This page is a schedule to the Summary Offence Tickets Regulations, N.S. Reg. 281/2011.
View Legislative History Reference Tables for these regulations.
Schedule 1
Tickets and Forms
Form A - Summary Offence Ticket
Form A-1 - Notice of Intention to Appear in Court
Ticket Number: _____________________ Indicated on the top of your Summons
Person Named on this Ticket Date Requested: ___________________
First and Middle Names: _________________________________________________________
Last Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________________________________________________
Street:: _______________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________ Province: _____________ Postal Code:________________
Home Phone Number: (___ ) ____________ Work Phone Number: (___ ) ____________
E-mail Address: Fax Number: (___ ) ____________
Please indicate
1. I am the person named on this Ticket.
an authorized representative of the company named this Ticket.
an authorized representative acting with specific instructions of the person named this Ticket.
Authorized Representative Information (complete only if you are not the Person named on this ticket)
First and Middle Names: ________________________________________________________
Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Street: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________ Province: _____________ Postal Code: _____________
Home Phone Number: (___ ) ____________ Work Phone Number: (___ ) ____________
E-mail Address: _________ ____________ Fax Number: (___ ) ____________
2. _____ I wish to appear in court to plead not guilty to the alleged offence and have a trial.
_______ I wish to appear in court to plead guilty and make a submission as to penalty.
3. ______ I wish to have my hearing in English French Bilingual.
________ I request a language interpreter for my hearing.
4. What is your preferred method of notification of your court date: _____ E-mail, _____ Fax, _____ Mail.
(The Court will only send notification to one method of notification.)
Send Notification of Court Date to: ______ Person Named on this Ticket, ______ Authorized Representative.
5. Please indicate the dates that you are unable to attend court, and why you are unable to attend on those dates.
A date for you to appear in Court will be sent by ONE of your preferred notification options: mail, electronic mail or facisimile [facsimile]. You MUST immediately notify the Court indicated on the front of your Summons if there is any change in your mailing address.
The date for you to appear in Court will be scheduled at the Court indicated on the front of your Summons. If you fail to appear you may be convicted in your absence. If convicted, you will be responsible for any penalty assessed by the Court.
If you do not receive a court date, please contact the Court.
You are entitled to request disclosure concerning the circumstances of your offence from the Crown. You may contact the Court for the address of the local Crown office.
Form A-2 - Certificate of a Justice Striking out a Conviction(subsections 8(17A) and 8(18) of the Summary Proceedings Act)
To: (Defendant)
Case Number:
SOT Number:
Offence date:
I certify that the conviction entered on the ____ day of _________________, 20 , against the defendant in respect of the offence described above was struck out on the ____ day of _____________, 20 .
Justice of the Peace or Judge of the Provincial Court
Form B - Parking-Infraction Ticket
Form B-1 - Parking-Infraction Ticket for Halifax Regional Municipality
Form C - Notice of Parking Infraction
In the Provincial Court
for the Province of Nova Scotia(Ticket number) NOTICE OF PARKING INFRACTION
(Summons to Appear)
To: (name)
(address)The informant, (name)
says that:
on (date)
vehicle number plate
, registered in your name, was found
(specify offence)
(civic #, street, meter #, or place)
, Nova Scotia, contrary to Section
of the
(statute, regulation, by-law)
Therefore, you are ordered to attend Court on (date)
, NovaScotia, in Courtroom
before the presiding Judge or Justice and to attend as required by the Court.
Dated at, Nova Scotia, on (date)
Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator
The following is for information purposes only and does not form part of the parking-infraction noticePAYMENT OPTIONS (Set out local payment options)
Form D - Certificate of Service
(Parking-Infraction Ticket Information)
1. I hereby certify that (a) the parking-infraction ticket(s) shown on the list attached hereto was/were affixed to the vehicle(s) in a conspicuous place or served on the operator of the vehicle(s) at the time of the infraction; and (b) notice(s) of the parking infraction(s) was/were sent by ordinary mail on the date shown on the list attached hereto, to the owner(s) of the vehicle(s) at the last known name and address of the owner(s) as indicated in the records of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles requiring the owner(s) to appear in Provincial Court at , Nova Scotia, in Courtroom
OR 1. I hereby certify that (a) (municipality)
parking-infraction ticket
at or near
(civic #, street, meter #, or place)
, Nova Scotia, was affixed to the vehicle bearing
number plate
in a conspicuous place on
; and
OR (a) (municipality)
parking-infraction ticket
at or near
(civic #, street, meter #, or place)
, Nova Scotia, was served on the operator of the vehicle bearing
number plate
; and
(b) notice of the parking infraction was sent by ordinary mail on (date)
to the last known name and address, as indicated in the records of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, of the owner of
number plate
requiring that owner, namely
to appear in Provincial Court at
Nova Scotia, in Courtroom
2. The out of court penalty for this violation is $ .
Dated at , Nova Scotia, on
Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator
Last updated: 13-10-2021