Privacy Notice

The NS Department of Labour, Skills, and Immigration through the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency, collects your personal information including all supporting documents as part of your application processing.

The collection is done pursuant to the Apprenticeship and Trade Qualification Act (ATQA-as amended), ATQA General Regulations (as amended), and NS Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To identify the applicant, build your case file in our case management system for easy and continuous maintenance of your record in compliance with the law, including credits earned and competencies obtained from year to year, and administer and deliver our services to you.
  • To provide an online service, process your application, communicate with you about it as needed, and respond to your requests.
  • To determine your eligibility for the application you are requesting based on program and legal requirements.
  • To verify and validate any information, statements, or documents provided as part of your application submission in order to process it.
  • If your application requires a fee, we will use and disclose information you provide to collect and process the authorized amount through government-approved payment channels.
  • If you are approved as meeting the legal requirements, a certificate of qualification, permit, and/or endorsement will be issued in your name.
  • In order to issue you a Photo-ID Card as required by the law. To ensure the simplicity of processing of the Photo ID Card and your convenience, we would need your consent to use and disclose your personal information, including your photograph, from the Nova Scotia Registry of Motor Vehicles.
  • If you give us your consent to share your digital credentials with a third-party service provider in charge of digital credential management, we will share your information with them so that you can access your digital credentials on their platform whenever you need them.
  • To generate periodic reporting based on internal program analysis and review as required by the government, thereby implementing the program in compliance with the enabling legislation or prescribed regulations/policy directives to ensure effective and efficient program administration and overall program integrity.

We use and disclose your personal information for the purposes described above and to administer the Apprenticeship and Trade Qualification Act (ATQA), ATQA General Regulations (as amended). We may only use or disclose your information for another purpose if we are authorized by law/regulations to do so.

By submitting your application or making any other request to us (by contacting us via any of our official channels), you acknowledge that you understand the collection, use, and disclosure of any personal information you provide to us for the purpose of processing your application or request.

To read more about how government respects your privacy when interacting with us review our full privacy statement. If you have any questions about how the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency handles your personal information, or if you want to request access to or correct your information, you may contact us at 902-424-5651, 1-800-494-5651 (Toll free within NS) or