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Livestock Price Insurance Plan Regulations

made under Section 6 of the

Crop and Livestock Insurance Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 113

O.I.C. 2025-21 (effective February 4, 2025), N.S. Reg. 23/2025

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Designation of perils

Insurance program established

Exemptions from certain regulations under Act


Eligibility of livestock

Program terms


Livestock price insurance contract

Cancellation of livestock price insurance contract

Insurance policies

Cancellation of insurance policy




1        These regulations may be cited as the Livestock Price Insurance Plan Regulations.


2        In these regulations,


“Act” means the Crop and Livestock Insurance Act;


“calves” means bovines that are not typically weaned from the cow and are under 1 year of age and for which the intended use is to provide meat for human consumption;


“Commission” means the Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission;


“eligible livestock” means feeder cattle or calves that qualify for insurance under Section 7;


“eligible person” means a person who qualifies for insurance under Section 6;


“feeder cattle” means bovines that are nearly weaned or weaned from the cow and are on a backgrounding ration not intended to finish them and for which the intended use is to provide meat for human consumption;


“insurance policy” means the specific price insurance provided to an eligible person by the Commission under the livestock price insurance contract;


“insured person” means an eligible person who has a valid livestock price insurance contract with the Commission;


“MLPIP” means the Maritime Livestock Price Insurance Program, which is a program established pursuant to a multilateral agreement between the government of Canada and the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and which is further set out in the Maritime Program Specifications Document, attached to the multilateral agreement, each as amended or replaced from time to time;


“program administrator” means the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation established in the province of Alberta by the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Act (Alberta).

Designation of perils

3        For the purpose of these regulations, unexpected price decline, established using an indexed settlement price and forward price methodologies as set out in the MLPIP, is designated as an insurable peril.

Insurance program established

4        (1)    These regulations establish a livestock price insurance plan in the Province for the purpose of providing insurance for an unexpected price decline of insured livestock.


          (2)    Subject to the Act and these regulations, the Commission may provide insurance in accordance with the MLPIP to an eligible person for an unexpected price decline of insured livestock.


          (3)    The Commission is the designated insurer under the MLPIP for the Province.


          (4)    The Commission is authorized under the Act to enter into an agreement with the program administrator to provide certain administrative services for the livestock price insurance program, which must include all of the following:


                   (a)      determining program methodologies, including premium rate methodologies;


                   (b)     assessing and paying all claims for indemnity under the livestock price insurance contract and notifying the insured person of their right to appeal the assessment of their claim;


                   (c)      providing the Commission with an accounting of all transactions and administrative costs at any time the Commission may reasonably request.


          (5)    The Commission may issue program policies respecting livestock price insurance that bind all existing and future contracts and insurance policies, provided that the program policies are consistent with these regulations.

Exemptions from certain regulations under Act

5        The livestock price insurance plan is exempt from the requirements of the Premium Rates for Insurable Crops and Livestock Regulations made under the Act and the General Crop Insurance Plans Regulations made under the Act.


6        (1)    A person may apply to the Commission for livestock price insurance if the person meets all of the following requirements:


                   (a)      they are the producer of the eligible livestock for which livestock price insurance is sought;


                   (b)     they report the majority of their farm income or loss for tax purposes in the Province;


                   (c)      they have filed or will file an income tax return for farm income from livestock operations in the Province for either of the following:


                              (i)      the year before the year for which an application is made under these regulations, or


                              (ii)     the year for which an application is made under these regulations;


                   (d)     if the applicant is an individual, they are 19 years of age or older.


          (2)    A status Indian who carries on the business of farming on a reserve and who did not file an income tax return with respect to farm income from livestock operations in the Province is eligible to participate in the program, provided that they otherwise meet the eligibility requirements of the program.


          (3)    In this Section, “status Indian” means a person entitled to be registered within the meaning of Section 6 of the Indian Act (Canada).

Eligibility of livestock

7        (1)    For feeder cattle to be insurable under an insurance policy, a producer must demonstrate that they have owned the feeder cattle for at least 60 continuous days in an insurable period.


          (2)    For calves to be insurable under an insurance policy, a producer must demonstrate that they have owned the calves for at least 60 continuous days in an insurable period.

Program terms

8        (1)    The Commission must establish the forms to be used for a livestock price insurance application and a livestock price insurance contract.


