The Department will use and disclose personal information only in accordance with the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Nova Scotia Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act. To correct or access your personal information you may contact the Department Information Access and Privacy Manager at

    APPLICATION INFORMATION: Do NOT complete this form until you have scheduled an interview with a Industry Training Consultant to discuss certification options and eligibility requirements. Also, prior to completing this form, please review the Application Guidelines and Process document, which is available here. The Guidelines and Process document contains all of the information you need to apply to challenge the certification examination. It will assist you in collecting the information necessary for us to complete the assessment of your application. The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency will assess your work experience and determine whether you qualify to challenge the examination based on the information you supply.

    The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency will process your assessment within 20 working days of receipt of your complete application package. Applications will be returned if information is missing. Incomplete applications will NOT be processed.

Trade Qualifier Code and Referring Training Consultant
You must obtain a validation code from the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency to access this application

* Code
Client Information
* Trade
* Classification or Level
* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* Address
* City/Town
* Province/Territory
* Postal Code
* Country
Country Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Business Phone
Extension #
* Email
Skype Id
* Date of Birth
Change Date
* Gender
Diversity Management
Your voluntary response to the questions below will assist the Department of Labour and Advanced Education in monitoring the number of apprentices with a diverse background. The information you provide may be used to develop new programs that promote the participation of individuals with a diverse background in apprenticeship. No information identifying you as an individual will be disclosed.

1. Are You an Aboriginal Person?
2. Are you an African Nova Scotian?
If NO, are you, by virtue of race or colour, a visible minority in Canada?
4. For the purposes of employment, do you consider yourself to be a person with a physical disability?
5. Do you hold immigrant status?
5. Have you received international training in the trade for which you are applying?
If Yes, in which country did you receive your training?
Examination History and Details About Examination Request
* Have you applied to write the certification examination in this trade in any other Canadian province or territory?
If yes, date of application
Change Date
Were you ever a registered apprentice in this trade in any other Canadian province or territory?
If yes, date of application
Change Date
* Are you presently working in this trade?
Following discussions with my Training Consultant I have been recommended for the following Special Exam Sitting
Please enter Special Sitting code provided by Training Consultant
* Exam Sittings
Click here for a list of the current exam schedule in all trades.
Credentials and Education
    Describe your education and training. If available, submit - via mail, drop-in or fax - a “certified true copy” of trade credentials, and provide copies of transcripts or a syllabus of any formal trades training you identify in this application.

Secondary/High School Education
Institution Name
Grade Level Achieved
Completion Date
Change Date
Business Phone
Was there a trades-training component?
If Yes, please specify
Post-Secondary Education
Institution Name
Completion Date
Change Date
Program Name
Business Phone
Additional Details

Institution Name
Completion Date
Change Date
Program Name
Business Phone
Additional Details
Completion of a Formal Apprenticeship Program
Duration of Apprenticeship
From Date
Change Date
To Date
Change Date
Name of the awarding body that issued the qualification
Contact Name
Postal Code
Fax #
Business Phone
Skype Id
Journeyperson Qualification (e.g. CQ in Canada, NVQ3 in UK)
* Do you hold a Qualification related to the trade for which you are applying?
* Does this qualification recognize you as a certified journeyperson?
If no, please explain

Type of qualification? (e.g. CQ, NVQ3, etc.)
Name of the awarding body that issued the qualification
Number of the qualification (if any)
Date Issued
Change Date
Contact Name
Postal Code
Fax #
Business Phone
Skype Id
Current Employer Information
Employer (Company) Name
Employer Representative
Postal Code
Business Phone
Fax #
Work Experience in the Trade (Summary Information)
    The time-in-trade requirement must be fulfilled by hands-on work experience, NOT supervisory duties. The work experience must be supported with original (or certified true copies) of confirmation letters from each of your employers, which you can submit to the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency via mail, drop-in or fax. Employer letters must be signed, on company letterhead, in English or French (translations done by a certified translator) and contain the following information:

    • Complete employer contact information
    • Start and end dates of the employment period
    • Number of hours of hands-on-work experience
    • A description of the job duties, tasks or work performed

    Starting with your most current employer, below, list all employers who can confirm your time in the trade. Again, as noted above, after you have submitted this online application, please be sure to submit - via mail, drop-in or fax - original copies of employer letters. Please note that after you submit this online application, you will receive a pdf copy in your email inbox, which will contain a sample Employer letter. Important: If you are unable to obtain a letter from any of the employers listed below, an affidavit may be acceptable.
Employer (Company) NameStart Date YYYY/MM/DDEnd Date YYYY/MM/DDNumber of Hours Working in Trade 
Total Hours Working In The Trade
Please indicate the duties performed
* Additional Details
Reference 1
    To fulfill the reference requirement, two qualified references must attest to your competence in the trade, and detailed contact information must be provided, below, for these references. In lieu of completing this section of the form, you may submit - via mail, drop-in or fax - an original letter (signed and on company letterhead, if applicable) for each reference. References may include employers, certified journeypersons, supervisors, association or union representatives, etc. Please ensure that your two references have a chance to review the relevant trade regulations, available online here.

* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* Address
* City/Town
* Province/Territory
* Postal Code
* Country
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Business Phone
Skype Id
Certificate of Qualification #
Date Issued
Change Date
If NOT a Certificate of Qualification holder, describe your experience in the trade

Position (Title)

Describe your working relationship with applicant (e.g. supervisor, co-worker, employer)
Reference 2
    To fulfill the reference requirement, two qualified references must attest to your competence in the trade, and detailed contact information must be provided, below, for these references. In lieu of completing this section of the form, you may submit - via mail, drop-in or fax - an original letter (signed and on company letterhead, if applicable) for each reference. References may include employers, certified journeypersons, supervisors, association or union representatives, etc. Please ensure that your two references have a chance to review the relevant trade regulations, available online here.

* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* Address
* City/Town
* Province/Territory
* Postal Code
* Country
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Business Phone
Skype Id
Certificate of Qualification #
Date Issued
Change Date
If NOT a Certificate of Qualification holder, describe your experience in the trade

Position (Title)

Describe your working relationship with applicant (e.g. supervisor, co-worker, employer)
Reader/Translator Information
General Comments
My Employer has agreed to pay the fee. Please invoice them directly.
If you have been provided a code to pay the Exam Fee only, please enter it here
Agreement and Authorization
I hereby acknowledge that in accordance with section 33 of the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act - General Regulations, the Director must issue an identity card to an apprentice that contains a full-face photograph of the person to whom the card is issued. I thereby authorize the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) to collect my Nova Scotia driver's license master number, or if I do not currently have a driver's license, my Nova Scotia photo identification card number for the purpose of obtaining my photograph from the Nova Scotia Registry of Motor Vehicles; and consent to the release of my photograph, along with my name, date of birth, unique client identification number and certificate numbers, to the Nova Scotia Information Services Department (ISD) or the NSAA for the sole purpose of producing my Nova Scotia Apprenticeship identity card. I further understand that my photograph provided to ISD or the NSAA will not be retained once the card has been produced.

* Client Master Number (Driver's Licence) or NS Photo Identification Card Number
* Confirm Client Master Number (Driver's Licence) or NS Photo Identification Card Number
I consent to the verification of the information provided in this application and all supporting documentation. I have reviewed the Provincial or National Occupational Analysis and applicable trade regulations and believe that I am competent in the tasks of the trade.”

Change Date

Examination Guidelines

Apply Before Date

Your application must be received at the Halifax Office of the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency at least 20 working days before the requested examination date. Applications received after the “apply before” date will be processed for the next available examination sitting.

If your application is received by the “apply before”, every effort will be made to process it for the date requested. However, this is a requested or preferred date only. If it is not possible to schedule you for your requested date, you will be scheduled to write at the next available sitting in the location of your choice.


The fee for all certification examinations is $148.18. No fee is required for level examinations for apprentices following training, or for approved Trade Qualifier (Section 30) applicants who have paid the application fee of $740.77 and who attempt the examination within 90 days of approval. No fee is required for a re-write of a level examination for apprentices. All other re-writes are subject to the $148.18 examination fee. Payment may be made by certified cheque, or money order made payable to the MINISTER OF FINANCE. Cash and personal cheques are not accepted. Payments, including debit and credit, are accepted at all branch locations.

Release of Information

Complete the release portion of the examination application if you are challenging a certification examination. You will now receive a photo identification card upon successful completion of your certification examination. Confirmation Letter - Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency will send confirmation letters to approved applicants. If you do not receive a confirmation letter, do not attend the examination sitting as you will not be eligible to write. If you do receive a confirmation letter, make sure you arrive approximately fifteen minutes early and bring your confirmation letter and photo identification, or acceptable equivalent (i.e. two pieces of signed identification). It is your responsibility to contact your Industrial Training and Certification Officer if you do not receive your confirmation letter ten (10) days prior to the examination sitting.


An applicant who is unable to report for a specific examination may withdraw from that sitting and reschedule one time only without penalty. The candidate must notify Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the examination sitting.

Examination fees will be forfeited if you fail to report for the scheduled examination or fail to contact Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency to reschedule within twenty-four (24) hours in advance.

Time Limit

A four-hour time limit is allocated for writing examinations. Please use your time wisely.


Personal calculators are not permitted in the examination room. Instead, calculators will be provided by the Agency for your use.

Pagers, Cell Phones, Hats, Hoodies and Palm Computers

These items are not permitted in the examination room and must be left in a location determined by the invigilator. Clients should make sure they have some type of identification on their pager, cell phone or palm computer so they can determine which one belongs to them when exiting the exam room.

Passing Standard

A passing standard of 70% is required on all Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency examinations.


A client who fails the examination on the first attempt may be permitted a second attempt. A third and each subsequent examination attempt must be preceded by a period of technical training acceptable to the Director.