 1, 1995

date specified (as amended1)

Apr 28, 1995


May 30, 1995

date made

Jun 23, 1995


Jul 11, 1995

date specified

Aug 4, 1995


Nov 26, 1996

date made

Dec 20, 1996


Feb 25, 1997

date made

Mar 14, 1997


Sep 6, 2000

date made

Sep 22, 2000


Jan 11, 2002

date made

Jan 25, 2002


Apr 1, 2004

date specified

Apr 6, 2004


Apr 1, 2007

date specified

Mar 30, 2007


Apr 1, 2008

date specified

Apr 18, 2008


Apr 1, 2009

date specified

Apr 14, 2009


Apr 1, 2011

date specified

Apr 15, 2011


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 12, 2013


Aug 20, 2013

date specified

Sep 6, 2013


Oct 22, 2015

date specified

Nov 13, 2015


Jan 23, 2018

date specified

Feb 2, 2018

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue





*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

2 ........................................................

am. 285/2013 (clause letters removed), 12/2018

2, defn. of “approved premises”.......

am. 285/2013; rep. 344/2015

2, defn. of “bingo”............................

rs. 285/2013

2, defn. of “charitable or religious organization”..................................

am. 285/2013

2, defn. of “commercial bingo licence”........................................................

rep. 285/2013

2, defn. of “Commission”.................

rep. 12/2018

2, defn. of “house rules”...................

am. 285/2013

2, defn. of “licensee”........................

am. 285/2013

2, defn. of “low revenue charitable bingo operator”........................................

am. 285/2013

2, defn. of “media bingo”.................

ad. 285/2013

2, defn. of “rate of return to the licensee”........................................................

ad. 285/2013

2, defn. of “special bingo game”......

rs. 285/2013

2, defn. of “proceeds”.......................

rep. 109/1995

2(ya) defn. of “net operating receipts”........................................................

ad. 109/1995; rs. 172/1996; ra. as 2(yb) 7/2002

2(ya) defn. of “low revenue charitable bingo operator”..............................

ad. 7/2002


ra. from 2(ya) 7/2002

2(z) defn. of “net receipts”...............

am. 109/1995; rs. 172/1996

3 ........................................................

am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


rep. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 7/2002


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


ad. 285/2013


am. 285/2013; rep. 344/2015


am. 285/2013


ad. 285/2013


rs. 285/2013; rep. 344/2015


rs. 285/2013

5 ........................................................

am. 12/2018


am. 12/2018


rs. 172/1996


ra. 6(6) 172/1996

6(2) to 6(4)..................................

ad. 172/1996


ad. 172/1996; rep. 285/2013


ra. from 6(2) 172/1996; am. 285/2013

7(1) ..................................................

am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013, 12/2018


rep. 285/2013


rs. 156/2000; am. 7/2002, 12/2018


rs. 7/2002, 285/2013


fc. 73/2004, 168/2008, 110/2009, 83/2011, 109/2013


rs. 285/2013


fc. 73/2004, 110/2007, 168/2008, 110/2009, 83/2011, 109/2013


am. 12/2018


am. 73/2004, 285/2013


am. 73/2004, 110/2007, 168/2008, 110/2009, 83/2011, 109/2013; rep. 285/2013


ad. 285/2013


am. 12/2018


rs. 7/2002; am. 285/2013


rs. 23/1997


ad. 7/2002


am. 285/2013


rs. 285/2013


ad. 109/1995


am. 344/2015


ad. 156/2000


ad. 285/2013


am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


ad. 285/2013


rs. 285/2013


am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


am. 12/2018


rs. 285/2013; am. 344/2015


am. 12/2018


am. 12/2018


am. 12/2018


am. 12/2018


ad. 7/2002


am. 285/2013, 12/2018


am. 12/2018


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


am. 285/2013


ad. 7/2002; am. 285/2013


am. 12/2018

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





Effective date of N.S. Reg. 37/1995 changed by O.I.C. 95-431 (N.S. Reg. 83/1995), which amends O.I.C. 95-256 by replacing “May 31, 1995” with “July 31, 1995”.

May 30, 1995


The Nova Scotia Gaming Control Commission and the Liquor License Board amalgamated as the Alcohol and Gaming Authority by O.I.C. 97-470 under the Gaming Control Act, S.N.S. 1984-95, c. 4, the Liquor Control Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 260, the Theatres and Amusements Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 466 and the Interpretation Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 235.

(corrected by N.S. Reg. 14/2008, which removed or replaced all references to the Commission to reflect amendments to the Act made by S.N.S. 2011, c. 63, proclaimed in force by N.S. Reg. 10/2018)

Jul 15, 1997


The Public Accountants Act referred to in s. 2 is repealed by s. 34 of the Financial Measures (2019) Act, S.N.S. 2019, c. 4.  Refer to the Chartered Professional Accountants Act, S.N.S. 2015, c. 55 for continued licensing of public accountants.

Sep 1, 2019

Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Bingo Lotteries Regulations

Aug 24, 1989

Jul 1, 1995

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 27-02-2020