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Teacher Certification Regulations

made under Section 98 of the

Education Act

S.N.S 2018, c. 1, Schedule A

O.I.C. 2018-104 (effective April 1, 2018), N.S. Reg. 52/2018

amended to O.I.C. 2018-334 (effective January 1, 2019), N.S. Reg. 229/2018

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.





Provisions that apply to both pre-August 1, 2000 and post-July 31, 2000 certification systems

Registrar, Council and Committee

Registrar of Teacher Certification

Minister’s Advisory Council on Teacher Certification

Certification Appeals Committee

Applications and Fees

Application to Registrar

Applying for teacher’s certificate or teaching permit


Issuing teacher’s certificate

Applying for higher class of teacher’s certificate

Statement of professional standing

Evidence of language proficiency

Effective date of classification

Teaching permit issued without teacher’s certificate

Refusal to grant teacher’s certificate

Review of Refusal to Grant Teacher’s Certificate

Request for review of Registrar’s refusal

Review by Certification Appeals Committee

Minister’s decision on review

Cautions, Reprimands, Suspension and Cancellations

Actions in respect of certificate or permit

Reporting suspensions and cancellations

Reinstatement of certificate or permit

Voluntary surrender of certificate or permit

Education entity’s report on suspension, discharge, refusal to employ or termination

Annual summary to teacher certification authorities

Pre-August 1, 2000 Certification System

Pre-August 1, 2000 classes of teacher’s certificates

Teacher’s Certificate Class 4

Teacher’s Certificate Class 5

Teacher’s Certificate Class 6

Teacher’s Certificate Class 7

Teacher’s Certificate Class 8

Training approved by Registrar for granting a higher level certificate

Post-July 31, 2000 Certification System

Granting a teacher’s certificate for first time

Post-July 31, 2000 classes of teacher’s certificates

Guidelines on granting teachers’ certificates under post-July 31, 2000 certification system

Bridging Teacher’s Certificate

Initial Teacher’s Certificate

Conditional Initial Teacher’s Certificate 

Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2

Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3

Term and extension of conditional teacher’s certificate

Post-August 1, 2005 endorsation of teacher’s certificates

Certificate holder retaining certificate until change of classification

Teacher’s Certificate Class 4 holders who may obtain Teacher’s Certificate Class 5

Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to 7 holders subject to post-July 31, 2000 certification system

Teacher’s Certificate Class 1 to 3 holders subject to post-July 2000 certification

Application of Sections 43-45 to person granted certificate under subsection 33(2)

Progression of classifications of teachers’ certificates between certification systems

Change in classifications of certificates within post-July 31, 2000 certification

Certificate holder under post-July 31, 2000 certification system completing upgrading program within 7 years of registration

Assignment of teacher holding endorsed teacher’s certificate

Vocational Teacher’s Permits and Teacher’s Certificates

Vocational Teacher’s Permit

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class 1

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class II

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class III

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class IV

Teaching experience in lieu of work experience

Courses in vocational training from 1966-1971

Special Certificates and Specialist Certificates

Special certificates

Specialist certificates



1        These regulations may be cited as the Teacher Certification Regulations.


2        (1)    In these regulations,


“Act” means the Education Act;


“approved” means approved by the Minister except where otherwise specified.


“certificate program” means a program of studies relating to public education consisting of at least 5 full university courses, any of which may be at the undergraduate or graduate level, or the approved equivalent, that are developed as an in-service experience for teachers, designed by or with a university, including credit courses in either or both of the following:


                              (i)      academic disciplines taught in the public schools or other approved disciplines related to public school education,


                              (ii)     professional studies;


“degree program” means a program of studies to receive


                              (i)      a graduate diploma,


                              (ii)     a masters degree in


                                        (A)   education, or


                                        (B)   a teachable subject, as defined in the public school program, or


                              (iii)    a doctoral degree from a recognized university;


“discipline” means a course of studies taught in public schools in the Province;


“endorse” means to acknowledge recognized subject fields of competency in teaching;


“graduate degree” means a master’s degree or doctoral degree;


“graduate diploma” means a diploma received upon completion of an established program of a recognized university consisting of a minimum 5 full university courses at the graduate level, any of which may be in either or both of the following:


                              (i)      an academic discipline taught in the public schools or other approved disciplines related to public school education,


                              (ii)     professional studies;


“integrated program” means an individual program of studies developed by a teacher in consultation with a university, consisting of all of the following:


                              (i)      any combination of academic and professional courses that are interrelated,


                              (ii)     a minimum of 5 full courses at a university, or the approved equivalent, of which at least 3 must be full graduate courses and only 2 may be full undergraduate courses;


“major endorsation” means an endorsation requiring a minimum of 30 credit hours of study in a discipline in a subject field and 6 credit hours of teaching methodology in that subject field;


“minor endorsation” means an endorsation requiring a minimum of 18 credit hours of study in a discipline in a subject field and 3 credit hours in the teaching methodology of that subject field;


“Nova Scotia Instructional Leadership Program” means the instructional leadership program provided by the Minister that leads to a diploma in instructional leadership granted by the Minister, and as described in the Governor in Council Education Act Regulations made under the Act;


“post-July 31, 2000 certification system” means the teacher’s certification system set out in Sections 33 to 51;


“pre-August 1, 2000 certification system” means the teacher’s certification system set out in Sections 26 to 32;


“recognized” means recognized in the judgment of the Minister for the purpose of teacher certification under these regulations;


“Registrar” means the Registrar of Teacher Certification appointed under Section 4.


“successful” means successful in the judgement of the Registrar for the purpose of teacher certification under these regulations;


“subject field” means a field of study representing related disciplines;


“university” includes a college;


“upgrading program” means a degree program, certificate program or integrated program undertaken by a person to obtain a higher class of teacher’s certificate.


          (2)    For the purposes of interpretation of this Section and Sections 33 to 51 (post-July 31, 2000 certification system),


                   (a)      1 full course equals 6 credit hours of study or 1/5 of 1 year of study; and


                   (b)     1 year equals 5 full courses of study or 30 credit hours of study.

Provisions that apply to both pre-August 1, 2000 and post-July 31, 2000 certification systems

3        For greater certainty, Sections 4 to 25 and 52 to 58 apply to both the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system and the post-July 31, 2000 certification system.

