News release

Tufts Cove Heat Recovery Approved With Conditions

Environment (April 2008 - Feb. 2021)

The Tufts Cove heat recovery project, proposed by Nova Scotia Power Inc., has successfully completed a provincial environmental assessment process.

The company has received an approval, subject to conditions to protect the environment, to build and operate the Number 6 power generating plant at its facility on Halifax harbour.

Environment Minister David Morse released his decision today, May 4, after a 30-day public review and comment period stipulated by the Environment Act. The project is also subject to a federal environmental assessment to address marine issues.

The approval is subject to conditions the company must meet to reduce any potential effect on the quality of air, water, and soil at and near the site.

The project is expected to increase the efficiency of generating electricity from natural gas by using captured waste heat from plant emissions to generate more power.

To view the environmental approval and the minister's decision, visit .