This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Moose Hunting Regulations

made under Section 113 of the

Wildlife Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 504

O.I.C. 88-405 (effective May 1, 1988), N.S. Reg. 90/1988

amended to O.I.C. 2016-102 (effective April 19, 2016), N.S. Reg. 74/2016

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.





Moose draw[, stamp] and licence

[Companion licensees]

Moose hunting stamps for special fundraising events

Open season for moose

Tagging and reporting

Storage permit

Transfer of moose carcass

Hunting methods and equipment

Terms/conditions of licence


Repeal of old regulations

Effective date of new regulations


Schedule A


Moose Management Zones

Moose Management Zone 1

Moose Management Zone 2

Moose Management Zone 3

Moose Management Zone 4

Moose Management Zone 5



1        These regulations may be cited as the Moose Hunting Regulations.


2        In these regulations


                   (a)      “Act” means the Wildlife Act;


                   (aa)    “companion licensee” means the holder of a valid companion moose hunting licence;


                   (ab)    “companion moose hunting licence” means a valid base licence which has affixed to it a valid companion moose hunting stamp;


                   (ac)    “companion moose hunting stamp” means a stamp issued by the Department that, when affixed to a valid base licence, confers on the holder the privilege of assisting the holder of a valid moose hunting licence, who nominated him or her, in hunting moose in accordance with the Act and regulations;


                   (b)     “Department” means the Department of Natural Resources;


                   (ba)    “hailing distance” means a distance that permits effective and clear 2-way communication and is not farther than 2 km;


                   (c)      “Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources;


                   (d)     “moose hunting licence” means a valid base licence which has affixed to it a valid moose hunting stamp;


                   (da)    “moose hunting stamp” means a stamp issued by the Department that, when affixed to a valid base licence, confers on the holder the privilege of hunting moose in accordance with the Act and regulations;


                   (db)   “Moose Management Zone” means an area of the Province described in Schedule A;


                   (e)      “storage permit” means a permit issued under these regulations permitting the holder thereof to store the meat of a moose during the closed season for moose;


                   (ea)    “weapon” means a weapon as defined in the Firearm and Bow Regulations made under the Wildlife Act;


                   (f)      “Wildlife Resources Card” means a card issued to an individual under the General Wildlife Regulations made under the Act.


3        (1)    Any person


                   (a)      who will be eighteen years of age or older on the third Monday in September;


                   (b)     whose hunting privileges under the Act have not been revoked;


                   (c)      who is a resident as defined in the Act; and


                   (d)     who has not held a moose hunting stamp in the past five years,


may apply for a moose hunting stamp by completing an application form provided by the Department or by way of an electronic application process established by the Department.


          (2)    An application for a moose hunting stamp shall be in a manner prescribed by the Minister and shall include the applicant’s Wildlife Resources Card , the Moose Management Zone and season applied for number and any additional information required by the Minister.


          (3)    A non-refundable administration fee of $11.70 with a paper application form or $8.04 with an electronic application shall be remitted with an application for a moose hunting stamp.


          (4)    An application for a moose hunting stamp must be received by the Department not later than the date determined by the Minister.


          (5)    During any calendar year, a person may apply for only the following number of moose hunting stamps:


                   (a)      1 moose hunting stamp to hunt in Moose Management Zone 1, 2, 3 or 4; and


                   (b)     1 moose hunting stamp to hunt in Moose Management Zone 5.


          (6)    An application form which is defaced or incomplete in any way is void and shall not be considered as a valid application for a moose hunting stamp.

Moose draw[, stamp] and licence

4        (1)    The Minister may determine, on an annual basis, the number of moose hunting stamps to be issued in each Moose Management Zone.


          (1A) The Minister may issue moose hunting stamps to persons selected on a random basis from the total number of valid applications received for each Moose Management Zone, and each stamp shall specify the zone and season for which the stamp is valid.


          (1B) An applicant who is selected under subsection (1A) for more than 1 moose hunting stamp must choose which stamp they want issued to them, and forfeits any entitlement to the stamp not chosen or compensation in lieu of the stamp not chosen.


          (2)    A successful applicant shall be notified in writing that the applicant will be issued a moose hunting stamp provided the applicant pays a fee of $66.30.