Registrar, Council and Committee

Registrar of Teacher Certification

4        (1)    The Minister must appoint a Registrar of Teacher Certification in accordance with the Civil Service Act to perform the duties and functions and exercise the powers and authorities imposed or conferred upon the Registrar by these regulations or as otherwise prescribed by the Minister.


          (2)    The Minister may designate a person in the public service to act in the place of the Registrar due to the absence or incapacity of the Registrar.


          (3)    Despite anything in these regulations, the Minister may take any action in respect of a teacher’s certificate or teaching permit that may be performed by the Registrar and may exercise any power and authority conferred on the Registrar by these regulations.


          (4)    A reference to a teacher’s certificate, vocational teacher’s certificate or teaching permit granted by the Registrar may be read as a teachers’s certificate or teaching permit granted by the Minister, as the context requires.

Minister’s Advisory Council on Teacher Certification

5        The Minister must appoint, effective September 1 of each year, a Minister’s Advisory Council on Teacher Certification composed of any number of members the Minister determines appropriate, and including at least all of the following:


                   (a)      a representative of the Department;


                   (b)     2 representatives of the Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union;


                   (c)      1 representative of the Committee of Deans and Heads of Teacher Training Institutions;


                   (d)     an employee of the Department, who serves as a non-voting secretary of the Minister’s Advisory Council on Teacher Certification.

Certification Appeals Committee

6        (1)    The Minister must appoint a Certification Appeals Committee, to be composed of 3 persons, as follows


                   (a)      1 person nominated by the Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union;


                   (b)     1 person nominated by the Minister; and


                   (c)      1 person, acceptable to both the Minister and the Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union, who is a regional education officer or the education officer for the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial.


          (2)    The person appointed under clause (1)(c) must be the Chair of the Committee.


          (3)    A member of the Committee is appointed for a term prescribed by the Minister, not to exceed 3 years.


          (4)    A member of the Committee may be reappointed.


          (5)    A member of the Committee whose term expires continues to hold office until a successor is appointed or until the member is reappointed.



          (6)    A member of the Committee whose term expires during a review being conducted by the Committee must remain part of the Committee until the review is concluded.


          (7)    The Minister may fill a vacancy on the Committee by appointing a person to fill the former member’s unexpired term.


          (8)    If a member of the Committee misses 3 consecutive meetings, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Committee, revoke the member’s appointment.

Applications and Fees

Application to Registrar

7        A person meeting the qualifications for a teacher’s certificate, vocational teacher’s certificate or teaching permit under these regulations may apply to the Registrar for a teacher’s certificate or teaching permit, a renewal of a teacher’s certificate or teaching permit, a duplicate teacher’s certificate or a higher class of teacher’s certificate.

Applying for teacher’s certificate or teaching permit

8        An applicant for a teacher’s certificate or teaching permit must submit all of the following with their application:


                   (a)      documentary evidence of the type and in the form prescribed by the Minister respecting the applicant’s character, age, training and qualifications;


                   (b)     the applicable fee set out in Section 9.


9        The following are the fees for teacher’s certificates:

Teacher’s Certificate


initial certificate


renewal of certificate


duplicate certificate


higher class of certificate


Issuing teacher’s certificate

10      (1)    The Registrar may only grant a teacher’s certificate or teaching permit if the Registrar is satisfied that the applicant is of good character and fit to teach.


          (2)    Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, a teacher’s certificate granted by the Registrar is a permanent certificate.

Applying for higher class of teacher’s certificate

11      (1)    An applicant for a higher class of teacher’s certificate must submit all of the following with their application


                   (a)      an official transcript of their course results or a copy of the applicant’s letter requesting an institution to send the official transcript directly to the Registrar; and


                   (b)     the applicable fee set out in Section 9.


          (2)    The Registrar must not grant a higher class of certificate until the Registrar receives an official transcript of the applicant’s course results.

Statement of professional standing

12      (1)    The Registrar may provide a statement of professional standing to the holder of a teacher’s certificate, upon application and payment of the fee set out in subsection (2).


          (2)    An applicant for a statement of professional standing must submit a fee of $33.15 with their application.

Evidence of language proficiency

13      The Registrar may require that an applicant for a teacher’s certificate provide evidence of the type and in the form required by the Registrar of their proficiency in the English language or the French language to meet the requirements of the Department.

Effective date of classification

14      (1)    For salary purposes, the classification of an initial teaching permit or initial teacher’s certificate is effective on the later of the following dates:


                   (a)      the date the teacher qualified for the classification;


                   (b)     the first day of the school year in which the teacher applied for the classification and submitted all the required documentation, as determined by the Registrar


          (2)    For salary purposes, a change in classification of a teaching permit or teacher’s certificate is effective on the following dates:


                   (a)      August 1, if all required documentation is received between and including March 1 to September 30;


                   (b)     January 1 of the same school year, if all required documentation is received between and including October 1 to the last day of February.

Teaching permit issued without teacher’s certificate

15      (1)    If an education entity certifies that no holder of a teacher’s certificate is available for a teaching position, the Minister may issue a teaching permit to a person recommended by the regional executive director for the region in which the school or class is situated, subject to the Minister being satisfied with the person’s subject matter and pedagogical expertise.


          (2)    A teaching permit issued under this Section constitutes permission to conduct school only in the school region and for the school year for which it is issued.

Refusal to grant teacher’s certificate

16      (1)    The Registrar may refuse to grant the class of teacher’s certificate an applicant applies for if the Registrar has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant does not meet the requirements specified in these regulations for the certificate.


          (2)    Except as provided in subsection (4), if the Registrar refuses an application for a class of teacher’s certificate, the Registrar must provide the applicant with a notice in writing of the refusal that includes all of the following:


                   (a)      the reasons for the refusal;


                   (b)     a statement that the applicant may request a review of the decision in accordance with Section 17;


                   (c)      details of any written submissions the Certification Appeals Committee requires for the review;


                   (d)     the date the application was received by the Registrar.


          (3)    A notice provided under subsection (2) must be sent by ordinary mail no later than 45 days after the date the Registrar receives the application.


          (4)    If the Registrar’s refusal is because the applicant’s teacher’s certificate is suspended or cancelled, the Registrar is not required to notify the applicant in writing in accordance with subsection (2), and the applicant may not request a review of the Registrar’s decision under Section 17.

Review of Refusal to Grant Teacher’s Certificate

Request for review of Registrar’s refusal

17      (1)    An applicant for a teacher’s certificate may request a review, in accordance with this Section, of the Registrar’s decision to refuse to grant the applicant a certificate.


