
Department of Justice     




Children and Family Services Act, S.N.S. 1990, c.5.

Domestic Violence Protection Act, S.O. 2000, c.33.

Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act, S.M. 1998, c.D93.

Family Violence Prevention Act, S.Y. 1997.

Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.I-5.

Municipal Services Exchange Act, S.N.S.

Protection Against Family Violence Act, S.A. 1999, c.P-19.2

Victims of Domestic Violence Act, S.S. 1994, c.V-6.02.

Victims of Family Violence Act, S.P.E.I. 1996, c.V-3.2.


A.L.G.C. v. Prince Edward Island, [1998] P.E.I. J. No.15 (S.C. T.D.), online: QL (PEIJ).

R. v. K.G.B. (1993), 79 C.C.C. (3d) 257 (S.C.C.).

Secondary Material: Government Documents

British Columbia, Ministry of Attorney General, Corrections Branch, Guidelines for Alternative Measures Contractors: Referrals for Offences Involving Violence Against Women in Relationships (2000).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Alternatives to Prosecution in Domestic Violence Cases: An Overview of the Research Literature, by S. Moyer (Ottawa: 2000).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Charging and Prosecution Policies in Cases of Spousal Assault: A Synthesis of Research, Academic, and Judicial Responses (Ottawa, 2000).

Canada, Minister of Justice, A Further Review of the Saskatchewan Victims of Domestic Violence Act by Prairie Research Associates (Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Directorate, 1999).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Review of Provincial and Territorial Domestic Violence Legislation and Implementation Strategies by T. Roberts (Ottawa: Research and Statistics Division, Department of Justice, 2001).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Review of the Saskatchewan Victims of Domestic Violence Act by Prairie Research Associates (Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Directorate, 1996).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Spousal Assault and Mandatory charges in the Yukon: Experiences, Perspectives, and Alternatives, by T. Roberts (Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division, 1996).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Synthesis of Department of Justice Canada Research Findings on Spousal Assault by T. Landau (Ottawa: 1998).

Canada, Minister of Justice, Wife Assault as a Crime: The Perspectives of Victims and Police on a Charging Policy in London, Ontario, from 1980-1990, by P. Jaffe (Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 1999).

Nova Scotia, Department of Justice, Public Prosecution Service, Family Violence Prevention Initiative, Department of Community Services, The Framework for Action Against Family Violence (Halifax, 1995).

Nova Scotia, Department of Justice, Family Violence Prevention Division, Changing Perspectives: A Case Study of Intimate Partner Homicide in Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1995).

Nova Scotia Law Reform Commission, From Rhetoric to Reality (February 1995).

Nova Scotia, Legislative Assembly, The Response of the Criminal Justice System to Family Violence in Nova Scotia by C. Marshall, tabled April 4, 1995.

Nova Scotia, Minister of Justice, Report of Department of Justice Monitoring Committee, (Halifax, 1999).

Nova Scotia, Minister of Justice, Restorative Justice: A Program for Nova Scotia (Halifax: Communications Nova Scotia, 1998).

Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General (Victim Services Unit), Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview (July, 2000)

Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Policing Services Division, A Guide to Domestic Violence Supplementary Report Form (Toronto, Ontario: 2000).

Public Prosecution Service of Nova Scotia, Review of the Framework for Action Against Family Violence. Submission to the 2001 Review, March 2001.

Statistics Canada, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2000 eds. V. Pottie Bunge and D. Locke (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2000).

Secondary Material: Articles and Books

ABT Associates, 1990, cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview.

Aron, L.Y. & Olson, K.K., "Efforts by Child Welfare Agencies to Address Domestic Violence: The Experience of Five Communities" (1997) 33 Urban Institute at 52-61, 79-80, cited in Epstein.

Bennett, L., Goodman, L., & Dutton, M.A., "Systemic Obstacles to The Criminal Prosecution of a Battering Partner: A Victim Perspective" (1999) 14:7 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 761, online: Proquest <> (date accessed: 14 February 2001).

Bradford, B., Final Report: Victims of Family Violence Act Monitoring Study (Charlottetown, PEI: 1998).

Brown and Chatto, 1992, cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview.

Burford, G. & Pennell, J., Family Group Decision Making Project (National Crime Prevention Council of Canada, 1997)

Cramer, E., "Variables That Predict Verdicts In Domestic Violence Cases" (1999) 14:11 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 1137, online: Proquest <> (date accessed 14 February 2001).

Crenshaw, K. "Mapping the Margins: Intersectional, Identity, Politics and Violence Against Women of Color" (1991) 43 Stan. L. Rev. 1241.

Davies, M.F. & Kroham, S.J., "Protecting Women's Welfare in the Face of Violence" (1995) 22 Fordham Urban L.J. 1141.

