9. Gaps in the 1995 Framework for Action Against Family Violence
(a) Programs for Children Exposed to Family Violence
Research shows that children who grow up in violent homes are often just as harmed by
witnessing abuse as are children who are directly abused, and that children who witness violence
demonstrate the same emotional and behavioural difficulties as those who are abused. The 1993
VAWS done by Statistics Canada showed that approximately 29% of Canadian women who had
ever been married or lived with a man in a common-law relationship had been assaulted by a
marital partner.(1)
About 39% of women in violent marriages reported that their children
witnessed violence against them.(2)
Furthermore, the 1993 VAWS indicated that witnessing
violence in the home can establish a pattern of aggressive behaviour which perpetuates the cycle
of abuse. The Survey revealed that boys who have witnessed their fathers abusing their mothers
were three times more likely to become abusive, and that girls who have witnessed their fathers'
abuse of their mothers were twice as likely to become abused in their own intimate
Statistics Canada's third annual report, "Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile
2000" indicated that in the 5 year period between 1994 and 1999, "[a]pproximately half a
million children...heard or witnessed a parent being assaulted."(4)
In the United States, scholar
Deborah Epstein speaks of
the harm inflicted on children through adult battering relationships. This
battering starts early: national surveys report that seventeen percent of obstetrics
patients are battered. Pregnant victims have an inflated risk of miscarriage and
are four times more likely to deliver low birthweight babies. The damage
continues after birth. Nearly half of all homeless women and children have been
forced to flee violence in their homes. And children who witness violence
between adults are at risk of physical harm when they are caught in the crossfire,
either accidentally or (particularly with adolescent boys) while trying to intervene
to protect their mothers. Approximately sixty-three percent of young men
between the ages of eleven and twenty who are imprisoned for homicide have
killed their mothers' batterers. These boys also have higher rates of suicide,
violent assault, sexual assault, and alcohol and drug use.(5)
Given the well-documented intergenerational cycle of violence, it is clear that the consequences
of domestic violence extend far beyond the abuser and the victim, and that eradicating domestic
violence requires that steps be taken to assist children exposed to violence in order to stop the
intergenerational cycle. In the focus groups conducted as part of the current review, victims of
domestic violence expressed concern about their children and the impact the abuse had had and
continued to have on them after separation. They identified the need for programs for their
children to help them overcome the fear and trauma of witnessing violence.
The whole area of programs for children exposed to family violence is extremely under-funded. Yet there is increasing recognition that such programs are a key to preventing and
reducing domestic violence. Some jurisdictions have begun to invest heavily in this area,
providing counselling, either individually or in a group format or both. Complementary support
programs are also provided for mothers who have been abused to learn parenting skills and
techniques for coping with their children's behaviour, and to assist them in understanding and
meeting their own and their children's needs.
In Nova Scotia there are no formal programs except as provided by transition houses on a
limited basis. Programs are also very limited in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec, Prince
Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunuvat. Saskatchewan offers four programs for
mothers and children exposed to family violence. Manitoba offers short- and long-term
counselling for children who witness violence at home. Calgary has a number of services for
children and youth who have either been exposed to domestic violence or who are exhibiting
aggressive behaviours at home or school themselves. These community-based services are
available to families using the services of the Domestic Violence Court. Ontario has 61 early
intervention programs for children aged 4-16 who have been exposed to family violence, based
on a psycho-educational model and has separate groups for mothers to assist with parenting
issues. British Columbia also offers individual and group counselling for children exposed to
violence in the home.
(b) Conclusions and Recommendations Regarding Children's Programs
The whole area of programs for children exposed to family violence is extremely under-funded. In Nova Scotia there are no formal programs. Yet there is increasing recognition that
such programs are a key to preventing and reducing domestic violence. Some jurisdictions such
as Ontario and British Columbia have begun to invest heavily in this area.
It is recommended
that Nova Scotia invest in the development of programs for children exposed to family
violence, involving both groups and individual counselling for children and youth to
address recovering from trauma and learning new, non-violent conflict resolution skills, as
well as to address the needs of those exhibiting aggressive behaviour themselves at home or
in school.
These programs should be accompanied by a complementary program for
mothers/non-violent parents to learn about the impact of the violence on their children, coping
methods, and parenting skills which support what the children are learning, along with safety
planning. These programs are perhaps our most promising chance to reduce family violence by
preventing the intergenerational cycle of violent behaviour.
(c) Men's Intervention/Treatment Programs
As noted under the section on sentencing, the most common disposition in domestic
violence cases in Nova Scotia is probation, and the use of conditions for referral to spousal
abuse treatment programs has increased significantly since the implementation of the
Framework.(6) Yet focus group participants underlined the fact that resources for men's
intervention and treatment programs in Nova Scotia are inadequate. Probation Services has cut
funding for treatment for abusive men and many men cannot afford to pay the cost themselves.