          (2)    A request for review must be sent to the Minister in writing and be accompanied by any written submissions required by the Certification Appeals Committee, as specified in the notice to the applicant under subsection 16(2).


          (3)    Except as provided in subsection (4), a request for review must be received by the Minister no later than 180 days after the date the 45-day period referred to in subsection 16(3) expires.


          (4)    At an applicant’s request, the Certification Appeals Committee may extend the deadline beyond the time set out in subsection (3) if it is satisfied that the circumstances warrant granting the extension.

Review by Certification Appeals Committee

18      (1)    Upon a request submitted in accordance with Section 17, the Certification Appeals Committee must conduct a review of the Registrar’s decision to refuse to grant the applicant a teacher’s certificate unless, in its opinion, the request is


                   (a)      frivolous or vexatious;


                   (b)     an abuse of process; or


                   (c)      outside the jurisdiction of the Committee.


          (2)    Before conducting its review, the Certification Appeals Committee must ensure that both the applicant requesting the review and the Registrar are given at least 14 days to examine and to make submissions on any document that the Committee intends to consider in its review.


          (3)    After the time period set out in subsection (2), the Certification Appeals Committee must schedule a date for the review.


          (4)    An applicant for whom a review is conducted is entitled to attend the review, and may be accompanied or represented by another person at the review.


          (5)    On completing a review, and no later than 10 days after the date the Certification Appeals Committee makes its final decision, the Committee must provide the Minister with a recommendation in writing, including its reasons for the recommendation.


          (6)    The Certification Appeals Committee must recommend that the Minister do 1 of the following:


                   (a)      grant to the applicant the class of teacher’s certificate applied for;


                   (b)     grant to the applicant the class of teacher’s certificate applied for after the applicant fulfills conditions specified by the Committee, including certain of the requirements specified in these regulations for the granting of the class of teacher’s certificate applied for;


                   (c)      refuse to grant to the applicant the class of teacher’s certificate applied for.

Minister’s decision on review

19      (1)    The Minister must consider the recommendations made by the Certification Appeals Committee under Section 18 when making a decision under this Section.


          (2)    The Minister must advise the chair of the Certification Appeals Committee of the Minister’s decision.


          (3)    The chair of the Certification Appeals Committee must notify the applicant of the Minister’s decision by providing the applicant with a copy of the Committee’s recommendation and the Minister’s decision no later than 30 days after the date the Committee makes its recommendation to the Minister.

Cautions, Reprimands, Suspension and Cancellations

Actions in respect of certificate or permit

20      (1)    In this Section and Sections 21 to 25,


“certificate” includes a


                              (i)      teacher’s certificate,


                              (ii)     vocational teacher’s certificate, and


                              (iii)    special certificate; and


“permit” includes a


                              (i)      teaching permit, and


                              (ii)     vocational teacher’s permit.


          (2)    The Minister may, for cause, take any of the following actions respecting a certificate or permit:


                   (a)      issue a letter of caution to the holder of a certificate or permit;


                   (b)     issue a letter of reprimand to the holder of a certificate or permit;


                   (c)      suspend a certificate or permit with or without restrictions or conditions on the reinstatement of the certificate or permit;


                   (d)     cancel a certificate or permit.


          (3)    The Minister must send the holder of a certificate or permit a copy of the investigation report prepared by the Department at least 30 days before taking any of the actions listed in subsection (2), and the holder of the certificate or permit may provide a written response to the investigation report.


          (4)    An investigation report sent under subsection (3) must state the reasons for the Minister’s decision to take any action under subsection (2) and no other reason may be added after the report is sent.


          (5)    If the Minister decides not to take any of the actions listed in subsection (2) after an investigation, the Minister must send a notice in writing of the decision to the holder of the certificate or permit no later than 30 days after the date of the Minister’s decision.

Reporting suspensions and cancellations

21      (1)    The Minister must immediately report the suspension or cancellation of a certificate or permit made under Section 20, including any restrictions or conditions on the certificate or permit, to all of the following:


                   (a)      all education entities in the Province;


                   (b)     all teacher certification authorities within Canada;


                   (c)      any teacher certification authorities outside of Canada where the Minister considers it appropriate.


          (2)    The Minister may disclose information obtained during or incidental to an investigation that results in a certificate or permit being suspended or cancelled under Section 20 to any teaching authority that requests the information, and may include details relating to any restrictions or conditions on the reinstatement of the certificate or permit.

Reinstatement of certificate or permit

22      The Minister may, in the Minister’s absolute discretion, reinstate a certificate or permit that is suspended or cancelled under Section 20.

Voluntary surrender of certificate or permit

23      A holder of a certificate or permit may voluntarily surrender their certificate or permit to the Minister.

Education entity’s report on suspension, discharge, refusal to employ or termination

24      (1)    An education entity must report in writing to the Minister if, as a result of conduct that relates to fitness or the suitability of the holder of a certificate or permit to hold the certificate or permit,


                   (a)      the education entity suspends, discharges, refuses to employ or terminates the employment of a holder of a certificate or permit; or


                   (b)     a holder of a certificate or permit retires or resigns from employment with the education entity.


          (2)    A report provided to the Minister under subsection (1) must include all of the following:


                   (a)      all of the following respecting the certificate or permit holder:


                              (i)      full name, including previous names,


                              (ii)     date of birth,


                              (iii)    type and class of certificate or type of permit,


                              (iv)    professional number;


                   (b)     a general description of the conduct and circumstances that resulted in the matters requiring the report under subsection (1).


          (3)    The obligations of an education entity prescribed in this Section apply mutatis mutandis, to all of the following:


                   (a)      the Nova Scotia Community College established under the Community Colleges Act;


                   (b)     the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority;


                   (c)      a private school;


                   (d)     a private career college as defined in the Private Career Colleges Act.

Annual summary to teacher certification authorities

25      (1)    On or before March 31 of each year, the Minister must provide the teacher certification authority of every province and territory of Canada with an annual summary of every suspension and cancellation by the Minister of a certificate or permit in the previous calendar year.