Developments in the Law: Legal Responses to Domestic Violence (1993) 106 Harv. L. Rev. 1498.

Dutton, D. G. "The Outcome of Court-mandated Treatment for Wife Assault: a Quasi-experimental Evaluation" (1986) 1 Violence and Victims 163.

Epstein, D.,"Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence Cases: Rethinking the Role of Prosecutors, Judges, and the Court System" (1999) 11:3 Yale J. of Law & Feminism 1.

Gilligan, C., "Getting Civilized" (1994) 63 Fordham L. Rev. 17.

Gondolf, E. W., The Impact of mandatory court review on batterer counseling program compliance: An Evaluation of the Pittsburgh Municipal Courts and Domestic Counseling Center (Indiana, Pa: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Mid-Atlantic Addiction Training Institute, 1998), online:, cited in Moyer, Alternatives to Prosecution in Domestic Violence Cases: An Overview of the Research Literature.

Healey, K. & Smith C. with O'Sullivan, C. (1988), as reported in Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault Response (PAR) Programs: An Overview (21 July 2000), cited in Moyer.

Howard Research, Implementation and Impact of the Protection Against Family Violence Act: Final Report (Edmonton, Alberta, 2000).

Johnson, H. Dangerous Domains: Violence against Women in Canada (Scarborough: Nelson Canada, 1996).

Johnson, J.M. & Kanzler, "Treating Domestic Violence: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Domestic Violence Diversion Program" (1993) 15 Studies in Symbolic Interaction 271.

Klein, C.F. & Orloff, L.I.,"Providing Legal Protection for Battered Women: An Analysis of State Statutes and Case Law" (1993) 21 Hofstra L. Rev. 801.

Landau, T., "Women's Experiences with Mandatory Charging for Wife Assault in Ontario, Canada: A Case Against the Prosecution" (2000) 7:1/2/3 International Review of Victimology 141.

LaPrairie, (2000), cited in Moyer, Alternatives to Prosecution in Domestic Violence Cases: An Overview of the Research Literature.

Mahoney, M.R., "Legal Images of Battered Women: Redefining the Issue of Separation" (1991) 90 Mich. L. Rev. 1.

Meier, J., "Domestic Violence, Character and Social Change in the Welfare Reform Debate," in Bennett, Goodman & Dutton.

Nicholl, C.G., "From Battering to Bettering: Changing the Lives of Victims of Domestic Violence and their Abusers." Perspectives on Crime and Justice: A Series of Papers Reconsidering Current Approaches (Washington, 1998).

Petriek, Gildersleeve-High, McAllistren and Subotnik (1994), cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview.

Plecas et al., cited in Charging and Prosecution Policies in Cases of Spousal Assault: A Synthesis of Research, Academic, and Judicial Responses.

Richie, B., "Battered Black Women: A Challenge for the Black Community" (1985) 16:2 Black Scholar 40-44, cited in Bennett, Goodman & Dutton.

Rodgers, K. "Wife Assault: The Findings of a National Survey" (1994) 14:9 Juristat.

Scheppele, K.L., "Just the Facts, Ma'am: Secularized Violence, Evidentiary Habits, and the Revision of Truth" (1992) 37 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 123.

Valverde, M., MacLeod, L. & Johnson, K., eds., Wife Assault and the Canadian Criminal Justice System: Issues and Policies (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1995).

Zorza, J., "Recognizing and Protecting the Privacy and Confidentiality Needs of Battered Women" (1995) 29 Fam. L. Q. 273, 274.

Other .

2000 Statistics for Victim Services Unit, Halifax Regional Police, prepared by Verona Singer, Coordinator, February 14, 2001.

Concannon, K., "'Other Maine:' The Way Life Shouldn't Be" Bangor Daily News (23 October 1997), cited in Epstein.

Duluth, Minnesota Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview.

McKendrick, R., Saskatchewan Department of Justice, "Civil Legislation to Combat Domestic Violence in Canada: Options for Victims" (Montreal, Quebec, 6-11 August 2000), presented to the Tenth International Conference on Victimology.

Rodgers, K., "The Generational Cycle of Violence," ("Violence in the Family," Amsterdam, 13-15 October 1994).

San Diego Domestic Violence Protocol web site, online.

Spagnoletti, R. Chief, U.S. Attorney's Office Domestic Violence Unit, in Washington, D.C. (3 September 1997), cited in Epstein.

"Young Blacks Entangled in the Legal System" The Washington Post (26 August 1997) B1, cited in Bennett, Goodman & Dutton.

Woman Abuse Council of Toronto. July, 1999: Court Watch - Executive Summary


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