(i) Men's Intervention Programs in Other Jurisdictions
All Canadian jurisdictions except the Northwest Territories and Nunuvat have men's
intervention or assaultive partners programs and those jurisdictions with a renewed justice
strategy are investing heavily in these programmes as a measure to stop the violence from
recurring. Key elements of such programs include group counsellling, sometimes supplemented
with individual counselling; a complementary counselling program for, or frequent contact with,
partners of those charged or convicted of a domestic violence related offence; and a specialized
curriculum designed to treat domestic violence. In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, there
is an attempt to meet treatment needs on an individual basis within correctional institutions. In
jurisdictions with treatment programs, some programs are corrections-based, while others fall
within the purview of either Departments of Health or Community Services. In general,
however, programs are not sufficient to meet needs and lengthy waiting lists are common.
Alberta has a proposal for a Treatment Framework which will see an expansion and
funding based on compliance with standards. Ontario is expanding the number of programs as
part of its Domestic Violence Justice Strategy and specialized court approach. Indeed, men's
treatment programs are an integral element in the Ontario model. Programs exist in
approximately one-third of the court jurisdictions in Ontario now and, once the justice strategy is
complete, all 59 areas will have programs. Offenders pay a portion of the cost to promote
accountability and responsibility but this is done on an "ability to pay" basis. Prior to
implementing this approach, Ontario reviewed the experience of other jurisdictions with these
programs and their success rates. The effectiveness of the domestic violence partner abuse
programs in Ontario is currently under evaluation.
The results of studies concerning the effectiveness of treatment are controversial due to a
number of variables, including sample size, different modalities of treatment, the presence or
absence of criminal sanctions, and whether treatment is undertaken voluntarily or pursuant to
court order, to mention a few. However, there is substantial empirical evidence to suggest that
treatment does reduce recidivism. In Canada, Dutton, a Vancouver psychologist, conducted a
study in 1986 which found that men in a male batterers program in British Columbia had a 4%
recidivism rate after 2.5 years compared to a 40% rate for men who did not participate in the
In Ontario, evaluations of 18 male batterer programs showed, at a three month
follow-up, decreases in verbal, emotional, and physical abuse as well as a decrease in medical
attention sought and injuries sustained by the victim. Eighty percent of victims reported feeling
safer while their partner was in treatment, whereas this figure rose to 86% of victims feeling
safer three months later.(8)
In Calgary, a study of a two-phase male group treatment program,
consisting of 12 weekly sessions followed by 21 monthly sessions, found that no physical
violence was used by 85% of the clients after two years.(9)
In the United States, an evaluation of the Duluth, Minnesota Domestic Abuse
Intervention Project found that, even with a broad measure of recidivism (convictions for
domestic assault, protection orders, and police contact for suspicion of domestic assault), 60% of
the clients did not repeat the violence after 5 years. An evaluation of a treatment program
comparing reports of psychological and physical recidivism by both batterer and partner
immediately post-treatment, at 6 months, and 2 years, found decreased levels of violence were
maintained at the 2 year mark.(10)
As well, in 1998 the National Institute of Justice reported that
the majority of evaluations, which have been considered methodogically sound, have found
statistically significant reductions in recidivism among men participating in batterer
Given the prevailing data on success rates of treatment, it would appear that referral to
spousal abuse treatment programs is an appropriate condition of probation, at least where the
offender has not already completed such a program. The 1999 Evaluation Report noted that
access to programs was inconsistent, that 12 month waiting lists were not uncommon and that no
provincial programs standards had been met.(11)
At the time there were six treatment programs
funded by the Department of Community Services and other unfunded programs offering various
levels of service. The 1999 Evaluation Report recommended that a Committee of
representatives from the Departments of Health, Community Services, and Justice review
service issues and funding models, and develop and implement a service delivery model to
improve access to approved programs. This recommendation was subsequently referred to
Community Services. At present there are groups being operated by Community Corrections in
Truro and Dartmouth. It appears that the inadequacy of treatment services in Nova Scotia may
be undermining the effectiveness of the Framework. Yet money spent on treatment programs
may be money saved in other contexts, from the costs of medical treatment for victims and
counselling of battered women and their children to courts costs, and the many other social costs
that flow from the intergenerational cycle of abuse.
(d) Conclusions and Recommendations Regarding Men's Programs
The most common disposition in domestic violence cases in Nova Scotia is probation
and the use of conditions for referral to spousal abuse treatment programs has increased
significantly since the implementation of the Framework. There is substantial empirical
evidence to suggest that treatment does reduce recidivism. Those Canadian jurisdictions with a
renewed justice strategy are investing heavily in these programs. However, focus group
participants emphasized that resources for men's intervention and treatment programs in Nova
Scotia are inadequate.