          (2)    The Minister’s annual summary required by subsection (1) must include all of the following information for each suspension or cancellation of a certificate or permit:


                   (a)      as statement as to whether the certificate or permit was suspended or cancelled;


                   (b)     the date of the suspension or cancellation;


                   (c)      all of the following information respecting the holder of the certificate or permit that was suspended or cancelled:


                              (i)      full name, including previous names,


                              (ii)     date of birth,


                              (iii)    type and class of certificate or type of permit,


                              (iv)    professional number;


                   (d)     the reasons for the suspension or cancellation, including all of the following:


                              (i)      a general description of the conduct and circumstances that resulted in the suspension or cancellation,


                              (ii)     if an education entity has provided a report to the Minister under subsection 24(1),


                                        (A)   the action taken by the education entity as described in clause 24(1)(a), or


                                        (B)   the action taken by the person as described in clause 24(1)(b).

Pre-August 1, 2000 Certification System

Pre-August 1, 2000 classes of teacher’s certificates

26      (1)    A holder of a teacher’s certificate granted under Section 62 of the regulations made by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 67-615 dated August 15, 1967 holds and is deemed to hold a teacher’s certificate of the class equivalent to a class described in subsection (2).


          (2)    The following are the 9 classes of teacher’s certificates under the Pre-August 1, 2000 certification system, in order from lowest to highest


                   (a)      Teacher’s Certificate Class M;


                   (b)     Teacher’s Certificate Class 1;


                   (c)      Teacher’s Certificate Class 2;


                   (d)     Teacher’s Certificate Class 3;


                   (e)      Teacher’s Certificate Class 4;


                   (f)      Teacher’s Certificate Class 5;


                   (g)     Teacher’s Certificate Class 6;


                   (h)     Teacher’s Certificate Class 7;


                   (i)      Teacher’s Certificate Class 8.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 4

27      The Registrar may grant a Teacher’s Certificate Class 4 to a person who holds an Associate in Education diploma through the Nova Scotia Teachers College.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 5

28      The Registrar may grant a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications, or is deemed by the Minister to have qualifications equivalent to all of the following:


                   (a)      holds an approved bachelor’s degree from a recognized university,


                   (b)     has completed an approved program of teacher education.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 6

29      The Registrar may grant a Teacher’s Certificate Class 6 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications;


                   (a)      has the academic and professional qualifications required for a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5;


                   (b)     holds an approved master’s degree from a recognized university.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 7

30      The Registrar may grant a Teacher’s Certificate Class 7 to a person who meets either of the following:


                   (a)      has the academic and professional qualifications required for a Teacher’s Certificate Class 6 and has completed 1 additional year of approved graduate study;


                   (b)     has the academic and professional qualifications required for a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 and has completed 2 additional years of approved graduate study.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 8

31      The Registrar may grant a Teacher’s Certificate Class 8 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications;


                   (a)      has the academic and professional qualifications required for a Teacher’s Certificate Class 6;


                   (b)     holds an approved doctorate degree from a recognized university.

Training approved by Registrar for granting a higher level certificate

32      Despite Sections 27 to 31 and Sections 59 and 60, the Registrar may grant to a person holding teacher’s certificates up to and including Class 7, a teacher’s certificate of the next highest rank if the person complies with 1 of the following:


                   (a)      after August 1, 1967, completes a course of training approved by the Registrar of 1 academic year’s duration, or the equivalent thereof;


                   (b)     before August 1, 1967, completed a course of training of 1 academic year’s duration, or the equivalent thereof, if the Registrar is satisfied that the course of training was of a kind that the Registrar would have approved on or after August 1, 1967.

Post-July 31, 2000 Certification System

Granting a teacher’s certificate for first time

33      (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), if a person who has not previously been granted a teacher’s certificate from the Registrar applies for a teacher’s certificate, the Registrar must


                   (a)      receive and process the application under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system; and


                   (b)     subject to the person satisfying the requirements under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for, grant a teacher’s certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system.


          (2)    If 1 of the following persons applies, the Registrar must, if the Registrar is satisfied that the requirements of this subsection are met, receive and process the application under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system and, subject to the person satisfying the requirements under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for, grant the teacher’s certificate under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system, effective on and after the date of the certificate:


                   (a)      a person who, before August 1, 2000, held a valid teacher’s certificate granted by an authority in a jurisdiction other than the Province and satisfied the professional studies requirements prescribed by that jurisdiction, if


                              (i)      the Registrar considers the professional studies requirements prescribed by that jurisdiction to be equivalent to the professional studies requirements for the teacher’s certificate applied for under this subsection, or


                              (ii)     the person was granted, before August 1, 2004, a teacher’s certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system;


                   (b)     a person who, before August 1, 2000, completed an approved program of Teacher Education in Nova Scotia, and satisfied the requirements under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system for a teacher’s certificate, and applied for and was granted an equivalent teacher’s certificate from a jurisdiction other than the Province; or


                   (c)      a person who, before August 1, 2000, held an Associate in Education diploma through the Nova Scotia Teachers College.


          (3)    If a person referred to in subclause (2)(a)(ii) provides to the Registrar proof of payment of an application fee for the teacher’s certificate referred to in that subclause, payment of that application fee is payment of the application fee for the purpose of applying for a teacher’s certificate under subsection (2).


          (4)    Any teacher’s certificate previously granted to a person under the Act is revoked effective on and after the date of a teacher’s certificate granted to the person under subsection (2).

Post-July 31, 2000 classes of teacher’s certificates

34      The following are the classes of teacher’s certificates under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system:


                   (a)      Bridging Teacher’s Certificate;


                   (b)     Initial Teacher’s Certificate;


                   (c)      Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1;


                   (d)     Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2;


                   (e)      Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3.

Guidelines on granting teachers’ certificates under post-July 31, 2000 certification system

35      (1)    Before granting a teacher’s certificate to a person on the condition that the person has completed a degree program, the Registrar must be satisfied that the person meets 1 of the following:


                   (a)      they have been awarded the degree for that degree program;


                   (b)     they have completed the requirements to be awarded the degree for that degree program.


          (2)    Before granting an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1, 2 or 3 to a person on condition that the person has completed an integrated program, the Registrar


                   (a)      must have approved the integrated program before the commencement of the integrated program; and


                   (b)     must not have previously granted a teacher’s certificate on the condition that the integrated program or any courses in the integrated program have been completed.


          (3)    Before the Registrar grants a teacher’s certificate to a person under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system on the condition that the person has completed a program, the Registrar must be satisfied that the person has fully completed the program.