          (3)    The Minister may cancel a moose hunting stamp issued in error and the person to whom the moose hunting stamp is issued shall have no claim for damages or compensation other than the refund of any fee paid.


          (4)    [repealed]


          (5)    No person shall take, hunt or kill or attempt to take, hunt or kill moose unless that person


                   (a)      holds a valid moose hunting licence or a valid companion moose hunting stamp and is hunting in the Moose Management Zone and during the open season specified on the stamp; and


                   (b)     is certified under the Hunter Education, Safety and Training Regulations made under the Act as qualified to hunt with the weapon to be used.

[Companion licensees]

4A     (1)    The holder of a valid moose hunting licence may, by notice in writing to the Minister, nominate a maximum of 4 persons


                   (a)      who are 16 years of age or over;


                   (b)     who are certified to hunt with under the Hunter Education, Safety and Training Regulations made under the Act as qualified to hunt with the weapon to be used and whose hunting privileges under the Act have not been revoked; and


                   (c)      who are residents as defined in the Act,


to be companion licensees.


          (2)    The notice required by subsection (1) shall


                   (a)      contain the name, signature, mailing address, telephone number and Wildlife Resources Card number of each proposed companion licensee;


                   (b)     contain the name, signature, mailing address, telephone number and moose hunting licence number of the moose hunting licence holder to be assisted; and


                   (c)      be accompanied by the fee required in subsection (4).


          (3)    Subject to subsections (1) and (2), the Minister shall issue a companion moose hunting stamp to each person nominated to be a companion licensee.


          (4)    The fee for a companion moose hunting stamp is $24.96.


          (5)    All activities requiring a moose hunting licence that are performed by a companion licensee are deemed conducted as agent of and in the name of the moose hunting licence holder.


          (6)    No companion licensee shall take, hunt or kill or attempt to take, hunt or kill moose unless the companion licensee is accompanied by and within hailing distance of the moose hunting licence holder.

Moose hunting stamps for special fundraising events

4B      Despite Sections 3 and 4, the Minister may issue a moose hunting stamp as a result of a special fundraising event approved by the Minister for which the Minister has made a moose hunting stamp available, to a person who is 18 years of age or older and whose hunting privileges have not been revoked.

Open season for moose

5        (1)    In all Moose Management Zones, there shall be the following open seasons for hunting moose:


                   (a)      the period from the last Monday in September until the following Saturday in any year; and


                   (b)     the period from the first Monday in October until the following Saturday in any year.


          (1A) In Moose Management Zones 1 and 5, there shall be a winter open season for hunting moose from the second Tuesday in December until the following Thursday in any year.


          (1B) In Moose Management Zone 5, there shall be the following open seasons for hunting moose:


                   (a)      the period from the second Monday in October to the following Saturday in any year;


                   (b)     the period from the third Monday in October to the following Saturday in any year;


                   (c)      the period from the fourth Monday in October to the following Saturday in any year;


                   (d)     the period from the Monday following the fourth Monday in October to the following Saturday in any year.


          (1C) The bag limit for hunting moose is 1 moose regardless of sex.


          (2)    Except as provided by the Act or the regulations, no person shall take, hunt or kill or attempt to take, hunt or kill a moose other than during an open season for hunting moose.


          (3)    No person shall take, hunt or kill or attempt to take, hunt or kill or have in their possession a greater number of moose than the total bag limit prescribed in these regulations.


6        [repealed]

Tagging and reporting

7        (1)    Whether a moose is killed by the moose hunting licence holder or companion licensee, the moose hunting licence holder shall, immediately after the moose has been killed and prior to transporting the moose, securely lock a tag issued by the Department to each quarter of the moose.


          (2)    No person shall transport a moose or any portion thereof before affixing the tags in accordance with subsection (1).


          (3)    The holder of a moose hunting licence under the authority of which a moose has been killed shall, not later than two weeks after the end of the open season in which the moose was killed, deliver the lower jawbone of the moose to a district office of the Department.


          (4)    The holder of a moose hunting licence who kills a moose shall, not later than two weeks after the end of the open season for which the moose hunting licence was issued, and whether or not the holder of the moose hunting licence killed a moose, complete and return to a district office of the Department the Moose Hunter Report Form as prescribed by the Minister.