It is therefore recommended that Nova Scotia invest in the expansion
of programs for assaultive partners to provide intervention/treatment based on a set of
common standards as a measure to prevent the violence from recurring.
(e) Outreach Services for those living in Aboriginal Communities and for Visible Minority
The 1999 Evaluation Report noted that concerns had been expressed by justice workers
regarding the reluctance of Aboriginal victims to become involved in the justice system.(12)
1999 Evaluation Report recommended that the Province enhance outreach services to those
living in Aboriginal communities and to visible minorities to support victims and to increase
reporting of spousal/partner violence. Again during the current review, focus group participants
noted that women in Aboriginal communities and visible minority victims are less inclined to
call police, "because of the history of disrespect of police in dealing with people from these
communities." As a result, Aboriginal women and women from visible minorities are looking
for alternative means to deal with these problems.
In the United States studies show that an alarmingly high proportion of African American
men are involved with the justice system. In some states, the rate is as high as 50%.(13)
whose batterers are African American may be reluctant to add to this statistic,(14)
especially if they
regard the justice system as oppressive or racist.(15)
Following the 1999 review, the need for enhanced outreach services to women in
Aboriginal communities and to visible minorities was referred to a Tripartite Committee
(consisting of representatives of the Mi'kmaq people and representatives from the federal and
provincial Departments of Justice) and to a Black Task Force for a province-wide perspective.
As well, consultations were conducted with the Aboriginal community to improve accessibility
to Victims' Services. However, it is unclear what progress was made as a result of these
referrals and consultations.
(f) Conclusions and Recommendations Regarding Aboriginal and Visible Minority Victims
The reluctance of victims living in Aboriginal communities and from visible minorities
to report spousal or partner violence was noted in the 1999 Evaluation Report and again by focus
group participants during the current review. It is important for justice workers to be aware of
this reluctance and of the reasons for it.
It is therefore recommended that this issue be
addressed in the training program developed for justice workers.
As well, the concerns of
victims of perpetrators from Aboriginal communities and racial minorities, that reporting their
batterers to police is a breach of loyalty to the community and will contribute to racial/cultural
stereotyping, may be alleviated by increased reliance on evidence other than victim testimony.(16)
It is recommended that this be done wherever possible. As well, insofar as evidence
suggests that advocacy services can assist victims in finding the strength to escape domestic
violence on their own and can help to amplify their voices to enable prosecution policies to
be applied in a way that meets the needs of particular victims,(17)
it is recommended that
Nova Scotia invest in expansion of support services for abused women, including advocacy
services to provide outreach and support for women from Aboriginal communities and
visible minorities.
215 Supra note 24 at 18.
216 Supra note 24 at 19-20.
1. 1Statistics Canada, supra note 1.
2. 2Statistics Canada, supra note 1.
3. 3K. Rodgers, "The Generational Cycle of Violence," ("Violence in the Family," Amsterdam, 13-15 October 1994).
4. Statistics Canada, supra note 1 at 5.
5. Supra note 24 at 8.
6. 6See supra at 81.
7. 7D.G. Dutton, "The Outcome of Court-Mandated Treatment for Wife Assault: a Quasi-experimental Evaluation" (1986) 1 Violence and Victims 163-175.
8. 8ABT Associates, 1990, cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR)
Programs: an Overview (July, 2000).
9. 9Brown and Chatto, 1992, cited in Domestic Violence Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR)
Programs: an Overview (July, 2000).
10. 10Petriek, Gildersleeve-High, McAllistren and Subotnik (1994), cited in Domestic Violence
Justice Strategy - Partner Assault (PAR) Programs: an Overview (July, 2000).
11. 11Supra note 14 at 39.
12. 12Supra note 14 at 36.
13. 13A report entitled "Young Blacks Entangled in the Legal System" puts the Washington, D.C.
rate at 50% of men age 18 - 3: The Washington Post (26 August 1997) B1, cited in L. Bennett,
L. Goodman & M.A. Dutton, "Systemic Obstacles to The Criminal Prosecution of a Battering
Partner: A Victim Perspective" (1999) 14:7 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 6, online:
Proquest <> (date accessed: 14 February 2001). Page references are to
the electronic version.
14. 14B. Richie, "Battered Black Women: A Challenge for the Black Community" (1985) 16:2 Black
Scholar 40-44, cited in Bennett, Goodman & Dutton, ibid. at 6.
15. 15J. Meier, "Domestic Violence, Character and Social Change in the Welfare Reform Debate,"
cited in Bennett, Goodman & Dutton, ibid. at 6; see also K. Crenshaw, "Mapping the Margins:
Intersectional, Identity, Politics and Violence Against Women of Color" (1991) 43 Stan. L. Rev.
1241 at 1257.
16. 16Supra note 24 at 18.
17. 17Supra note 24 at 19-20.