          (4)    Before the Registrar grants an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1, 2 or 3 to a person under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system on the condition that the person has completed a certificate program or an integrated program, the Registrar must be satisfied that the program does not include any undergraduate courses completed as part of the program if the completion of those courses was a condition for the granting of the preceding lower class of teacher’s certificate to the person.


          (5)    Before the Registrar grants an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1, 2 or 3 to a person under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system on the condition that the person has completed a certificate program, degree program or an integrated program, the Registrar must be satisfied that the program does not include any graduate courses completed as part of the program if the completion of those courses was a condition for the granting of the preceding lower class of teacher’s certificate to the person.

Bridging Teacher’s Certificate

36      (1)    A Bridging Teacher’s Certificate issued or continued before January 1, 2019, is continued until the earlier of the following dates:


                   (a)      the date the certificate is revoked or cancelled;


                   (b)     the date the holder of the Bridging Teacher’s Certificate is granted another class of certificate in accordance with these regulations.


          (2)    For greater certainty, on and after January 1, 2019, a person holding a valid Bridging Teacher’s Certificate who meets the qualifications in Section 37 is eligible to apply to the Registrar for any class of teacher’s certificate for which the person is qualified under these regulations.

Initial Teacher’s Certificate

37      The Registrar may grant an Initial Teacher’s Certificate to a person who meets at least 1 of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      completion of all of the following:


                              (i)      at least 3 years of approved undergraduate studies,


                              (ii)     at least 2 years of an approved program of professional studies,


                              (iii)    an approved bachelor degree from a recognized university;


                   (b)     they hold a valid teacher’s certificate granted by an authority in a Canadian province or territory outside the Province;


                   (c)      they hold a valid Bridging Teacher’s Certificate continued by subsection 36(1).

Conditional Initial Teacher’s Certificate

37A   The Registrar may grant a conditional Initial Teacher’s Certificate to a person who has not previously held a teacher’s certificate or a conditional teacher’s certificate granted under these regulations or the former regulations in either of the following circumstances:


                   (a)      the person does not meet the qualifications for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate in Section 37 but has completed at least 4 years of undergraduate study, including all of the following:


                              (i)      an approved bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or qualifications from a recognized university that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to such a degree;


                              (ii)     an approved program of professional studies that consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours of course work, including practicum;


                   (b)     the person does not meet the qualifications for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate in Section 37 but holds a conditional or temporary teacher’s certificate granted by an authority in a Canadian jurisdiction outside the Province.

Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1

38      The Registrar may grant an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      the academic and professional qualifications required for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate;


                   (b)     completion of 1 of the following:


                              (i)      an approved


                                        (A)   certificate program,


                                        (B)   degree program, or


                                        (C)   integrated program,


                              (ii)     the Nova Scotia Instructional Leadership Program.

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1

38A   The Registrar may grant a conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1 to a person who meets all of the following:


                   (a)      the qualifications required for a conditional Initial Teacher’s Certificate in Section 37A;


                   (b)     the qualifications required by clause 38(b) for an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1.

Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2

39      The Registrar may grant an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      the academic and professional qualifications required for an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1;


                   (b)     completion of 1 of the following:


                              (i)      an approved


                                        (A)   certificate program,


                                        (B)   degree program, or


                                        (C)   integrated program,


                              (ii)     the Nova Scotia Instructional Leadership Program.

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2

39A   The Registrar may grant a conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2 to a person who meets all of the following:


                   (a)      the qualifications required for a conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1 in Section 38A;


                   (b)     the qualifications required by clause 39(b) for an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2.

Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3

40      The Registrar may grant an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3 to a person who meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      the academic and professional qualifications required for an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2;


                   (b)     completion of 1 of the following:


                              (i)      an approved


                                        (A)   certificate program,


                                        (B)   degree program, or


                                        (C)   integrated program,


                              (ii)     the Nova Scotia Instructional Leadership Program;


                   (c)      if not completed as part of the requirements in clause (a) or (b), completion of a minimum of 6 credit hours of approved study in research methods or research literacy, or any combination of them, totalling 6 credit hours of approved study;


                   (d)     if not completed as part of the requirements in clause (a) or (b), an approved graduate degree from a recognized university.

Conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3

40A   The Registrar may grant a conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 3 to a person who meets all of the following:


                   (a)      the qualifications required for a conditional Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 2 in Section 39A;


                   (b)     completion of 1 of the following additional programs:


                              (i)      an approved


                                        (A)   certificate program,


                                        (B)   degree program, or


                                        (C)   integrated program,


                              (ii)     the Nova Scotia Instructional Leadership Program;


                   (c)      if not completed as part of the requirements in clause (a) or (b),


                              (i)      completion of at least 6 credit hours of approved study in research methods or research literacy, or any combination of them totalling 6 credit hours of approved study, and


                              (ii)     an approved graduate degree from a recognized university.

Term and extension of conditional teacher’s certificate

40B    (1)    Unless extended under subsection (2), a conditional teacher’s certificate of any class is valid until the earlier of the following dates:


                   (a)      5 years from the date the conditional teacher’s certificate is granted;


                   (b)     the date the holder of the conditional teacher’s certificate meets the qualifications required for a teacher’s certificate.


          (2)    Subject to subsection (3), the Registrar may extend the 5-year period in clause (1)(a) for a further period, as determined by the Registrar, by considering any matters the Registrar considers appropriate, including illness of the holder of the certificate and the unavailability of any required course.


          (3)    An extension may not be granted under subsection (2) unless the holder of the conditional teacher’s certificate requests an extension before the date that their conditional teacher’s certificate expires.

Conditions and restrictions on conditional teacher’s certificate

40C   The Registrar may impose the conditions or restrictions on a conditional teacher’s certificate that the Registrar considers necessary to ensure the holder’s suitability and fitness to teach in the Province.

Post-August 1, 2005 endorsation of teacher’s certificates

41      (1)    If the Registrar receives an application after August 1, 2005, for a teacher’s certificate from a person to whom a teacher’s certificate has not previously been granted, the teacher’s certificate that is granted under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system may be endorsed for any of the following:


                   (a)      elementary education;


                   (b)     secondary education, by recognized subject field;


                   (c)      both elementary and secondary education, if the secondary education subject fields are French, physical education, health education, or fine arts.


          (2)    The Registrar may grant a teacher’s certificate with more than 1 endorsation referred to in subsection (1).


