News release

Amendments to Propel Nova Scotia's Wine Industry


Amendments to help Nova Scotia's wine, ciders, and fruit liqueur industries were introduced today, May 10, by Agriculture Minister Ron Chisholm.

The amendments to the Agriculture and Marketing Act will enable the government, with industry support, to develop regulations for the industry.

"Nova Scotia's wine industry is looking to government for the legislative framework which will ensure managed growth and development of farm and winery businesses," said Mr. Chisholm.

Commercial grape production in Nova Scotia has doubled since 2000. Farm and cottage wineries are expected to double by 2015.

"The Nova Scotia grape and wine industry has immense potential for growth and development, based on both domestic and international sales. These amendments will help propel this potential," said Mr. Chisholm.

Nova Scotia's wine industry is valued at $5.3 million with 8.7 per cent of the total wine sales in the province.