          (5)    Any person who fails to comply with subsections (3) or (4) is prohibited from applying for a moose hunting licence for a period of seven years from the date of the failure to comply.

Storage permit

8        (1)    Where a moose has been killed under the authority of a moose hunting licence, the moose hunting licence and companion moose hunting licences issued to the persons who killed the moose shall serve as valid storage permits authorizing those persons to possess meat from the carcass until July 31 of the year next following.


          (2)    The Department may renew a storage permit after July 31st of the year next following.

Transfer of moose carcass

9        (1)    Where a moose has been killed under the authority of a moose hunting licence and Section 7 has been complied with, the moose hunting licence holder may transfer not more than 15 pounds of moose meat to the occupants of another household who may possess the moose meat without a storage permit until July 31st of the year next following the kill of the moose.


          (2)    Where a moose has been killed, neither the moose hunting licence holder nor the companion licensee shall transfer more than 15 pounds of moose meat to the occupants of another household unless


                   (a)      the Department is provided with one copy of the storage permit issued under Section 8 and the name and address of the person or persons who are to receive the moose meat and the number of pounds to be transferred to each person; and


                   (b)     the person who is to receive the moose meat is the holder of a storage permit issued by the Department which is valid until July 31st of the year next following the kill of the moose.


          (3)    The Department may renew a storage permit issued under these regulations.


          (4)    No person shall possess more than 15 pounds of meat unless that person holds a valid storage permit issued by the Department.


          (5)    After July 31st of the year next following the kill of the moose, it shall be an offence for any person to possess moose meat without a valid storage permit issued by the Department.


          (6)    For purposes of subsections (1), (2) and (4), the possession of moose meat in any one household is limited to 15 pounds regardless of the number of occupants of a household.

Hunting methods and equipment

10      (1)    Notwithstanding the Firearm and Bow Regulations, no person while hunting moose shall possess a bow with a draw weight of less than 50 pounds within the archer’s draw length.


          (2)    A person who does not hold a valid moose hunting licence or a companion moose hunting stamp shall not possess a bow, crossbow, rifle, slug or ball when accompanying a person who is legally hunting moose.


11      [repealed]

Terms/conditions of licence

12      It shall be an offence for any person to contravene any term or condition contained on a moose hunting licence.


13      A person convicted of an offence under subsection 4(5) of these regulations is liable to a fine of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars and not more than two thousand dollars.

Repeal of old regulations

14      Regulations made by Order in Council 86-476 dated the 5th day of May, 1986, as amended by Order in Council 87-708 dated the 9th day of June, 1987, respecting the hunting of moose, are rescinded as of and from the 1st day of May, 1988.

Effective date of new regulations

15      These regulations shall come into force on and after the 1st day of May, 1988.


Schedule A—Moose Management Zones

Moose Management Zone 1

Moose Management Zone 1 includes certain lands within Nova Scotia and is more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point where the northern boundary of The Cape Breton Highlands National Park meets the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the northern shoreline of Neils Harbour;

Thence, in a generally westerly direction following the northern boundary of the said Park across the northern peninsula of Cape Breton Island to the OHWM of the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the mouth of the MacKenzie River;

Thence, in a northerly direction along the OHWM of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape St. Lawrence;

Thence, in an easterly direction along the OHWM of the Cabot Strait and Bay St. Lawrence to Money Point;

Thence, in a southerly direction along the OHWM of Aspy Bay, Cabot Strait and Neils Harbour to the point of beginning. Together with all inshore and offshore islands, and including all harbours, bays, coves, rivers and inlets.

Saving and excepting all lands located in Moose Management Zone 5.

