News release

Trade Centre Limited Responds to Municipal Auditor General's Recommendations

Trade Centre Limited

Trade Centre Limited (TCL) is committed to working with Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) to address the recommendations of HRM auditor general's report on box office operations released today, July 18.

The Halifax Metro Centre is owned by HRM and managed by TCL under an agreement established in 1982. Since becoming manager, TCL has followed the 1982 agreement and managed the Halifax Metro Centre for the benefit of HRM.

"We have always taken our responsibility for the Halifax Metro Centre very seriously. Since 2006-07, the Halifax Metro Centre has attracted over three million attendees and has returned over $3.4 million to HRM as a result of its strong operations," said Scott Ferguson, president and CEO of TCL. "We are committed to managing the facility in the best interest of HRM and we will work with them to implement any changes required as a result of this report."

Several recommendations relate to the existing 1982 agreement governing Halifax Metro Centre operations and the clarification required to better detail responsibilities, procedures and levels of authority. A draft management agreement has been developed jointly with HRM that defines levels of authority, reporting requirements, and performance measures. It is expected that the draft agreement will be further reviewed to address the auditor general's new recommendations.

"HRM is a valued partner of TCL. We have a strong relationship and we will continue to collaborate with them on a number of initiatives," said Mr. Ferguson.