News release

$1.4 Million Announced for Green Building Model

Environment (April 2008 - Feb. 2021)

NOTE: A social media version of this release, which will include photographs, audio and video clips, will be available later today, Aug. 25, at .

The construction of a new green building designed to meet stringent standards for energy efficiency and sustainability will receive $1.4 million from the province, Environment Minister Sterling Belliveau announced today, Aug. 25.

The ecoNova Scotia fund for Clean Air and Climate Change is providing the grant to the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)for energy efficient and renewable energy technologies being installed at the Centre for the Built Environment. The centre is currently being constructed at the NSCC's Waterfront Campus in Dartmouth.

"The province is committed to creating one of the cleanest and greenest environments in the world," said Mr. Belliveau. "The innovative technologies used to build and operate this new facility will set the bar for energy efficiency and conservation, and be a model for new and existing buildings, offices and homes in our communities."

NSCC's Centre for the Built Environment will include solar panels, a solar hot water system, wind turbines, geothermal heating and cooling, a "green" roof to reduce heating and cooling demands and increase water absorption, and system monitors and controls. The ecoNova Scotia funding will go toward the cost of purchasing and installing this equipment.

The province is also contributing almost $28 million in capital funding toward the estimated $31 million cost of the centre.

The Centre for the Built Environment fulfills a government commitment under the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act to build a "green" sustainable facility by 2015. Additional progress on these targets is outlined in a progress report on the act which, along with the annual report for Opportunities for Sustainable Prosperity, was released today.

"The long-term prosperity of the province depends on how we manage our environment and our economy; the two go hand-in-hand," said Economic and Rural Development Minister Percy Paris. "It is through the contributions made by businesses, all levels of government, and Nova Scotians that we will make this province one of the most prosperous and sustainable economies in the world by 2020."

The annual report for Opportunities for Sustainable Prosperity highlights areas of growth and progress towards fostering a strong business climate. For instance, in 2008, the province introduced the Productivity and Innovation Voucher pilot program, which helped 50 Nova Scotian companies improve their efficiencies during tough economic times.

The links between environmental and economic sustainability are represented in the new Centre for the Built Environment. The centre will increase awareness about energy efficiency and renewable energy and promote the development and use of energy technologies at work and at home.

"The Centre for the Built Environment is more than a building; it has the power to affect real change," said Joan McArthur-Blair, NSCC president. "It is already bringing private and public partners together, generating applied research projects and influencing learners who will go on to build a greener economic future for the province."

The ecoNova Scotia fund for Clean Air and Climate Change is investing $42.5 million from a federal grant over four years into projects that reduce air emissions and create a cleaner, healthier environment. Funding is available for municipal projects, and for businesses or institutions that develop innovative environmental technologies. To date, 50 projects have been funded. Further information on these programs is available at .

For more information on the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act, and the 2009 progress report, visit the Department of Environment website at . Opportunities for Sustainable Prosperity and its annual report are available on the Department of Economic and Rural Development website at . Both reports are available in French.