Moose Management Zone 2

Moose Management Zone 2 includes certain lands within Nova Scotia and comprises parcels “A” and “B”, being more particularly described as follows:

Parcel “A”

Beginning at a point where the southern boundary of The Cape Breton Highlands National Park meets the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the western shoreline of South Bay Ingonish;

Thence, in a generally westerly direction along the southern boundary of the said Park across the northern peninsula of Cape Breton Island to the OHWM of the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the mouth of the Cheticamp River;

Thence, in a generally southerly direction along the OHWM of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the mouth of the Margaree River;

Thence, in a southeasterly direction along OHWM of the southern shoreline of the Margaree River to the Cabot Trail;

Thence, in a southerly and easterly direction along the Cabot Trail to North East Margaree at a point where the road southerly from Kingross meets the Cabot Trail;

Thence, in a northerly direction along the said Kingross Road a distance of approximately 4.5 km to Margaree Valley at a point where the Frasers Mountain Road to the Highlands joins the said Kingross Road;

Thence, in a generally easterly direction along the said Frasers Mountain Road to the point where it meets the main road in the Highlands running northerly from Hunters Mountain;

Thence, in a northerly direction along the main road through the Highlands a distance of approximately 2.5 km to a secondary road just past the Middle Branch North River, the said road leading easterly to the MacDonalds Mountain fire tower;

Thence, in an easterly and northerly direction along the said secondary road a distance of approximately 11 km to the point where it crosses the Barachois River;

Thence, in a generally southeasterly direction downstream along the said River to the point where the said River meets the OHWM of St. Anns Bay;

Thence, in a northeasterly direction along the OHWM of St. Anns Bay and the Atlantic Ocean to Stanley Point at the northerly edge of Cape Smokey;

Thence, westerly along the OHWM of the southern and western shorelines of South Bay Ingonish to the point of beginning. Together with all inshore and offshore islands, and including all harbours, bays, coves, rivers and inlets .

Parcel “B”

Beginning at a point where the southern boundary of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park (CBHNP), just to the north of Ingonish, meets the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the Atlantic Ocean;

Thence, in a westerly, southerly and easterly direction following the said boundary of the CBHNP, and enclosing the communities of Ingonish Centre and Ingonish, and the surrounding area, to a point where the said boundary meets the OHWM of the Clyburn Brook;

Thence, in an easterly direction downstream along the OHWM of the Clyburn Brook to the point where the said Brook meets the OHWM of North Bay Ingonish.

Thence, in a generally westerly, northerly, easterly and northerly direction following the OHWM of the western shoreline of North Bay Ingonish and the Atlantic Ocean to the point of beginning. Together with all inshore and offshore islands, and including all harbours, bays, coves, rivers and inlets.

Moose Management Zone 3

Moose Management Zone 3 includes certain lands within Nova Scotia and is more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point where the Barachois River meets the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the western shoreline of St. Anns Bay;

Thence, in a southerly and easterly direction following the OHWM of the western, southern and eastern shorelines of St. Anns Bay to Cape Dauphin;

Thence, easterly in a straight line across the mouth of The Great Bras d’Or to Table Head;

Thence, easterly along the OHWM of the Atlantic Ocean to the county boundary between Victoria and Cape Breton Counties;

Thence, in a generally southwesterly direction along the said County boundary across Boularderie Island and the waters of St. Andrews Channel to a point where the waters of the St. Andrews Channel join the waters of the Great Bras d’Or;

Thence, northwesterly in a straight line to a point midway between McKay Point to the south and Red Head to the north;

Thence, in a westerly direction along the centre line of St. Patricks Channel to the mouth of Nyanza Bay;

Thence, northerly and easterly along the centre line of Nyanza Bay to the mouth of the Baddeck River;

Thence, upstream along the centre of Baddeck River to its intersection with the centre line of Highway No. 105;

Thence, northwesterly along the said Highway to its intersection with the Cabot Trail;

Thence, northerly along the Cabot Trail to North East Margaree at a point where the road southerly from Kingross meets the Cabot Trail;

Thence, in a northerly direction along the said Kingross Road a distance of approximately 4.5 km to Margaree Valley at a point where the Frasers Mountain Road to the Highlands joins the said Kingross Road;

Thence, in a generally easterly direction along the said Frasers Mountain Road to the point where it meets the main road in the Highlands running northerly from Hunters Mountain;

Thence, in a northerly direction along the main road through the Highlands a distance of approximately 2.5 km to a secondary road just past the Middle Branch North River, the said road leading easterly to the MacDonalds Mountain fire tower;

Thence, in an easterly and northerly direction along the said secondary road a distance of approximately 11 km to the point where it crosses the Barachois River;

Thence, in a generally southeasterly direction downstream along the said River to the point where the said River meets the OHWM of St. Anns Bay at the point of beginning. Together with all inshore and offshore islands, and including all harbours, bays, coves, rivers and inlets.

