News release

Motor Vehicle Act Amendments Stress Road Safety

Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (Oct. 2007 - Feb. 2021)

Nova Scotians will have safer streets because of new laws that take effect Sunday, June 1, including tougher laws and penalties for street racing.

The amendments to the act were passed by the legislature in fall 2007, which also includes broadening the definition of activities that are considered street racing or stunt driving.

"These new laws demonstrate our commitment to making highways and streets safer," said Murray Scott, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.

The amendments strengthen laws against street racing, including broadening the definition of activities that are considered street racing or stunt driving.

Under the new definition, actions such as engaging in a race, chasing another vehicle, and driving 50 kilometres per hour or more over the posted speed limit, will now be considered street racing or stunt driving. These offences will now carry stronger penalties than current speeding or dangerous driving violations, with fines up to $10,000 for a third offence.

"Street racing continues to be a problem in our communities and is something we take very seriously," said Frank Beazley, Chief of the Halifax Regional Police. "We are pleased the government is taking necessary steps to combat dangerous driving."

A final amendment prohibits dangerous activities, including asking for money and offering selling or providing a service on a roadway.

The new laws are part of the province's legislative, enforcement and awareness initiatives to improve road safety, including a ban on hand-held cellphones, legislation to improve crosswalk safety and an integrated impaired driving enforcement unit. The legislation also supports government's priority to keep communities safe.