          (3)    The Registrar may include in the endorsation for secondary education referred to in clause (1)(b) a major or minor endorsation, as recognized by the Registrar.

Certificate holder retaining certificate until change of classification

42      (1)    A person who has been granted a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to 7 under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system on or before July 31, 2000, must retain the class of teacher’s certificate granted until the person fulfills the requirements to change the classification to obtain a higher class of teacher’s certificate under Section 44.


          (2)    A person who has been granted a Teacher’s Certificate Class 1 to 4 under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system on or before July 31, 2000 must retain the class of teacher’s certificate granted until the person fulfills the requirements to change the classification to obtain a higher class of teacher’s certificate under


                   (a)      Section 43, for obtaining a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5; or


                   (b)     Sections 45 and 46.


          (3)    Despite subsections (1) and (2), a person who has been granted a teacher’s certificate under subsection 33(2) must retain the class of teacher’s certificate granted until the person fulfills the requirements to change the classification to obtain a higher class of teacher’s certificate in accordance with Sections 43 to 45.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 4 holders who may obtain Teacher’s Certificate Class 5

43      (1)    This Section applies to a person who holds a Teacher’s Certificate Class 4 granted under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system and


                   (a)      has, on or after August 1, 2001, for the purpose of obtaining a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5, under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system,


                              (i)      registered in an approved upgrading program, or


                              (ii)     applied for a change in classification; and


                   (b)     received confirmation from the Minister or the Registrar that the registration under subclause (a)(i) or the application under subclause (a)(ii), was received on or after August 1, 2001.


          (2)    Upon meeting all of the requirements in subsection (3), a person described in subsection (1) may receive, under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system,


                   (a)      the change in the teacher certification classification; and


                   (b)     a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5.


          (3)    A person described in subsection (1) must meet all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      complete the upgrading program referred to in subclause (1)(a)(i);


                   (b)     satisfy the prescribed requirements for the change in classification referred to in subclause (1)(a)(ii);


                   (c)      satisfy the requirements for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to 7 holders subject to post-July 31, 2000 certification system

44      (1)    This Section applies to a person who holds a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to 7 granted under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system and


                   (a)      has, on or after November 1, 2000,


                              (i)      registered in an approved upgrading program, or


                              (ii)     applied for a change in classification; and


                   (b)     received confirmation from the Minister or the Registrar that the registration under subclause (a)(i) or the application under subclause (a)(ii) was received on or after November 1, 2000.


          (2)    Upon completion of the requirements in subsection (3), a person described in subsection (1) must, in accordance with the progression of classifications of teacher’s certificates from the pre-August 1, 2000 system to the post-July 31, 2000 certification system in Section 47, receive all of the following under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system:


                   (a)      change in the teacher certification classification;


                   (b)     teacher’s certificate.


          (3)    A person described in subsection (1) must meet all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      complete the upgrading program referred to in subclause (1)(a)(i) under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system;


                   (b)     satisfy the requirements prescribed under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system for the change in classification referred to in subclause (1)(a)(ii);


                   (c)      satisfy the requirements for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for.

Teacher’s Certificate Class 1 to 3 holders subject to post-July 2000 certification system

45      (1)    This Section applies to a person who holds a Teacher’s Certificate Class 1 to 3 granted under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system and


                   (a)      has, on or after August 1, 2001,


                              (i)      registered in an approved upgrading program, or


                              (ii)     applied for a change in classification; and


                   (b)     has received confirmation from the Minister or the Registrar that the registration under subclause (a)(i) or the application under subclause (a)(ii), was received on or after August 1, 2001.


          (2)    Upon meeting the requirements in subsection (3), a person described in subsection (1) must, in accordance with the progression of classifications of teachers’ certificates from the pre-August 1, 2000 system to the post-July 31, 2000 certification system in Section 47, receive all of the following under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system:


                   (a)      change in the teacher certification classification;


                   (b)     teacher’s certificate.


          (3)    A person described in subsection (1) must meet all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      complete the upgrading program referred to in subclause (1)(a)(i) under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system;


                   (b)     satisfy the requirements prescribed under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system for the change in classification referred to in subclause (1)(a)(ii);


                   (c)      satisfy the requirements for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for.

Application of Sections 43-45 to person granted certificate under subsection 33(2)

46      A person referred to in Sections 42 to 45 includes a person who has been granted a teacher’s certificate under subsection 33(2), and Sections 43 to 45 apply to the person in respect of an application to change their teacher certification classification.

Progression of classifications of teachers’ certificates between certification systems

47      A change in classification from a classification level under the pre-August 1, 2000 classification system to the next higher level of classification under the post-July 31, 2000 classification system must be in accordance with the following order of levels of classifications:


                   (a)      from a Teacher’s Certificate Class 1 to 3 to an Initial Teacher’s Certificate;


                   (b)     from a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 to an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate 1;


                   (c)      from a Teacher’s Certificate Class 6 to an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate Class 2;


                   (d)     from a Teacher’s Certificate Class 7 to an Advanced Teacher’s Certificate Class 3.

Change in classifications of certificates within post-July 31, 2000 certification system

48      (1)    This Section applies to a person who has been granted a teacher’s certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system and


                   (a)      has, on or after August 1, 2000,


                              (i)      registered in an approved upgrading program, or


                              (ii)     applied for a change in teacher certification classification; and


                   (b)     has received confirmation from the Minister or the Registrar that the registration under subclause (a)(i) or the application under subclause (a)(ii), was received on or after August 1, 2000.


          (2)    Upon completion of the requirements in subsection (3), a person described in subsection (1) must receive the following under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system in accordance with the progression of classifications of teacher’s certificates in Section 34:


                   (a)      change in the teacher certification classification;


                   (b)     teacher’s certificate.


          (3)    A person described in subsection (1) must do all of the following:


                   (a)      complete the approved upgrading program referred to in subclause (1)(a)(i) under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system;


                   (b)     satisfy the requirements prescribed under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system for the change in classification referred to in subclause (1)(a)(ii);


                   (c)      satisfy the requirements for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for.