Moose Management Zone 4

Moose Management Zone 4 includes certain lands within Nova Scotia and is more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point where the centre of Baddeck River intersects with the centre line of Highway No. 105;

Thence, northwesterly along the said Highway to its intersection with the Cabot Trail;

Thence, in a northerly, westerly and northerly direction along the Cabot Trail to the point where the Cabot Trail intersects the western shoreline of the Margaree River near Margaree Harbour;

Thence, northerly along the said western shoreline to the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the Gulf of St. Lawrence;

Thence, in a generally southerly direction along the OHWM of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Hefferman Point on the northeastern shoreline of the Strait of Canso;

Thence, in a southeasterly direction along the OHWM of the northeastern shoreline of the Strait of Canso to Grant Point near the mouth of Ship Harbour;

Thence, in a southeasterly direction along the OHWM of the northeastern shoreline of Ship Harbour to the county boundary between Inverness and Richmond Counties;

Thence, northeasterly along the said County boundary to the point where it meets the OHWM of West Bay;

Thence, northerly along the said County boundary across the waters of West Bay and The Bras d’Or Lake to the county boundary line between Victoria and Cape Breton Counties;

Thence, in a northeasterly direction along the Victoria-Cape Breton County boundary through the Barra Strait to a point where the waters of the St. Andrews Channel join the waters of the Great Bras d’Or;

Thence, northwesterly in a straight line to a point midway between McKay Point to the south and Red Head to the north;

Thence, in a westerly direction along the centre line of St. Patricks Channel to the mouth of Nyanza Bay;

Thence, northerly and easterly along the centre line of Nyanza Bay to the mouth of the Baddeck River;

Thence, upstream along the centre of the Baddeck River to its intersection with the centre line of Highway No. 105 at the point of beginning. Together with all inshore and offshore islands, and including all harbours, bays, coves, rivers and inlets.

Moose Management Zone 5

Moose Management Zone 5 includes certain lands within Nova Scotia known as the Pollets Cove-Aspy Fault Wilderness Area, as designated under subsection 11(2) of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act and described in Schedule B to that Act.



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Moose Hunting Regulations

N.S. Reg. 90/1988

Wildlife Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Moose Hunting Regulations made under the Wildlife Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


May 1, 1988

date specified

May 19, 1988


Jul 1, 1989

date specified

Jun 29, 1989


Jun 5, 1990

date specified

Jun 29, 1990


Apr 1, 1991

date specified

May 3, 1991


Jun 15, 1991

date specified

Jun 28, 1991


Jul 15, 1992

date specified

Aug 7, 1992


Apr 30, 1993

date specified

Jul 9, 1993


Jul 1, 1996

date specified

Aug 2, 1996


Jul 1, 1997

date specified

Aug 15, 1997


Jul 15, 1999

date specified

Jun 18, 1999


Jul 8, 1999

date made

Jul 30, 1999


Mar 30, 2001

date specified

Apr 20, 2001


Jun 22, 2001

date specified

Jul 13, 2001


Dec 31, 2002

date specified

Jun 28, 2002


Mar 12, 2004

date made

Apr 2, 2004


Apr 1, 2004

date specified

Apr 6, 2004


Aug 17, 2006

date specified

Sep 1, 2006


Apr 1, 2007

date specified

Mar 30, 2007


Apr 20, 2007

date specified

May 11, 2007


Apr 1, 2008

date specified

Apr 18, 2008


Sep 9, 2008

date specified

Sep 26, 2008


Apr 1, 2009

date specified

Apr 14, 2009


Jun 22, 2010

date specified

Jul 16, 2010


Apr 1, 2011

date specified

Apr 15, 2011


May 22, 2012

date specified

Jun 1, 2012


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 12, 2013


Apr 9, 2013

date specified

Apr 19, 2013


Apr 1, 2015

date specified

Apr 8, 2015


Apr 19, 2016

date specified

Apr 29, 2016

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

2(a) defn. of “Act”............................

am. 143/1992

2(aa) defn. of “companion

. licensee”.........................................

ad. 77/1999; am. 109/2012

2(ab) defn. of “companion moose hunting stamp”...............................

