Date: 1927
Orignal Work:
Place: Truro, N.S.
Ownership/Collection: Formerly Nova Scotia Museum Collection 27.96 (6086)
Source: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management
Reference Number: N-10, 643
Please contact Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management for use of this image.
Near the wigwam at the left is an unknown man. Jeremiah Bartlett Alexis (Jerry Lonecloud), is next, wearing an evening jacket and top hat, holding a rifle with bayonet. Next to him is Louise (Mrs. Andrew) Abram; then Isaac Sack wearing a turkey-feather headdress. Peter Wilmot, born at Pictou Landing in 1826, and baptised on St. Anne's Day, 26 July 1826, is standing next to Isaac Sack, wearing a large sash across his chest, with a moose-shinbone knife thrust through his belt. The woman next to him is Susan Abram; she is the wife of Henry Sack and Louise Abram's daughter. Harry Piers catalogued the photograph as follows:
"Photo of Micmac Indians at Truro Indian Reservation, Col. Co., N.S.; 26 July 1927; while they were there to celebrate the 100th birthday of ex-chief Peter Wilmot of Pictou Landing, N.S. (1) Old Peter Wilmot, ex-chief of Pictou Landing (he was chief before Francis), now of Truro Reserve, in native costume, wearing a feather head-dress, silver medal & sash (he was 100 years old when photographed); (2) Isaac Sack, captain in tribe, of Shubenacadie, in native costume, wearing a large feather head-dress and silver medal; (3) Old Mrs. Louise Abram, Micmac woman from Richibucto, N.B., in native costume with beaded pointed hood; (4) "Dr." Jeremiah Lone-cloud, now of Miller's Lake, Waverly, in swallow-tail coat and beaver hat which had been given to him, and holding a rifle with sword-bayonet; he is called the "chief medicine man" of the tribe; (5) Mrs. Henry Sack of Truro, daughter of Mrs. Louise Abram, in native costume (on extreme right of photograph). Peter Wilmot's house is behind the group." [Harry Piers, Nova Scotia Museum Accession Book III:6086]There are two photographs in this series (see following image in this database), one labeled "Truro" and one labeled "Shubenacadie." It seems obvious they were taken at the same time, and in the same place, because everyone is wearing the identical clothes, and with one exception the people in the photo are the same, and the wigwam door-frame is the same.
men; women; chiefs; Wilmot, Peter, Chief; Sack, Susan Abram; Abram, Louise; Bartlett Alexis, Jeremiah; Lonecloud, Jerry; Sack, Isaac; birthday parties; St. Anne's Day; headdresses; weapons; guns; knives, bone; Truro; Nova Scotia