Certificate holder under post-July 31, 2000 certification system completing upgrading program within 7 years of registration

49      (1)    This Section applies to a person who has


                   (a)      been granted a teacher’s certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system; and


                   (b)     on or after August 1, 2000,


                              (i)      registered in an approved upgrading program, and


                              (ii)     applied for a change in classification on the condition of the completion of the approved upgrading program,


          (2)    Despite any other provision in the post-July 31, 2000 certification system, a person described in subsection (1) must only receive the change in classification if all of the following are completed no later than 7 years from the date of registration of the upgrading program:


                   (a)      [the] upgrading program referred to in subclause (1)(b)(i);


                   (b)     the requirements prescribed under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system for the change in classification referred to in subclause (1)(b)(ii).


          (3)    The Registrar may extend the 7-year time period referred to in subsection (2) for such further period as the Registrar determines, having regard to the matters the Registrar considers appropriate, including illness of the person referred to in subsection (1) and unavailability of a required course.

Pre-service teacher education program

50      (1)    Despite any other provision in the post-July 31, 2000 certification system, a person who is registered and in attendance in the undergraduate studies component of a pre-service teacher education program that commences on or after September 1, 1993, but not after August 31, 2000,


                   (a)      is subject to the requirements for teacher certification in effect as of the date the person registered and commenced attendance in the pre-service teacher education program, so long as the person completes all requirements for the teacher certification no later than 7 years after the date of registration and commencement of attendance; and


                   (b)     must receive a teacher’s certificate under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system upon the Registrar being satisfied that the requirements under the pre-August 1, 2000 certification system for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for have been met.


          (2)    Despite any other provision in the post-July 31, 2000 certification system, a person who is registered and in attendance in the undergraduate studies component of a pre-service teacher education program in circumstances other than those referred to in subsection (1) is subject to the requirements for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system, and must receive a teacher’s certificate under the post-July 31, 2000 certification system upon the Registrar being satisfied that the requirements for the class of teacher’s certificate applied for have been met.


          (3)    For greater certainty, this Section does not apply to a person who has been granted a teacher’s certificate under subsection 33(2).

Assignment of teacher holding endorsed teacher’s certificate

51      (1)    An education entity that engages a person who meets all of the following criteria must, in the person’s first year of employment, assign the person to teach at the elementary level, namely grades primary to 6:


                   (a)      they hold a teacher’s certificate endorsed in elementary education;


                   (b)     they have not previously been employed on a term or probationary contract as a teacher in a public school.


          (2)    An education entity that engages a person who meets all of the following criteria must, in the first person’s first year of employment, assign the person to teach at the secondary level, namely grades 7 to 12, predominately in the subject fields for which the person’s teacher’s certificate is endorsed:


                   (a)      they hold a teacher’s certificate endorsed in secondary education;


                   (b)     they have not previously been employed on a term or probationary contract as a teacher in a public school.


          (3)    Despite subsections (1) and (2), an education entity may assign a person who meets the criteria in subsection (1) or (2) to teach exclusively at the junior high level, namely grades 7 to 9.

Vocational Teacher’s Permits and Teacher’s Certificates

Vocational Teacher’s Permit

52      (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), when a person who does not hold at least a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class I has been appointed to the instructional staff of a vocational school, the Registrar may grant that person a vocational teacher’s permit, valid for a period of 6 years from the date of appointment.


          (2)    If a person who holds a vocational teacher’s permit has not qualified for a vocational teacher’s certificate within the term of the permit, the Registrar may extend the term of that person’s permit.

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class 1

53      The Registrar may issue a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class I to a person if the Minister is satisfied that the person meets all of the following requirements:


                   (a)      they hold a Nova Scotia pass certificate of not lower than grade 11 or its equivalent;


                   (b)     they have, in 1 occupation, a total of at least 8 years of recognized work training and recognized work experience, in which total there is at least 1 year of recognized work training and at least 4 years of recognized work experience;


                   (c)      they have successfully completed teacher training courses requiring the equivalent of 3/5 of the study of a university year, including all of the following:


                              (i)      a course in principles and practices of vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (ii)     a course in teaching methods in vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 3/15 of a university year,


                              (iii)    a course in job analysis and vocational course construction, including the successful construction of a vocational course specific to the occupation in which the person has established work training and work experience, as required in clause (b), requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (iv)    a course in setting and evaluating examinations for the purpose of determining achievement of occupational skills and knowledge requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (v)     a course in guidance requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (vi)    a course in educational psychology requiring study equivalent to at least 2/15 of a university year or courses in both educational and general psychology, each of which requires study of at least 1/15 of a university year;


                   (d)     they have at least 3 years of successful teaching experience in a vocational school in the Province or its recognized equivalent.

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class II

54      The Registrar may issue a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class II to a person if the Registrar is satisfied that the person meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      they meet 1 of the following requirements:


                              (i)      they hold a Nova Scotia pass certificate of not lower than grade 12, or its equivalent,


                              (ii)     they have successfully completed 1 year of university work consisting of not less than 5 approved academic courses,


                              (iii)    they have successfully completed 1/2 of the courses needed to qualify for a Diploma of Technology or Applied Arts;


                   (b)     they have, in 1 occupation, a total of at least 8 years of recognized work training and recognized work experience, in which total there is at least 1 year of recognized work training and at least 4 years of recognized work experience;


                   (c)      they have successfully completed teacher training courses requiring the equivalent of 4/5 of the study of a university year, including all of the following:


                              (i)      a course in principles and practices of vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (ii)     a course in teaching methods in vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 3/15 of a university year,


                              (iii)    a course in job analysis and vocational course construction including the successful construction of a vocational course specific to the occupation in which the person has established work training and work experience, as required in clause (b), requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (iv)    a course in setting and evaluating examinations for the purpose of determining achievement of occupational skills and knowledge requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (v)     a course in guidance requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (vi)    a course in educational psychology requiring study equivalent to at least 2/15 of a university year or courses in both educational and general psychology, each of which requires study of at least 1/15 of a university year;


                   (d)     they have at least 3 years of successful experience in a vocational school in the Province or its recognized equivalent.