ad. 77/1999; ra. as 2(ac) 109/2012

2(ab) defn. of “companion moose hunting licence”.............................

ad. 109/2012

2(ac) defn. of “companion moose hunting stamp”...............................

ra. from 2(ab) 109/2012

2(b) defn. of “Department”..............

am. 143/1992

2(ba) defn. of “hailing distance”......

ad. 77/1999; rs. 90/2010

2(c) defn. of “Minister”....................

am. 143/1992

2(d) defn. of “moose hunting licence”........................................................

rs. 60/1999

2(da) defn. of “moose hunting stamp”........................................................

ad. 60/1999

2(db) defn. of “Moose Management Zone”..............................................

ad. 76/2002

2(e) defn. of “storage permit”..........

am. 160/2006

2(ea) defn. of “weapon”...................

ad. 74/2016

2(f) defn. of “Wildlife Resources Card”........................................................

ad. 160/2006


am. 60/1999


am. 32/2001


rs. 74/2016


am. 77/1999


am. 79/1989, 32/2001, 160/2006, 90/2010


am. 32/2001; fc. 231/2008, 170/2009, 90/2010, 146/2011, 173/2013, 173/2015


am. 85/1993; rs. 32/2001


am. 79/1989, 151/1990; rep. 32/2001


ra. from 3(6) 32/2001; rs. 90/2010


ra. as 3(5) 32/2001


ra. from 3(7) 32/2001


ra. as 3(6) 32/2001


rs. 76/2002


ad. 76/2002; am. 90/2010


ad. 90/2010


rs. 79/1989; am. 60/1999; rs. 76/2002; fc. 125/2004, 176/2007, 231/2008, 170/2009; am. 90/2010; fc. 146/2011, 173/2013, 173/2015


fc. 70/1991


am. 60/1999


rep. 60/1999


rs. 160/2006; am. 90/2010


am. 77/1999, 76/2002


am. 74/2016


ad. 77/1999


am. 109/2012


am. 380/2008


am. 160/2006, 74/2016


am. 160/2006


fc. 176/2007, 231/2008, 170/2009, 146/2011, 173/2013, 173/2015


ad. 231/2007; ra. as 4B 380/2008


ra. from 4A 380/2008


am. 79/1989, 151/1990, 137/1991, 143/1992, 85/1993, 60/1999, 77/1999, 75/2001; rs. 76/2002; am. 29/2004


am. 109/2012


ad. 76/2002; ra. as 5(1B) 29/2004


ad. 29/2004; am. 109/2012


ra. from 5(1A) 29/2004; rs. 90/2010, 109/2012


ad. 191/2013; am. 74/2016


ad. 90/2010


am. 76/2002, 231/2007


rep. 123/1996

7 ........................................................

rs. 85/1993


am. 77/1999


am. 77/1999


ad. 143/1992


am. 85/1993, 77/1999, 109/2012


am. 77/1999


am. 77/1999


am. 77/1999


am. 77/1999


ad. 79/1989; rep. 151/1990


ad. 123/1996


rs. 77/1999; am. 90/2010


am. 103/2003


rep. 85/1993


rep. 94/1997


am. 85/1993; ra. as 13 94/1997


ra. from 13(2) 94/1997; am. 94/1997; rep. 105/1997

“licencee” replaced throughout with “licensee”.......................................

am. 32/2001

Schedule A


ad. 76/2002

Moose Management Zone 1 description........................................................

rs. 109/2012

Moose Management Zone 5 description........................................................

ad. 90/2010; am. 109/2012

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





References to the Department and Minister of Lands and Forests should be read as references to the Department and Minister of Natural Resources in accordance with O.I.C. 1991-971 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376. (corrected by N.S. Reg. 143/1992 and 85/1993)

Sep 16, 1991


Second s. 4A added by N.S. Reg. 231/2007, redesignated as s. 4B for the purposes of this consolidation. (corrected by N.S. Reg. 380/2008)



References to the Department and Minister of Natural Resources should be read as references to the Department and Minister of Lands and Forestry in accordance with O.I.C. 2018-188 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jul 5, 2018


References to the Department and Minister of Natural Resources should be read as references to the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-210 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021

Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Moose Hunting Regulations

May 1, 1986

May 1, 1988





Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.




Webpage last updated: 10-05-2022