          (2)    The Commission may, at any time, establish a maximum value to which it will insure under an insurance policy for a designated period of time.


          (3)    The Commission may, in its discretion, suspend sales of new insurance policies based on any of the following factors:


                   (a)      conditions outlined in the livestock price insurance contract;


                   (b)     unstable market conditions;


                   (c)      insufficient data;


                   (d)     conditions that may place the Government of Nova Scotia or the Commission at unacceptable risk.


          (4)    Insurance provided by the Commission under these regulations is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the livestock price insurance contract.


9        To apply for a livestock price insurance contract, an eligible person must submit a completed application on the approved form at least 5 business days before the date the eligible person wishes to have the livestock price insurance contract take effect.

Livestock price insurance contract

10      (1)    A livestock price insurance contract consists of all of the following:


                   (a)      a completed application form;


                   (b)     a copy of these regulations;


                   (c)      a signed copy of the livestock price insurance contract;


                   (d)     a copy of any program policies issued by the Commission.


          (2)    A livestock price insurance contract becomes a binding agreement between an eligible person and the Commission when the livestock price insurance application is approved by the Commission.


          (3)    A livestock price insurance contract remains in force until it is cancelled or terminated in accordance with these regulations and the terms and conditions of the contract.


          (4)    If a document referred to in subsection (1) is amended while the contract is in force, the contract remains in force as amended and a copy of the amended document must be delivered to the insured person.


          (5)    The Commission may refuse to offer a livestock price insurance contract to an applicant.

Cancellation of livestock price insurance contract

11      (1)    An insured person or the Commission may give written notice to the other party at any time that they wish to cancel a livestock price insurance contract, and the cancellation will take effect once all of the insured person’s insurance policies expire.


          (2)    The Commission may cancel a livestock price insurance contract and any outstanding insurance policies with immediate effect if the insured person does any of the following:


                   (a)      fails or neglects to pay any portion of any premium owing to the Commission;


                   (b)     fails or neglects to reimburse the Commission for any overpayment of indemnities for any insurance plan in which the insured person is enrolled;


                   (c)      breaches any term of the livestock price insurance contract;


                   (d)     ceases to qualify as an eligible person;


                   (e)      fails to cooperate with the Commission or program administrator;


                   (f)      provides false or misleading information or makes a misrepresentation or negligent misstatement related to their livestock price insurance application or livestock price insurance contract.


          (3)    An insured person whose livestock price insurance contract or insurance policy is cancelled under subsection (2) forfeits the right to receive a payment of indemnity or a refund of any premiums paid.


          (4)    If 2 years have elapsed since an insured person’s last active insurance policy expired, the Commission may cancel the livestock price insurance contract unless the insured person requests in writing that the contract not be cancelled.

Insurance policies

12      (1)    The insurable period begins when the Commission issues an insurance policy under the livestock price insurance contract.


          (2)    An insurance policy applies only for the term of the insurable period.


          (3)    An insurance policy is in force from the date it is approved until the end date specified in the insurance policy.

Cancellation of insurance policy

13      (1)    The Commission may cancel an outstanding policy at any time by providing written notice to the insured person, and the policy will end, but the livestock price insurance contract and any other active policies remain in effect.


          (2)    An insured person may cancel an insurance policy by providing written notice to the Commission, or its delegate, and thereby forfeit the premium providing all program eligibility requirements have been fulfilled.


          (3)    The program administrator will cancel an insured person’s insurance policy after receiving a written request from the producer.


          (4)    Cancellation of a policy under subsection (2) does not cancel the livestock price insurance contract or any other active policies under the contract.


14      If the Commission and an insured person fail to resolve any dispute arising out of the adjustment of loss under a livestock price insurance contract and either party wishes the dispute [be] determined by arbitration, that party must notify the other party and the Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission Arbitration Board in writing no later than 90 days after the end of the policy period in which the loss occurred that they wish the dispute to be determined in accordance with the Arbitration Proceedings Regulations made under the Act.




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Livestock Price Insurance Plan Regulations

N.S. Reg. 23/2025

Crop and Livestock Insurance Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Livestock Price Insurance Plan Regulations made under the Crop and Livestock Insurance Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Feb 4, 2025

date specified

Feb 21, 2025

















The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected











Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections













Repealed and Superseded



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 07-03-2025