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class III

55      The Registrar may issue a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class III to a person if the Registrar is satisfied that the person meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      they have the academic qualifications required for a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class II;


                   (b)     they have successfully completed 1 of the following:


                              (i)      an additional 1 year of university work consisting of not less than 5 approved academic courses,


                              (ii)     the courses required for a Diploma of Technology or of Applied Arts,


                              (iii)    the Nova Scotia Summer School Block Program in educational leadership,


                              (iv)    an additional 1 year of approved courses consisting of not more than 3 academic university courses and not less than 2 courses in the field of pedagogy or technical vocational training;


                   (c)      they have, in 1 occupation, a total of at least 8 years of recognized work training and recognized work experience, in which total there is at least 1 year of recognized work training and at least 4 years of recognized work experience;


                   (d)     they have successfully completed teacher training courses requiring the equivalent of the study of 1 university year, including all of the following:


                              (i)      a course in principles and practices of vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (ii)     a course in teaching methods in vocational education requiring study equivalent to at least 3/15 of a university year,


                              (iii)    a course in job analysis and vocational course construction including the successful construction of a vocational course specific to the occupation in which the person has established work training and work experience, as required in clause (c), requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (iv)    a course in setting and evaluating examinations for the purpose of determining achievement of occupational skills and knowledge requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (v)     a course in guidance requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (vi)    a course in educational psychology requiring study equivalent to at least 2/15 of a university year or courses in both educational and general psychology, each of which requires study of at least 1/15 of a university year;


                   (e)      they have at least 3 years of successful teaching experience in a vocational school in the Province or its recognized equivalent.

Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class IV

56      The Registrar may issue a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class IV to a person if the Registrar is satisfied that the person meets all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      they have the academic qualifications required for a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate Class III;


                   (b)     they have successfully completed 1 of the following:


                              (i)      an additional 1 year of university work consisting of not less than 5 approved academic courses,


                              (ii)     the Nova Scotia Summer School Block Program in educational leadership,


                              (iii)    an additional 1 year of approved courses consisting of not more than 2 academic university courses and not less than 3 courses in the field of pedagogy or technical vocational training;


                   (c)      they have, in 1 occupation, a total of at least 8 years of recognized work training and recognized work experience, in which total there is at least 1 year of recognized work training and at least 4 years of recognized work experience;


                   (d)     they have successfully completed teacher training courses requiring the equivalent of the study of 1 university year, including all of the following:


                              (i)      a course in principles and practices of vocational education, requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (ii)     a course in teaching methods in vocational education, requiring study equivalent to at least 3/15 of a university year,


                              (iii)    a course in job analysis and vocational course construction including the successful construction of a vocational course specific to the occupation in which the person has established work training and work experience, as required in clause (b) [(c)], requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (iv)    a course in setting and evaluating examinations for the purpose of determining achievement of occupational skills and knowledge, requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (v)     a course in guidance requiring study equivalent to at least 1/15 of a university year,


                              (vi)    a course in educational psychology requiring study equivalent to at least 2/15 of a university year or courses in both educational and general psychology, each of which requires study of at least 1/15 of a university year;


                   (e)      they have at least 3 years of successful teaching experience in a vocational school in the Province or its recognized equivalent.

Teaching experience in lieu of work experience

57      Despite the work experience requirements in clauses 53(b), 54(b), 55(c) and 56(c), in special and exceptional cases the Registrar in the Registrar’s discretion may accept, on a year for year basis, no more than 3 additional years of successful teaching experience in lieu of work experience if the Registrar is otherwise satisfied that the person meets the qualifications for the class of vocational teacher’s certificate applied for.

Courses in vocational training from 1966-1971

58      Despite Sections 51 to 57, the Registrar may issue a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate to any of the following persons if the Registrar is satisfied that the person


                   (a)      began courses in vocational teacher training before June 30, 1966, and would qualify for a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate under the regulations in effect on July 30, 1966;


                   (b)     began courses in vocational teacher training between June 30, 1966, and June 30, 1969, and would qualify for a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate under the regulations in effect as of July 30, 1969;


                   (c)      began courses in vocational teacher training between June 30, 1969, and June 30, 1971, and would qualify for a Vocational Teacher’s Certificate under the regulations in effect as of April 16, 1972.

Special Certificates and Specialist Certificates

Special certificates

59      (1)    The Registrar may grant a special certificate of the appropriate class of teacher’s certificate in the fields of social service related to education, testing services, school library services, or teaching the visually or hearing impaired, to a person who does not otherwise qualify for a teacher’s certificate who has completed the minimum qualifications, as determined by the Registrar, in the field for which the application is made.


          (2)    A certificate granted under subsection (1) is a permanent certificate.


          (3)    For the purpose of determining the salary of a person to whom a special certificate is granted under this Section, the Minister may recognize the employment of the person in the particular field of employment for which the certificate is granted, and that employment must be recognized for salary purposes provided that the person continues to be employed in the field for which the certificate is granted and the person held, or was eligible to hold, teacher certification in the Province at the time that the previous employment was completed.

Specialist certificates

60      (1)    A person who meets all of the following conditions continues to hold a permanent Specialist Certificate of the class granted:


                   (a)      they hold a permanent Specialist Certificate for the teaching of students with physical or mental disabilities, granted by the Minister under Section 49 of the regulations made by the Governor in Council under the former Act that were in force immediately before June 24, 1997;


                   (b)     they are employed as a teacher.


          (2)    For the purpose of determining the salary of a person whose Specialist Certificate is continued under subsection (1), the Minister may recognize the employment of the person, properly certified in a particular field of employment relating to students with physical or mental disabilities, and such employment must not be recognized for salary purposes unless the person continues to be employed as a teacher of students with physical or mental disabilities.



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Teacher Certification Regulations

N.S. Reg. 52/2018

Education Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Teacher Certification Regulations made under the Education Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Apr 1, 2018

date specified

Apr 13, 2018


Jan 1, 2019

date specified

Jan 4, 2019









The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018

20, first subsection............................

ra. as 20(1) 229/2018

. 20(1)...............................................

ra. from 20 229/2018; am. 229/2018 (clause letters removed)


am. 229/2018

. 24(3)(b)..........................................

am. 229/2018


rs. 229/2018


rs. 229/2018


ad. 229/2018


ad. 229/2018


ad. 229/2018


ad. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018


am. 229/2018

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





Original text does not include subsection 20(1).  First subsection in Section 20 numbered as subsection (1) for the purposes of the consolidation.
(corrected by N.S. Reg. 229/2018)



Original text does not include any other subsections in Section 36.  Subsection 36(1) re-designated as Section 36 for the purposes of the consolidation.
(corrected by N.S. Reg. 229/2018)



Amendment by N.S. Reg. 229/2018 to subclause 56(d)(iv) does not fit as instructed.  Amendment applied to 56(d)(vi) for the purposes of this consolidation.


Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 16-01-2019