Nova Scotia Museum
Mi'kmaq Portraits Collection


Date: 1927


Orignal Work:

Place: Truro, N.S. ?

Ownership/Collection: Formerly Nova Scotia Museum Collection 27.95 (6085)

Source: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management

Reference Number: N-7435

Please contact Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management for use of this image.


L-R: Susan Abram Sack, Louise Abram, Jeremiah Bartlett Alexis (Jerry Lonecloud), Joe Syllaboy. Harry Piers catalogues this photo as having been taken at Shubenacadie. "Photo of Micmac Indians at Spring Brook Reservation, near Shubenacadie, Hants. Co., N.S., June 1927. (1) Joe Selleboy of Bayfield, Antig. Co.; (2) "Dr." Jeremiah Lone-cloud of Miller's Lake, Waverly (in swallow-tail coat which had been given to him); (3) Old Mrs. Louise Abram, Micmac woman from Richibucto, N.B.; (4) Her daughter, wife of Henry Sack of Truro Reservation. Nos. 3 & 4 are in native costume. Shows an Indian (camp) in background, and the Indian schoolhouse in the distance." [Harry Piers, Nova Scotia Museum Accession Book III:6085.] It may be Truro, N.S., instead; compare it with the previous image in this database.


men; women; chiefs; Wilmot, Peter, Chief; Sack, Susan Abram; Abram, Louise; Bartlett Alexis, Jeremiah; Lonecloud, Jerry; Sylliboy, Joe; birthday parties; St. Anne's Day; guns; weapons, knives, bone; Truro; Shubenacadie; Nova Scotia

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