News release

McNabs and Lawlor Islands Management Plan Approved

Natural Resources (to July 2018)

A new management plan approved by the province will help ensure McNabs and Lawlor Islands Provincial Park, located near the mouth of Halifax Harbour, can be enjoyed by visitors for years to come.

The plan defines a vision and management philosophy that will guide decision-making for the park over the next 25 years.

"Our aim is to help ensure that the natural and cultural values of the islands, as well as the recreational and educational opportunities they provide, will be enjoyed by Nova Scotians today and well into the future," said Natural Resources Minister Richard Hurlburt.

The plan was prepared in consultation with members of the McNabs and Lawlor Islands Provincial Park Advisory Committee, community-based organizations, local residents and staff of the Department of Natural Resources. Several public meetings were held for local citizens to provide input.

The two islands were designated as a provincial park in 2002. The park includes 402 hectares of land and 202 hectares of marine waters.

The management plan can be viewed at .